Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Middle Class not Dominant

This is something that is showing more in what I see in small towns the bottom
of the bottom getting desperate. Crime from the poor is jumping more than ever.
In my town the slums are really getting bad. The poor side of town 61% of the
town has always been like Detroit but it really is getting like it, for real!

This is a red flag I am holding up here!

The poor is going MadMax! And the middle Class is getting pulled down with them.
It's a big divide going from poor to the 001% from that I do see the MadMax life
popping up from the divide! More noted by the high up Walmart.
And to note, why I do what I do for the workers!

Give it's also stupid Republicans with their businesses make jobs thinking.
Like you can have a business with no one walking in the store to buy stuff to
give the store owners money so they can pay their workers.
The pay is too low to consume anything! As like me, being me I plan to
unplug my refrigerator being there is really nothing in there anyway.
It helps to offset a bit for using the heater in the winter.
I'm ok with that, it's changing times!

And that is why crime also goes up to get money to live or to go to
jail where you get food and heat in the winter vs how they are living.
Basic Sociology!

~~~~~The middle class no longer dominates in the U.S.
Middle class Americans now comprise less than half, or 49.9%, of the nation's
population, down from 61% in 1971, according to a new Pew Research Center
report. For Pew, middle class Americans live in households earning between
two-thirds to two times the nation's median income. In 2014, that ranged from
$41,900 to $125,600 for a three-person household.

For decades, the middle class had been the core of the country.
A healthy middle class kept America strong, experts and politicians said.

But more recently, these residents have struggled under stagnating wages and
soaring costs. Presidential candidates on both sides of the political aisle are
campaigning on ways to bolster the nation's middle class and increase opportunities
to climb the economic ladder.

The steady decline of the middle class is yet another sign of economic polarization,
said Rakesh Kochhar, associate director of research at Pew. Not only are more
Americans shifting into the upper and lower classes, but they are moving into the
higher range of the upper class and the lower range of the lower class.
This is yet another sign of growing income inequality, he said.

"There are fewer opportunities that place people in the middle of the income distribution,"
Kochhar said. One silver lining, however, is that more people are moving up the
ladder than down. The ranks of the upper class are growing faster,
according to Pew's research.

Senior citizens were most likely to have shifted into the upper class since 1971.
The share of Americans age 65 and over in the upper bracket increased nearly 27%
over that time. Married couples with no children and black Americans also saw larger gains.

Those most likely to fall into the lower class were those with only a high school degree
and high school dropouts, as well as unmarried men.

Here's another sign of how growing income inequality is squeezing the middle class.
Since 1970, upper class households saw their median income soar 47% to $174,600 in
2014. Meanwhile, the middle class only got a 34% boost to $73,400. Still, they have been
more prosperous than the lower-income Americans, who only received a 28% bump
to $24,074.

Some research shows that increased income inequality and a hollowing out of a nation's
middle class stunts economic growth, Kochhar said.

Looking at it another way, the upper class now controls 49% of the nation's aggregate
income, up from 29% in 1970.

The middle class used to earn the largest slice of the nation's income. It held 62% in 1970,
but that share has since fallen to 43%.

The lower class, meanwhile, holds 9% of the country's income, just under the 10% it
earned in 1970.

The rich are not only trumping the middle class in terms of income. They've also seen their
wealth soar over the past 40 years.

The median net worth of upper class families doubled between 1983 and 2013, up
to $650,100. But the wealth of the middle class has increased a near negligible 2%
over that time to $98,100. At least they fared better than lower-income Americans,
who saw their wealth drop 18% to $9,500.

For its wealth calculations, Pew used data from the Federal Reserve Bank's Survey of
Consumer Finances, which defines net worth as all of a family's assets minus all their debts.