Sunday, December 22, 2024
Warning - Wanting to be a Dark therapist, Counseling the Hard Cases
Sunday, December 1, 2024
A correction of nature, burn and grow against their best interest then they don't!
There is an education, income divide in America. Also noted Republicans don't like educated people because they vote for their best interest as a whole. Tax cuts in a time of a high national debt, the poor don't really pay a lot of taxes. They take in more tax help than they payout in taxes. If you are barely living then others pay for your living, a tax burden. Where people should be making more money, they wages are far too low. If the adults make the children wages then what are the children less that children. Yes inflation hurt people they are not making enough money!
That is where most of the problem is the lack of money. Not educated not because they are lazy just no money to pay for it. And the problems living low cost. It's quicksand as living low is a burden to everyone and is why small towns have nothing because they make nothing. That's why you can't have anything there! "Researchers estimate that a minimum wage below $15 per hour costs U.S. taxpayers over $107.4 billion per year."
If people voted against their best interest then they don't want the best. So it would imply this is a correction of nature. A burn and grow situation. Within the laws of nature. Need a social decline of people wanting to live a Amish life to have the good when they will be forced to do better because of the bad living. All in the laws of nature. We are in a correction a burn and grow kind of thing! What Trump and cons are doing won't be fixed in out lifetime but it will because living badly corrects itself!