It's like relationships in view with the cipolla matrix. From time to time in my relationships I would ask how are you doing what do you need, are you winning, we both are winning? A relationship is a ship we both are in so it's best to ask! Need to get brought up as one is up and one is down both is down.
And in that also it's best to accept a woman's personal nature. Like god made people with hormones from a primal time that is who we are. Really just come open talk about it, can't pretend it's not! That is just agreement all makes like if you can't trust her you will join her! It depends on how things are. Married or not having multiple lovers ask for what reason what is the responsibilities for the goal is everyone winning!
Winning in the benefits of having multiple lovers. Help in the bills, rent together, food cost or just to have coffee with the wife for her to vent it all out if needed. It's ok all needs to talk about it. Ethical non monogamy, the point ethical. Personal natures are expected so it's best to be open to them!