Sunday, February 16, 2025

Social constraints lead to personal growth.

Social constraints lead to personal growth. As in the laws of nature or time vs dauntingness one is forced to change in mental terms. Like forced social mobility like all the oil spots in the parking lots for others to know those cars will burn up in time forcing people to do better and life gets better for all in time no oil smell or walking through the oil to get to where you want to go. Or my past car I had knowing it has 140,000 miles on it is time to get away from it or be another person with the hood up on the highway! What's holding you back my car get rid of it! How long am I going to be disabled with it loose the car get a better one, asking myself!

It is just a matter of doing something because you will have to anyway!

~~~~In psychology, social constraints can be defined as "any social condition that causes a trauma survivor to feel unsupported, misunderstood, or otherwise alienated from their social network when they are seeking social support or attempting to express trauma-related thoughts, feelings, or concerns." Social constraints are most commonly defined as negative social interactions which make it difficult for an individual to speak about their traumatic experiences.

~~~~While it might seem counterintuitive, social constraints can sometimes lead to personal growth by pushing individuals to adapt, develop coping mechanisms, and find creative solutions within the limitations imposed by their social environment; however, excessive or oppressive social constraints can also hinder personal growth by limiting opportunities and stifling self-expression. 

How social constraints can promote personal growth:

Challenge and resilience:

Facing social limitations can motivate individuals to work harder, develop new skills, and become more resilient in overcoming obstacles. 


Navigating social norms and expectations can prompt reflection on one's own values and beliefs, leading to greater self-understanding. 

Creativity and innovation:

When faced with constraints, individuals might find new and innovative ways to achieve their goals or express themselves. 

Social responsibility:

Recognizing societal issues and limitations can inspire individuals to become more socially responsible and advocate for change. 

Important considerations:

Degree of constraint:

While some social constraints can be beneficial, excessive restrictions can lead to frustration, stress, and hinder personal development. 

Individual differences:

People react differently to social constraints based on their personality, coping mechanisms, and support systems. 

Positive social support:

A supportive social network can mitigate the negative effects of constraints and promote personal growth even within limitations. - AI Overview.

Gen Z Came to See Books as a Waste of Time college book issues

For kids going into college and a light to high school kids in their below basic reading skills. Causing any conflict in their own personal life is impeding to them and others and why many just don't want to mess with Gen Z! This is something they need to know like it happens for a reason. Not reading makes life harder like not making enough money low SES is like the kids in school having to get out of the pit to get to the starting line then running in the race not ready for it. Bad times!

~~~~Thirty-three percent of fourth-graders at or above NAEP Proficient in reading, lower compared to 2019. Thirty-three percent of fourth-grade students performed at or above the  NAEP Proficient level on the reading assessment in 2022. This percentage was 2 percentage points lower compared to 2019 but was 5 percentage points higher in comparison to 1992, the first reading assessment year. This suggests that children’s early experiences, before they enter school, have long-lasting effects on their academic performance, and especially reading skills.

~~~~The report, which was based on a survey of nearly 1,000 hiring managers, found that one in six employers were reluctant to hire Gen Z workers mainly due to their reputation for being entitled and easily offended.

~~~~Reading relies on the integration of many different cognitive skills. Two that are critically involved are oral language skills, including listening, understanding, and speaking, and executive functioning (EF), which includes attention allocation, working memory, and flexible updating (see Cirino, this issue, for review of the role of EF in reading). Oral language and EF are the two neurocognitive domains most affected by SES.

~~~~An alarming phenomenon has sprung up over the past few years: Many students are arriving at college unprepared to read entire books. That’s a broad statement to make, but I spoke with 33 professors at some of the country’s top universities, and over and over, they told me the same story. As I noted in my recent article on the topic, a Columbia professor said his students are overwhelmed at the thought of reading multiple books a semester; a professor at the University of Virginia told me that his students shut down when they’re confronted with ideas they don’t understand. Criticizing young people’s literacy stretches back centuries, but in the past decade, something seems to have noticeably shifted. Most of the professors I spoke with said they’ve seen a generational change in how their students engage with literature.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Benefits of having multiple lovers - Acceptance

It's best for you and others accept our personal natures. Me I just don't see a woman as my property like if a girlfriend said to me she would serve only me in a point of being married. I would see her as being co dependent and a burden to me, by being responsible for her well being, only me. Like a stay home wife while I worked dividing my income by two of us we would be living on half my income. In that makes me the victim and her the Bandit. Where it should be win, win we both work so to have something! 

It's like relationships in view with the cipolla matrix. From time to time in my relationships I would ask how are you doing what do you need, are you winning, we both are winning? A relationship is a ship we both are in so it's best to ask! Need to get brought up as one is up and one is down both is down.

And in that also it's best to accept a woman's personal nature. Like god made people with hormones from a primal time that is who we are. Really just come open talk about it, can't pretend it's not! That is just agreement all makes like if you can't trust her you will join her! It depends on how things are. Married or not having multiple lovers ask for what reason what is the responsibilities for the goal is everyone winning!

Winning in the benefits of having multiple lovers. Help in the bills, rent together, food cost or just to have coffee with the wife for her to vent it all out if needed. It's ok all needs to talk about it. Ethical non monogamy, the point ethical. Personal natures are expected so it's best to be open to them!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

No man is a island but have a felon in chief!


No man is a island! It's best to work together to achieve more. But America has a felon in office. Felons hire other felons also if you where a felon wouldn't you let the other felons out of jail also? People don't know who to trust who is a felon and who is not issues here and globally! We are in a correction of nature to be inline with the whole here! We all don't have enough money for tariffs except for the rich that would nowhere be able to spend that money! "World’s 500 Richest People Surpassed $10 Trillion in Wealth This Year."

Also to note seems like Trump wants everyone to be poor. The world is $97+ trillion in debt not a good time for tariffs. Is there a tariff for Russia? I think Trump wants all weak for Russia to invade while all is weak! Trumps special friend. Seems like it!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Spark plug, fire in the whole!

This is just some info about combustion with different types of spark plugs.

Multi ground spark plugs and others? First with my 2003 Mazda Protege I used a multi ground NGK BKR6EK in that noticed it did nothing for the car but make it backfire on demand. Also used non resistors but in that also made the car weak. The best for the Protege was a NGK ZFR extended projection types that I cut back the ground.

In the Mazda I used mostly a nickel electrode type plugs. That was because in the old school view was a bigger electrode gave you volume of spark. It filled the cylinder better than a little spark and copper has less resistance also. This is true in many engines and setups.

I still like to use copper but not in modern engines that run really lean at a higher rpm noted by my 2020 Nissan Versa I had. The only thing you could use was a twin-tip type of spark plug. Aka the one that I cross referenced and found a type that goes on a Nissan Skyline but a different heat range. The ground was tapered on them. It helps! The copper and the Iridium the issue was the ground kept melting away. So being that it was best to not use those types. Side gaping those plugs turned the car into something that felt like a V6 but you can't side gap the twin-tip types so finding spark plugs with a tapered ground was good enough.

Non resistors has the issue it sparks too fast not building up the charge so the combustion was weak. Like vs a capacitor type of spark plug that stores energy to amplify discharge, Pulstar spark plugs. But should note with a older car 100,000+ miles on it without knowing how the head gasket is you may not want more combustion in there you could blow your gasket over time. It depends on the issues on your type of engine.

Multi ground spark plugs in normal engines has other issues. "The additional ground electrodes can sometimes interfere with the ignition process, potentially absorbing heat energy." Also a weaker spark divided by multi grounds is bad also. And is why cars that still use them have very high voltage in their coils.

To cut back the ground or using twin-tip type of spark plugs in a car that is not noted in the car manual you would have to use higher octane in your car to slow down the combustion speed to not have the combustion too soon. You want complete combustion, whole within reason of the limits of the engine. It all depends on how things run. Also note the maker of the car also has different spark plugs, oil in their car manual like from Japan than a American standard for the car. Me I tend to go with the maker of the car as they know!

All around you just have to use what you have to or not!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

News Article on Paul Rosche.

A news article from a forgotten car magazine!

BMW's Paul Rosche must go down as one of
the most influential engine designers this
century. He's been with BMW around 40
years, and I think it's fitting that he should be
remembered on his retirement. He's up there with
Alfa's Vittono Jano and Ferrari's Gioacchini
Colombo; he just happened to work in a more
modern era. There's an important thing that's
dying alongside Paul retiring, too: the big
company guru. Paul was a guru, an example to
the young engineers. He could do virtually
anything he liked within BMW. He built Fl
engines on the OT, and he could experiment,
because BMW Motorsport didn't operate like a
large company. He was one of the old-school
engineers: hands-on, with fantastic ideas and
theoretical knowledge and, above all, real depth
of experience.

I've known him for 25 years. We had an
incredibly successful time together with no
arguments, few misunderstandings and very few
mistakes through all the Formula One years, and
during the McLaren Fl engine programme, which
was fraught from a timescale point of view. By the
time Paul said we could do the Fl engine, it was a
year behind. But his guys had a runner 13 months
after the first discussion.

I remember back in 1983, when McLaren won
the Fl championship. During practice at the old
Kyalami circuit, we had this engine upside down in
the grass the night before the race, with the crank
out because ofa problem. Paul took the cylinder
head off and found that it was something to do
with the mixture control, and fixed it. And that
was the weekend we won the championship.

He had a fantastic relationship with Nelson
Piquet, too. He took the practical jokes Nelson
used to play on him tremendously well for a man
in his position. Paul usually took a nap after lunch;
he used to curl up in his 7-series for 15 minutes.
One day, Nelson tank-taped up all the doors so
Paul couldn't get out and left a window slightly
open. Then he found me in the pits and asked:
'What do I need to make smoke?' I told him an oily
rag that's not quite on fire. So he got a rag, dipped
it in oil and chucked it in the car, and of course Paul
woke up and couldn't get out.

That sort of thing used to happen alongside the
hard work. There was a camaraderie that you don't
find among senior people. A character like that is
'Rosche wouldn't always do things in a measured, scientific
way. It the engine blew up, it blew up' someone who can be 
pleasant but powerful and knowledgeable and still enjoy a bit 
of fun. And he would always do things in a measured,
scientific, Germanic way. He'd take the wastegate
off, or give the engine more advance, or spray
some water on it. If it blew up, it blew up.
The 318 block we used to use was absolutely
standard up to 1lOObhp. But if we took the
wastegate off, that was really hanging the engine
out. If it made a lap, it made 1300 horsepower.
But we often broke an engine in half lengthways.
Paul looked at the cross-section between the main
bearing ribs (this web stops the head pulling off
the block), and there wasn't enough strength
there. We could make a new pattern for a block
mid-season, so he did a quick mod when the block
was cast, using a bit of wood to scratch away the
sandcast to make a thicker web.

For me, he is the father of modern BMW
engines. He did the classic six-cylinder engine and
the four-valve versions of the bigger six. He
developed reliable, high specific output engines,
and nobody had done that in the early days of
BMW. He could build long-stroke engines that
revved without flying to pieces and still deliver
great chunks of torque. He started telemetry with
Bosch, too. Back in 1981-82, it was a biscuit tin you
could put your grandmother in (and which just
relayed engine revs and temperatures), but he
became very influential in engine mapping.
When we were specifying the Fl road car
engine, for instance, I wanted the pick-up to be as
instantaneous as possible, which was why I used a
carbon clutch - three kilos instead of 10. Then we
thought about having no flywheel, and one of his
chief engineers said: 'We can't build an engine
without one.' Paul turned to him and said: 'Have
you ever designed an engine without a flywheel
before?' The guy said no, and Paul replied: 'Well,
don’t say that until you have.

Nobody's going to build an engine like the Fl's
6.0-litre V12 again - an engine that revs like that
and drives like that, with instantaneous response,
meets Californian emissions and wins Le Mans first
time out. For me, it's the ultimate road car engine.
I'm sure Paul is going to go on and design more,
but this is the end of his BMW business. That's how
I'd like to remember his career with BMW.

***In any engineering it takes initiative, ignition to make it happen. "Pioneering work or a pioneering individual does something that has not been done before, for example, by developing or using new methods or techniques."

This is the right attitude, way of thinking that should be followed in ones own life regardless of background to do it. Do it!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Warning - Wanting to be a Dark therapist, Counseling the Hard Cases

I jumped into Psychology in college because of my girlfriend's breakdown after seeing her boyfriend having sex with her mom. That was the last thing my girlfriend remembered her brain blacked out till she came back in a fetal position at her sisters middle school not knowing how she got there. I thought it was cool that the brain can shutoff to save itself.

In the 90's I was in love with a marred lady with husband issues he was pushing the divorce at the time she didn't want to divorce him. He got her till she had a breakdown. So I ended up going home looking at my Psychology class book notes. "A breakdown is because you have lost something not that you have gained." What did she lose, her husband, gained me. So I had to show her the value of me to her. The 2000's thing in Psychology "Show her the building." So I ended up buying her a big bottle of Elmer's glue to glue her together, it made sense at the time.

The point of that is your real education starts after your education. Graduating from college does not mean you are smart. I was over my ability I never been married in that point in my life in love with a married woman with their issues. Learn from life, get out in life and learn.

Also a married lady acting badly accidentally ran me over in her car in a abandoned park. Where I got on my knees to her being my foot hurt being she ran over it so I put it on the cold ground. She saw me on my knees and thought she killed me. She was scared but I was patting my heart at her begging her to come back. She smiled like a hyena sweet! But she made a right turn with me wanting a U-turn. I ended up working with her in the same building. But things crashed and she took off leaving us in her dust Me to "Pick Up the Pieces!"

But all those things that happened added to my college education it was something I was looking to be in as a Dark therapist, Counseling the hard cases. That is my background on that road!

Whatever the issue is in real life in hard cases you can't fix the hard case the damage is done you aim to for the hard case to be more well adjusted. Abused children are mental ill adults mostly on how bad it was. So you work on adjusting the person with the issue. Knowledge is needed like to say what is common for that illness many are the same like you and you are not the only one with the issues. Know it is common and you need to adjust take the first step.

Not from me but in class the professor talked, just talked about a psychopathic woman having a threesome! Well the point was she will not be able to control it too many data points in the matrix nor would she want to leave it so her behavior would be neutralized. At least if they all stay together. if things breaks down the behavior could go back.The point if a threesome always a threesome it's healthy and does not always mean sex, there is a non sexual threesome also. In that no one wants to leave any of them, a bonding practice that is life long therapy. People that have those are happy people than not. You are reasonable for your own happiness and it's best to be happy doing things to make you healthy and human, humanness!

Or the point like walking into the room hitting the patient with a fish like to walk in and hit Hannibal Lecter with a big fish in the face saying to him get your act together this is your last chance. Walking out before he could respond giving him time to think about it. Later the other therapist would start the therapy. That is a hard case! But you know Hannibal Lecter would be not curable or able to be well adjusted it's just a point!