Saturday, March 9, 2024

College and workforce changes!

"For decades, not having a college degree has often been a barrier for workers seeking a higher-level, better-paying job. But more employers are now saying they’re willing to hire them." But those that don't have the college degree where the first ones to get laid off. College is also seen as being accredited as in knowing better what they are doing than not. It's better to have college as it makes higher income than just a high school. Even there was issues about your college degree is only worth the paper it's printed on. Less resources for education lower spending etc. 

But post COVID-19 all plagues come with a rebound up and down sort of a chaos theory light. Looks like a job skill shakeup till normality in time. Things will get better it's a rebound!

"Why the change of heart? There are several factors. But lurking over all of them is a demographic reality: The falling US birth rate will produce fewer workers in the years ahead to replace the number of workers retiring."

"Additionally, employers are increasingly aware that the skills needed to do many jobs don’t necessarily require a four-year degree, and that competent workers can be trained in needed skills as they arise."