Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Why we all are so tight - The US minimum wage through the years

Why are things are so high, going to college, buying a car or food anything?
Why are there many living in a third world condition burring wood more?
Many not getting a education because they can't afford it, in the world of 
changes the knowledge economy with people walking with no cars! 
Why the decline? Low wages! Low makes low as in social NObility
because they can't go that far. Doesn't help anyone with anything!

It's a world of sorry your income is too low so they just don't try.
The income needs to go up. And is ok to go up as we all are still here 
every time they raised the wages because people spend what they earn
and why there is so much stuff these days because they can afford it!
You make nothing so you have nothing! 

It's time to be brought up or just do without!

~~~~~When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed America’s first federal minimum wage into law in 1938, it was 25 cents per hour. Adjusted for inflation, that would be worth about $4.45 today.

Scroll over the chart to see the US federal minimum wage through history, and what it would be worth in today’s dollars.