Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Religion of Tyranny issue and Walmart CEO says Congress should fix the 'lagging' federal minimum wage

As many knows towns are only as big as the wages it has. You make nothing so you have nothing. Small towns are small for a reason. Really all you have to do is to drive around look at peoples homes cars etc so you would know what your getting in town. Otherwise you are just jumping into a social economic vacuum facing failure. Many drive cars with no bumpers or walk with no car and even drive a electric wheelchair down the road in the rain etc. And it's not sustainable facing climate change summer of 110+ deg nature doesn't care otherwise with people putting themselves in harms way. Why can't they live normal like others in better off cities, you know you should be able to take care of your needs than not! Why are there so many still making children wages living the life of a child? Well it's a sad life to see so many people walking with no cars in a world of changing jobs "The knowledge economy" with many still with "Keep Out" signs in their front yard. Not very social in a world pushing "Social Learning." Question? Why are there Republican bumper stickers on the most impoverished looking trucks and never on a BMW? A common reply from many from that question! "I thought they liked suffering otherwise they would of voted for their best interest, the bumper stickers is a celebration of their religion of tyranny because it's been like it for such a long time!" Even B.F. Skinner's rats did better for themselves! If a rat can then a human likes suffering thus the religion of tyranny because the suffering is still there.

The point of this? I am talking about places like Alabama out in the woods thinking. Like the gripes from many Democrats about the southern states needing to educate their people instead letting them go to their own devices to be ran over liking it. Well nothing stays the same we all have to be brought up sometime. Like how your get out of middle school into high school and so then to college normally. Not to Middle school, high school then back to middle school. Also because of that I would like to see a 13th grade in schools because of the lack of resources for people in small towns that are not brought up yet there is a delay to adulthood like the saying "Life is slower in the country." Also living in that religion of tyranny makes it bad for everyone else.

As it's said your educational system is only as good as the kids that go into it. If life is way below standard pumping in some tax dollars to make the schools better with people still making children wages is not a good plan. Also it drives up the cost of everything anyway as someone hast to pay the electric bill for the new football stadium and etc. Everything else in town follows driving up the cost. BUT! If the wages goes higher all of the changes will make things better as there is money to burn as people spend what they earn so if they earn nothing they have nothing but earning more makes more stopping the issue you can make it but they can't afford it!

The Government needs to bring it's people up! Raise the minimum wage to end the stupidity. The religion of tyranny has gone on too long!

~~~~~Walmart CEO says Congress should fix the 'lagging' federal minimum wage.

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon says the federal minimum wage in the U.S. of $7.25 per hour is "too low."

He makes the comments at Walmart's annual shareholders meeting, where Sen. Bernie Sanders called for wage hikes for Walmart workers.