Sunday, September 8, 2024

Food insecurity rate, can't tell people what to do inflation still high!


Something called inflation a thing that happens after a plague. Well no one can really tell people to not buy things (Supply demand cost!) And higher interest rates to slow down spending can't tell people what to do inflation still high! In all this time running it just makes it hard for children waged adults and they shouldn't be living so low anyway it's natural selection in a way but here we are. "Higher interest rates can restrain such borrowing by consumers and businesses, which can prevent excesses from building in the economy."

Adding to the problem: "Economists believe Donald Trump’s trade and immigration policies will lead to higher inflation and lower economic growth. Trump has pledged to raise prices for consumers, even though the cost of living remains a top economic concern among voters. Lower levels of legal immigration and attempts at mass deportation would reduce the supply of available workers, creating economic problems."

"The official U.S. food insecurity rate rose to 13.5% in 2023 from 12.8% in 2022, according to data the U.S. Department of Agriculture released Wednesday. That means more than 1 in 8 Americans about 47 million people couldn't get enough food for themselves or their families at least some of the time." Many people driving up the cost of things and cooperate greed like who gets the money fur rent of why are they working together to keep the prices high in a time of record profits. Why are you suffering they are not! A little thinking is needed about things!

Going low because of cost is a decline. A trailer park on fire has a low cost of living doesn't mean you would want to live there. Low is low like no healthcare expect to die there. It's quicksand if they are down the whole will be down with them!