Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Gaps between rich and poor Labor Force Issue!

If you make nothing you have nothing and so if the many out there has nothing it cant make much for anyone! Noted in the saying "Small towns are small for a reason." Why make it they can't afford it anyway? And so a small town full of cheap stuff to carer to the broke!

So having many people out there letting it go walking without cars facing 110 deg global warming summers is a bad thing! Nature doesn't care otherwise! Driving unsafe cars from 20 years ago more likely with rotted breaks as many don't have the $800 for a break job to fix it!

So the point is to show the need for better pay or just have it go lower and what would that be like? A sweaty guy walking to the interview in the 110 deg summer sitting in the chair making it all sweaty like! A true labor force issue in the world of the knowledge economy ending in a poverty crusade of saving all your empty butter milk cartons throwing them all over town reclaiming your town from the city folk! It happens!

~~~~~These 15 countries have the widest gaps between rich and poor
In American politics, the issue of income inequality comes up frequently. As wealth continues to concentrate at the top – now the wealthiest 10% of American households control nearly 75% of household net worth – the middle continues to shrink, and some previously thriving metro areas have been hard hit by extreme poverty.

But income inequality is not a uniquely American issue. Nations from all six populated continents have massive wealth gaps between their richest and poorest residents. Many of the most economically productive countries in the world have not been able to devise a way to stop, or even slow, the growing inequality.

Income inequality across a population is quantified using the Gini coefficient measure. On the Gini scale, inequality is measured from 0 to 1, where 0 represents a perfectly equal society and 1 represents extreme inequality where a single individual controls all the wealth.