Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Society is Declining! Acceptance rates at top colleges are dropping

As you know "Studies suggest that illiteracy rates are rising steadily each year." Facing the knowledge economy in small towns that can't compete with bigger towns. It just makes people work harder so they will just quit then get another job and quit that going on and on. Making that job skills gap as those jobs are unfulfilled or high turn overs lowering the businesses so everything sucks. Society is declining a point of income inequality, not being able to afford their education as there is not enough money to give grants all the poor for an education. Or getting a cheaper education, career college with no deeper learning there just a little square of a window unaware of other people and things or reasoning around them? Not questioning their education! All of the above killing innovation as there is a decline!

This is a problem that needs to be fixed! We all need to be brought up. But if we are declining we are not succeeding nor will anyone else. Like the slow driver blocking the road unaware there are others around them running on their time not knowing others have time also and it's being wasted. Both losing is ignorance. Just leave 5 minutes early? Adapting to ignorance is enabling ignorance, you are to loose time because of them? They should be brought up! Pass them doing 100 MPH blowing the doors off their car so they might think there are others on the road, I might want to compete with traffic not to take them lower to my level! Well low is fail. Brought up is up! The point is to do better!

~~~~~Acceptance rates at top colleges are dropping, raising pressure on high school students. The ongoing college admissions cheating scandal shows just how far some people are willing to go to get their kids into an elite university.

And with acceptance rates at top colleges and universities falling to record or near-record lows, high school students are facing increasing pressure when it comes to applying to the nation's best schools.