Monday, June 15, 2015

In the world of low pay Hobbit Houses

Really I do think something like that would be cool literally and not that costly to make.
Well for one it would be underground so AC in the summer would be less of an issue
with the insulation of dirt. Hail, Tornado's, etc also less of a concern.
Flooding might be a issue if you are not on a hill, but overall I see something like that
is to far out to not have one!

"Cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and protected from the elements, earthen
shelters or hobbit houses aren't just for Bilbo in the Shire."

~~~~~How To Build An Underground Hobbit House That You Can Live In,
That Will Last 100's Of Years.

Hobbit House's are very popular today. Owning one and having the pleasure to design, 
construct and use your very own Hobbit House  is an excellent adventure. 
Technically this is not a Hobbit House but everyone speaks about how it reminds them 
of a Hobbit House, thus we call it our Hobbit House. This site describes the construction
methods to accomplish the creation of an underground Hobbit House. 
The house construction uses basic concrete placement for foundations, shotcrete 
placement on the concrete dome portion of the Hobbit House, Formwork for casting 
the dome roof and masonry placement to add character.

The Hobbit House described is for use by full size humans. The Hobbit House has a fully 
functioning kitchen, bathroom, and living area. Inside four separate levels provide a 
basement, entrance/kitchen, living/bathroom and aloft in a total footprint of 
approximately 20 ft diameter. Light comes into the Hobbit House from a 60" 
diameter central skylight dome. Electricity, running hot and cold water are included. 
A wood burning stove provides heat and cooking. The underground nature of the 
structure provides natural cool temperatures in the summer and never gets below 45F 
in the winter (without the woodburning stove). 

The project was performed on weekends over a 1.2 year period, direct expenses for 
materials was less than $17,000. This structure has been built to last hundreds of years. 

~~~~~Our £3,000 Hobbit house:
Fed up with huge mortgage payments, Simon Dale decided to take matters into his
own hands literally. Armed with only a chisel, a chainsaw and a hammer, the
32-year-old moved his family to a hillside in Wales and started digging.

The result is a wooden eco-home constructed in four months and costing  just £3,000
which would look perfectly at ease alongside the Hobbit houses in The Lord Of The Rings