Sunday, October 11, 2020

Job Skills gap - Automation in a COVID-19 world.

With all the changes in the labor force pushing higher Job Skills and Automation going up. This will leave the rural towns in the dust from lower resources, pay, education and on... Put it in a view of a car race! In the race of life to have people walk with no cars or drive cars that are going to blow up from having 150,000+ miles on them. (Mostly the timing chain goes!) A correction as the bad cars go making room for the better off cars by proxy or intended by raising the speed limit to 80MPH so the old cars burn up and are by the side of the road! Trying to get to the finish line with better off people arriving in BMW's because they didn't take the dirt road! Sad!

Times are changing and so is the need to change! Automation is speeding up from COVID-19. It's a time to be more self aware for the workers and the CEOs! Change is needed from them! If no change then I expect rural towns to turn into squatter communities!