Saturday, April 14, 2018

Chaos In Your Life Is Essential To True Growth And Polytheism!

Chaos is the best environment for personal growth!

"If you have no chaos in your life, you are not growing because
growth means chaos."

So just standing there in stagnation is death. Sort of like a OS
remaining the same. It becomes unsafe un-adapt in the changing world
and so people stop using it.

Monotheism or Polyamory... Polytheism! What? Well if everything was
Mono then we all wouldn't of got as far as we have now. Like the life today
if we all where still in the dark ages! Just mindless people with nothing
working and dying in the cornfield with no one knowing their name.

To note I would say it's ok to induce xenophobia as it would be something
over a time that would cause them to be burned out from being xenophobic. 
Sort of like burning down the weeds making room for grass to grow. 
To get out of the non functional grip of the fail of society out in the woods. 
Life is not run out from the woods anyway.

I mean if you have nothing you can't run things like you have nothing most of
us would have nothing also pulling all of us down with the nothing also!
In that would be good in a social economic vacuum with the wealth inequality
so high! It would help to let them burn... Or at least let them go into their own fire.
Small towns like their misery sort of wanting to go back to the days without a
dishwasher or not wanting one so life would be harder at it.
Hard work gets you a stroke so why seek it? Thus it all will blow up sometime
thus cleansing the gene pool in time. Well you can't make them not so it would be
best for them to learn from the fail. Give it time!

But really the point here is that chaos makes growth!

~~~~~Why Chaos In Your Life Is Essential To True Growth And Ultimate Success
I think more than a few of us have experienced bits of Murphy’s Law…that as things start to improve in your life, chaos and craziness starts to occur, yes?

Most people will have that go through.

Why is that? What’s happening?

Well, it comes down to everything being energy.

As you’re changing and improving your life you are moving from an old habit of energy at one level of vibration into a completely new and different level of vibration.

It’s a different looking energy.

There’s a resonance between those two energies, and the separation between the new and the old, the space in-between, is unusual and often uncomfortable.

And you’re not just going to drop the old energy overnight. It doesn’t happen that way. It doesn’t even happen in a week or a month. The old energy patterns are still there, and it’s easy to get back to them.

It’s perfectly normal. You’ve shaken things up. But even more fundamental than that: if you have no chaos in your life, you might as well be dead. You’re flat lining. You’re so freaking normal and boring that you’re not growing.

If you have no chaos in your life, you are not growing because growth means chaos.

About once a month I have this thought that goes in my head. The thought is, “Take a deep breath, Harv, because it’s coming.” I’m not installing anything negative, but I know chaos is coming.

Every single time I start the Wizard pattern, stuff comes up and says, “Really? You think you’re a Wizard? Watch this, and see how good you are now, buddy.” It’s like a test, and I know it’s coming.

I used to be pissed off about it. I used to stay away from trying to live in a Wizard mentality because I didn’t want it to happen, but now I say, “It’s just proof that I’m growing.”

The test says, “If you think you’re a good hitter in baseball, I’m going to stop throwing you underhand lobs and I’m going to start throwing you overhand pitches. Then I’m going to start throwing faster and faster, and maybe one day you’ll get into the big leagues.”

Nobody’s telling you that you have to get rich. Nobody’s telling you that you have to be super happy. Nobody’s telling you that you have to be the best person. Nobody is saying that—only you. Do you want it? Then guess what: Chaos comes with it.

Before order comes chaos. Every time you are reordering, you will go through the process called chaos. Chaos is good. Confusion is part of chaos. You have shaken up the energy. Keep going, keep doing it, and do not give up. Keep shaking it up.

Then what’s going to happen? You’re going to come to a new resonance, a new energy. You’re going to get to a new order. Good for you, but then guess what’s going to happen? You get stuck there unless you go for something bigger, better, higher and faster. Then what? Chaos!

You’ve got to get this mantra into your bones: I love chaos.

That’s the Wizard’s principle. “I am comfortable with chaos, ambiguity and the unknown.”

You see, it’s just your little monkey mind that wants to know every single thing, how it’s going to turn out, and have everything in order and in control. It’s just fear, but it’s okay. It’s a state of your mind. You can change that.

Say, “Thank you for sharing. This is a good thing. Just chill out and everything will be fine. Let’s keep going.” That’s it. Some crazy shit may happen to you, but take a nice, deep breath and keep going because at one point in time you’re going to get to a new place.

When you get to that new place, you’re still going to be rough around the edges, but you’re going to be at a Level 8 instead of a Level 5. That’s a different game. Keep playing.

~~~~~Dandelion Seeds: Polytheism and Polyamory are a Natural Combination
Being a Druid makes polytheism the obvious choice for me, grounded in my theology, personal experience, and the lore left to us by the ancient pagans.  I believe in a myriad of Powers and Spirits that exist with us as part of the world in ways that are not always clear, but like Jason and many others, I have come to understand that the gods have agency, or the ability to think, take action, and create as well as the ability to form relationship.  In my spirit work I have relationships with many deities and spirits.  Some are mentors, some are remote figures like stern distant relatives, some are friends, and sometimes the relationship can become sexual or romantic.  I’m not a godspouse, so I can’t speak to that, but I have had intense trance experiences where sexuality was a part of what I did.  The thing is, all of these are relationships that have meaning for me.  They blend and change over time, just like my relationships in the physical plane.

In my tradition we study ancient proto-Indo-European culture because so many of the gods and goddesses we worship evolved from this linguistic root.  We can only know what linguists and archeologists have deduced from the puzzle of common root words and pottery fragments.  These people lived long before written language.   *Ghosti is one of those words linguists have discovered.  When you see an asterisk in front of a word it means that this was never a real word; it’s a word that linguists have created by comparing many related languages.  This particular word is really, really old, and seen in many languages all over the Eurasian continent.  It is the word from which both “guest” and “host” evolved.  It is a word that encapsulates the sacredness of relationship.

*Ghosti has deepened my understanding of all my relations, both with people and with other Beings.  All relationship is sacred; in every moment I am both the guest in someone else’s experience and their host in mine.  I do not control them, own them, or get to say what they do.  Not even my husband.

So now we get to the polyamory.  You were waiting for it weren’t you?  Some of you, dear readers, were probably envisioning orgies and never ending sex parties, right?  It’s okay, I get it.   It’s not really like that though.  Okay, maybe once in a great while it is. A little bit.  Beltane is fun. Now let’s move on.

’ve identified as polyamorous for most of my adult life.  My husband and I have been part of a stable quad relationship for almost three years now.  We live and work together. We are raising our kids together.  Beyond that there are sometimes lovers outside the quad, and metamors. Those are my lover’s lovers.  Often those relationships deepen into good friendships.  I have relationships with all these people in one respect or another.

Sometimes relationships change. We call this “transition.”  In my experience, in a poly context you don’t really need to “dump” anyone.  People are not trash.  Once I’ve come into a sacred relationship with someone, why would I toss them aside like a discarded sweater?  Just because I’m not in a sexual relationship doesn’t mean I don’t care.  Just like with my relations with the gods and spirits, each interaction is seen within a matrix of sacredness and flux. Sometimes relationships fade away completely, but if I treat each interaction with another person as a moment where I am hosting them I would be a horrible host indeed if I just tossed them out on the curb.  Instead I choose to allow my life to be a little more complicated than all or nothing.  It’s not really shades of grey.  It’s more like a rainbow of flavors.

In both the physical world and the spirit world I have a “poly” orientation.  I understand that there is rarely just one answer to a question, or one path to take.  It has put me in pretty strong opposition to a lot of “mono” things.  Monotheism seems to lead logically to an attitude that polarizes people into those who are right and those who are wrong.  Monoculture is a kind of agriculture where only one kind of plant is planted and it’s very dangerous because it’s so easy for disease or insects to spread and ruin the whole crop.  The Irish Potato Famine is an example.  Monogamy is one way of being, but I don’t think it’s the human default option.  If people had evolved to be purely monogamous it would be a lot simpler for humans to pull it off.  Surely if it was easy and natural radical Muslim groups wouldn’t need to stone women to death for adultery.

I’m not saying mono things are bad, but I do think that they can lead to an attitude of “I’m right and you’re wrong.” I think monogamy is going against our natural inclinations. That’s okay.  Sometimes it’s the right answer.  Sometimes pagans focus their spiritual experience solely on one god or goddess.  Sometimes one person is all another person wants or needs in terms of relationship.   Most of the time we humans live in a matrix of many kinds of relationship.  I think being honest about our poly ways is a powerful magic.   We are living examples of the realization that when it comes to human culture there are many right answers.  I embrace my polyamory and my polytheism.  My worldview says I believe in many gods and many loves.   What does your heart tell you?