Thursday, October 3, 2019

Why I ditched my therapist to hire a dominatrix instead - Humanistic

In life one should not live a sheltered life. Well it's in the view of how can you learn if you don't get out and learn. Mostly it's a point of living a bad life as others are having a good time around you then you get old living a bad life making minimum wage retirement living in a house falling apart around you not being able to hire people to fix it so etc... Nature doesn't care otherwise, as you go into the dumpster!

Well you get the point. Live your life because you need a life to love! So get out and do something for you! It's about life and what you want in it.

A Dominatrix is a therapist these days! All things happen for a reason!

~~~~~Why I ditched my therapist to hire a dominatrix instead.
My dominatrix life coach isn’t afraid to hurt my feelings she’s brutally honest and has no time for my excuses.

love therapy, but I didn’t love my therapist. She was young, like me, and new – the best I could find with my cheap insurance. I was her first real client, she was thrilled, I was broke and depressed.

Over the course of our six months together, we often sat through extended periods of silence, each of us desperately searching for something to say. Other times, I rambled about how pointless my life felt, the crushing guilt and fear of abandonment that follows me everywhere, and ill-timed thirst traps, just to fill the space. I did my best to entertain her with overshares and regrettable sex stories from my life as a sad yet charming bisexual, and for a while, that was fine, until I ran out of stories and we fell back into silence. I left our sessions feeling worse than I did when I arrived.

I quit therapy because I needed help from someone who knew what they were doing, and possibly even more importantly, who knew what I was doing, or what I should be doing. I didn’t want another therapist; I wanted someone to just tell me what to do, who could kick my ass and tell me to cut the bullshit. I wanted motivation, advice and accountability from a woman who spanks grown men for a living.

So I hired a dominatrix.