Sunday, December 22, 2024

Warning - Wanting to be a Dark therapist, Counseling the Hard Cases

I jumped into Psychology in college because of my girlfriend's breakdown after seeing her boyfriend having sex with her mom. That was the last thing my girlfriend remembered her brain blacked out till she came back in a fetal position at her sisters middle school not knowing how she got there. I thought it was cool that the brain can shutoff to save itself.

In the 90's I was in love with a marred lady with husband issues he was pushing the divorce at the time she didn't want to divorce him. He got her till she had a breakdown. So I ended up going home looking at my Psychology class book notes. "A breakdown is because you have lost something not that you have gained." What did she lose, her husband, gained me. So I had to show her the value of me to her. The 2000's thing in Psychology "Show her the building." So I ended up buying her a big bottle of Elmer's glue to glue her together, it made sense at the time.

The point of that is your real education starts after your education. Graduating from college does not mean you are smart. I was over my ability I never been married in that point in my life in love with a married woman with their issues. Learn from life, get out in life and learn.

Also a married lady acting badly accidentally ran me over in her car in a abandoned park. Where I got on my knees to her being my foot hurt being she ran over it so I put it on the cold ground. She saw me on my knees and thought she killed me. She was scared but I was patting my heart at her begging her to come back. She smiled like a hyena sweet! But she made a right turn with me wanting a U-turn. I ended up working with her in the same building. But things crashed and she took off leaving us in her dust Me to "Pick Up the Pieces!"

But all those things that happened added to my college education it was something I was looking to be in as a Dark therapist, Counseling the hard cases. That is my background on that road!

Whatever the issue is in real life in hard cases you can't fix the hard case the damage is done you aim to for the hard case to be more well adjusted. Abused children are mental ill adults mostly on how bad it was. So you work on adjusting the person with the issue. Knowledge is needed like to say what is common for that illness many are the same like you and you are not the only one with the issues. Know it is common and you need to adjust take the first step.

Not from me but in class the professor talked, just talked about a psychopathic woman having a threesome! Well the point was she will not be able to control it too many data points in the matrix nor would she want to leave it so her behavior would be neutralized. At least if they all stay together. if things breaks down the behavior could go back.The point if a threesome always a threesome it's healthy and does not always mean sex, there is a non sexual threesome also. In that no one wants to leave any of them, a bonding practice that is life long therapy. People that have those are happy people than not. You are reasonable for your own happiness and it's best to be happy doing things to make you healthy and human, humanness!

Or the point like walking into the room hitting the patient with a fish like to walk in and hit Hannibal Lecter with a big fish in the face saying to him get your act together this is your last chance. Walking out before he could respond giving him time to think about it. Later the other therapist would start the therapy. That is a hard case! But you know Hannibal Lecter would be not curable or able to be well adjusted it's just a point!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

A correction of nature, burn and grow against their best interest then they don't!

There is an education, income divide in America. Also noted Republicans don't like educated people because they vote for their best interest as a whole. Tax cuts in a time of a high national debt, the poor don't really pay a lot of taxes. They take in more tax help than they payout in taxes. If you are barely living then others pay for your living, a tax burden. Where people should be making more money, they wages are far too low. If the adults make the children wages then what are the children less that children. Yes inflation hurt people they are not making enough money!

That is where most of the problem is the lack of money. Not educated not because they are lazy just no money to pay for it. And the problems living low cost. It's quicksand as living low is a burden to everyone and is why small towns have nothing because they make nothing. That's why you can't have anything there! "Researchers estimate that a minimum wage below $15 per hour costs U.S. taxpayers over $107.4 billion per year."

If people voted against their best interest then they don't want the best. So it would imply this is a correction of nature. A burn and grow situation. Within the laws of nature. Need a social decline of people wanting to live a Amish life to have the good when they will be forced to do better because of the bad living. All in the laws of nature. We are in a correction a burn and grow kind of thing! What Trump and cons are doing won't be fixed in out lifetime but it will because living badly corrects itself!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Kitchen table polyamory - Best to sit down for coffee

Sometimes you have to jump into the frying pan but it's best to come open! It's the 21 first century Polyamory is not going away to a Amish life! In fact these days it's best for more of a foundation to cover something that is missing! It's best to sit down for coffee and to have that talk for the better of the good! Life is short 55 now is 75 like 20 years from now how will that be lifespan time click, click thing keeping in mind you only have 10 to 20 years to go!

"Kitchen table polyamory is a type of polyamorous metamour arrangement in which people involved in a relationship share the concept of being able to sit down at a kitchen table and spend time sharing a meal together or a cup of coffee. Different individuals in the polycules (romantic networks) have a base of communication, friendship, and mutual respect for one another."

Not a time for games in healthcare! So be aware about your environment damaged!

COVID and easily worse things down the road! Not a time for games in healthcare! So be aware about your environment. Because if many people are not vaccinated those dormant virus will come back. It is better to not get sick in the first place to have a lack of outbreak, than to be damaged COVID, long covid, Bubonic plague, *If it pestis can infect your lymph nodes (bubonic plague), causing large swellings called buboes. If it gets in your blood (septicemic plague), it can damage your organs. If it gets into your lungs (pneumonic plague), it can cause severe inflammation and respiratory failure.

The point is to not be damaged by others that could give you those things being a world of bad run healthcare and more likely people that dropped insurance because they can't afford it anymore. Bad times! Social decline others making decisions for you harms way kind of alertness is needed. Act accordingly!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

I don't like the treatment of Amish women, Anabaptist groups bottleneck and global orgy!

With me the thing I don't like is the waste of women being codependent. I point that women should think for themselves. Living badly in a everchanging environment makes a disabled, disadvantaged living. If so then others take advantage of people like that or is just for them to be ignored.

I don't like Amish women on the way they are treated. Bad futures in a changing world. No 401K job skill gaps. Society needs to get brought up not to go down to a lower level all society is that way if no mobility then...

Mostly an attitude / way of thinking holding people back. Also a point to all to understand. Living disadvantaged and confined is bad, like dating only in your group it bottlenecks the genepool, Inbreeding. (Anabaptist groups are highly inbred because they originate from small founder populations that have bred as a closed population.) Small towns are known for that. Would be better to know about the old bottleneck problem and be more diverse. 

I noted this once the best thing for the world was the entire world population could fit within an area roughly the size of Los Angeles, California. What a better time to have a orgy. Would disable xenophobia by the best motivating healer sex! Bottleneck well not at that point seen in view of the laws of nature and the human species going on than to fadeaway. (It's better to burn out, yeah, than fade away! - Def Leppard) We have before!

Well Love The One You're With. About 35,000 years ago, Homo sapiens and Neanderthals lived within shouting distance of each other in France and Spain for, at the very least, a few thousand years. If they mingled, some might have gone farther. There is a skeleton of a boy, found in Portugal, who lived after the last Neanderthals died in southern Spain, whose body seems to be a hybrid, part them, part us.

It's just the laws of nature it's who we are. That view would make things better of the human race. And a light to Sonder: "The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own, populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk."

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Social decline not understanding why they have to go down!

The point many won't understand why they have to socially decline. Many can't live Amish! /

Life is heading for a decline tariffs to a world in debt deal or not debt! Lost healthcare rights making a bad labor force spending their energy trying to survive not succeeding! If the workers can't take care of themselves then how are they to take care of the workplace. Lost productivity, no social mobility and low.

~~~The survey conducted by Hart Research Associates revealed stark and sometimes unexpected results, and raised anew questions about poverty and inequality in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The survey found that America’s working poor have a strong work ethic, put in long hours, and believe that hard work can pay off. At the same time, millions of Americans hold jobs that trap them in a cycle of working hard while still unable to get ahead, which leaves them with little hope for economic mobility. Many of America’s working poor are in jobs that pay less than previous jobs, and an overwhelming majority believes that people are more likely to fall from the middle class rather than rise into it.

Trump does not care about the poor or lower. Like to say what do they have obviously the are not succeeding. He only cares to get what he can out of they for himself. Donald Trump did call John McCain a loser. /

~~~~But not everyone is harmed equally by this budget. The president's budget disproportionately targets the poor.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

So I do see that Russia will get Europe!

A risk of Russian America? USR? Well why all the stupid people in Trumps cabinet? Incompetent people running things. To be disabled so others can take advantage of us? Well yes things are stupid for a reason here!

My best bet here is that they want the US to be weak. No healthcare, social security, a depression. Being conservatism is a disease as you can't go forward if you are against your own people. So with no intelligence with something like Europe not knowing or not getting help to fight Russia taking Ukraine, Poland making others flip. A $97 trillion in debt not able to defend against Russia. The US getting out of the UN lets the other countries get no help. So I do see that Russia will get Europe!

With all that global migration with not enough food to feed those people in the US also Trump running America into the ground, no healthcare social security or low enough with Russia getting Europe. Russia would blockade the US no imports, no oil, food to the US. Forcing the US to go ahead and accept being with Russia!

Well why the running America into the ground! Weak small Governments are always attacked, invaded in history! Weak does not help it makes others take advantage of you!

But my point is when America flips all corporations I would recommend they should destroy their financial records before some Russians come in to take over their corporation! The US economy would be over anyway the American dollar would be lost beforehand by crashing the US and America loosing respect by dropping out with the rest of the world.

A plan needs to be in place like Walmart dumping four gas tankers in their data center setting it on fire to melt the computers beyond repair Headquarters also on fire. Wall street on fire also all before Russians get their hand on it. America would be over and everything else there would be nothing that could be done!

I'm am not sure what Trump is getting out of something like this. The US is being ran into the ground ask why think about it. I am a Think Tank. You need to think about it!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The first step in a fascist movement

Rather true and something that is needed to be said so things will not be so unsuspected! Terrorism? Being brought up in time about life as it is these days don't fall for terrorism that is in view of something like the laws of nature expected in fascism or bad things but know it's their problem not yours. It does not stop the whole you know right the world goes on without it! It's not an end! Fools will burn down their own homes it's just the laws of nature!

Conservatives are against their own people so expect against. That is normal for the way of things. Enabled people acting badly expecting others to live low also is not a good pointing of like social mobility or being inline with the Darwin awards in it's way so it is just best to not to get into the way and let nature take it's course is what is meant and don't be surprised!

Live in the positive! Not in the consequences of Negative Selection kind of thing!

is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other." - Bertrand Russell.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Class: Ferrari 355 Timing Cam Belt / Oil Service

What do you work for! Ferrari 355?  You can work on it yourself you know right? Or learn how to work on one making a better offer to someone that has one to fix theirs! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Laborfoce issue: policies would drain Social Security’s finances faster

Down! The lack of like the healthcare system you are used to would be hard and trans, gay and just women's health, lifespan declining because the laws related to her healthcare would be bad for the workplace The adjustment to the social decline would be hard if at all possible. The mental health issues from the social decline of workers would be bad. But the cost of  tariffs in a time of massive global debt $97 trillion they have no money they are in debt. The cost gets passed on to the consumer. "Companies that import products subject to the duties, and they either pass on the costs to consumers or accept lower profits." Money does not go lower like voluntary consumer biased pricing or forced by people declining getting cheaper things. The cost gets passed on to the consumer anyway you see it.

But the lack of Social Security is bad for the futures of all. The more poor than rich unable to take care of their futures just won't have much in a "Taken together, the net effect of Trump’s policies would be that Social Security’s cash deficit would increase by $2.3 trillion over 10 years, through 2035, according to CRFB."

"Trump’s desire to impose widespread tariffs, a major facet of his economic agenda, would also pose problems for Social Security. The tariffs would almost certainly raise the price of goods and services, which would mean the cost-of-living adjustment in Social Security benefits would have to increase. The cost-of-living adjustment for 2025 will be 2.5%. However, Trump’s tariffs are seen as widely inflationary and could lead to price increases that are above that level. In that case, Social Security would have to spend more to keep pace with the broader rate of inflation or recipients would have to face a decline in the real value of their benefits."

Also deporting undocumented immigrants when they pay billions into Social Security and receive no benefits is a loss. "Estimated undocumented immigrants contributed $12 billion into Social Security."

In the light of a problems a social decline causes and higher cost of things in all is just a unstable time to effect Social Security like this. There needs to be a plan to fund the loss because of the losses. Not everyone can live like a Amish also Amish have no retirement of investments in stocks. Bad time to try!

In the light of the problems a social decline causes in the workplace. Also the cost of tariffs passed on to consumers to not take the loss in business. Some kind of investment in the workers would be needed. Higher wages are better than declining workers.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Tipping points of Climate Change kind of like a asthma attack all the time.

Breathing problems from climate change is like a asthma attack all the time. Or like the back woods undiagnosed heart condition, redneck laying sideways in bed moderating the pain from a heart attack because they can't afford to go to the hospital. But it goes on forever as it's from climate change not changing for the better! In that is a sad way of life to be living that life expecting others deny it also.

~~~~Global warming contributes to breathing problems by making air quality worse. TRUE. In many regions, the warming climate is making air quality worse. Poorer air quality contributes to or may cause breathing problems and respiratory illnesses.

~~~~We're nearly halfway through the 2020s, dubbed the most decisive decade for action on climate change. Where exactly do things stand? Climate impact scholar Johan Rockström offers the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the state of the planet and explains what must be done to preserve Earth's resilience to human pressure.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Jan. 6 a “day of love.”

"His followers did nothing wrong, that they where treated unfair, they're political prisoners or hostages..." Needing to note not to vote to let those people to be in power or be enabled. Please vote or they will vote for you!

Friday, October 18, 2024

Global water cycle off balance food chain concern not Golf Course

It's not about Trump it's the people enabled around him like we all are codependent, letting strange people making decisions for you that don't care about how you are living or what future you have. Because they have before and again!

~~~Former President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement, staffed his environmental agencies with fossil fuel lobbyists and claimed — against all scientific evidence — that the Earth’s rising temperatures will “start getting cooler.”

Expect a second Trump presidency to show less restraint.

~~~Humanity has thrown the global water cycle off balance “for the first time in human history,” fueling a growing water disaster that will wreak havoc on economies, food production and lives, according to a landmark new report.

Decades of destructive land use and water mismanagement have collided with the human-caused climate crisis to put “unprecedented stress” on the global water cycle, said the report published Wednesday by the Global Commission on the Economics of Water, a group of international leaders and experts.

~~~Rising temperatures could reduce the efficiency of food chains and threaten the survival of larger animals, new research shows.

Scientists measured the transfer of energy from single-celled algae (phytoplankton) to small animals that eat them (zooplankton).

The study -- by the University of Exeter and Queen Mary University of London, and published in the journal Nature -- found that 4°C of warming reduced energy transfer in the plankton food webs by up to 56%.

Warmer conditions increase the metabolic cost of growth, leading to less efficient energy flow through the food chain and ultimately to a reduction in overall biomass.

~~~At one point Carlos Aguilera, a construction worker from Florida who was born in Cuba, asked Trump if the recent slew of natural disasters and environmental issues battering the Sunshine State had made him reconsider his claims that climate change is a “hoax.”

Trump responded by bragging about his golf courses and lying about his environmental record.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Things happen for a reason and the journey of Life!

Things happen for a reason! "The journey of Life is a little like going on a river cruise. We leave our home and travel to where the cruise begins. After the boat leaves the harbour, we experience all the wonderful things the cruise has to offer: good food, good wine, different forms of entertainment to make our trip pleasant and enjoyable. But sometimes we can experience too much of a good thing. Without any challenges, life on board the boat doing the same things over and over becomes rather dull until we decide what we really want to experience along the way. When the boat moors at different harbours, we leave the comfort of the boat to experience what we have chosen and planned. At the end of each day, we climb back on board and discuss our experiences with other passengers or have a good rest, gearing ourselves up for the next set of adventures on the following day." (11:12 video)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Food insecurity rate, can't tell people what to do inflation still high!


Something called inflation a thing that happens after a plague. Well no one can really tell people to not buy things (Supply demand cost!) And higher interest rates to slow down spending can't tell people what to do inflation still high! In all this time running it just makes it hard for children waged adults and they shouldn't be living so low anyway it's natural selection in a way but here we are. "Higher interest rates can restrain such borrowing by consumers and businesses, which can prevent excesses from building in the economy."

Adding to the problem: "Economists believe Donald Trump’s trade and immigration policies will lead to higher inflation and lower economic growth. Trump has pledged to raise prices for consumers, even though the cost of living remains a top economic concern among voters. Lower levels of legal immigration and attempts at mass deportation would reduce the supply of available workers, creating economic problems."

"The official U.S. food insecurity rate rose to 13.5% in 2023 from 12.8% in 2022, according to data the U.S. Department of Agriculture released Wednesday. That means more than 1 in 8 Americans about 47 million people couldn't get enough food for themselves or their families at least some of the time." Many people driving up the cost of things and cooperate greed like who gets the money fur rent of why are they working together to keep the prices high in a time of record profits. Why are you suffering they are not! A little thinking is needed about things!

Going low because of cost is a decline. A trailer park on fire has a low cost of living doesn't mean you would want to live there. Low is low like no healthcare expect to die there. It's quicksand if they are down the whole will be down with them! 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Polyamory Being Honest, Polyamorous Mom, Fair & Equal for Everyone

In love it's best to come open to each other. Being in love with a married woman with kids. I've been there. She had five kids. At the time he wanted out too many kids for him they where not making enough money at the time to save themselves it made since to bring me in. After a while the kids got more stable, her and so he did. Now he doesn't want to get out of this and doesn't want me to leave because things would go back. Her parents got sick so they moved to their parents home. They would not understand their daughter having me and her husband because they where from 1912!

Meaningful emotional things! It's ok to be in love with a married woman. If open about it. A secret affair is all within the laws of nature. But can be pain. "She takes you to a motel and after not wanting to leave her after that only to have to go home where you smell her perfume on you knowing you won't do this again for another 7 years, till she has her 7 year itch. Cry!" Noted please be open about things! It's best to not be a secret in those terms is the point! But also sometimes you have to be the fish that jumps into the frying pan!

And is the point of Polyamory! About agreements people agree to that benefit everyone. If it's going to hurt with no benefit in the long run then don't do it. Love who you love as love should make stable not give anxiety as life is too short to play those games. Are you going to be alive 20 years from now? Best to be honest about things, knowing where or whos you are! Agreements for the happiness of both than to not! Many people live better than others. Wasting your life without joy? Why? Nature doesn't care otherwise, so in the laws of nature be with nature!

~~~~Family is hugely important to me, and one of the treasures of polyamory is that I have a lot more of it. Yes, it's a lot more work and, yes, sometimes the more conservative relatives feel awkward around us initially but I think it's important that we show up and normalize polyamory," she wrote in her essay.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

And I feel fine for now: $91 trillion debt problem!

With most of the money in the hands of the few. With the most just making not enough well someone has to pay the bill for all that and all related to that with the risk of the Trump types taking office wanting a backward life going forward into debt! Oh well just pretend it's not there. Let nature take it's course! "It's The End Of The World As We Know It, and I Feel Fine." That does not work hibernating trough it till you die because you will be dead!

~~~~Governments owe an unprecedented $91 trillion, an amount almost equal to the size of the global economy and one that will ultimately exact a heavy toll on their populations.

Debt burdens have grown so large — in part because of the cost of the pandemic that they now pose a growing threat to living standards even in rich economies, including the United States.

Yet, in a year of elections around the world, politicians are largely ignoring the problem, unwilling to level with voters about the tax increases and spending cuts needed to tackle the deluge of borrowing. In some cases, they’re even making profligate promises that could at the very least jack up inflation again and could even trigger a new financial crisis.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Income Inequality Insecurities and bad living Rant!

Most insecurities are from just income inequality as life is better when you live better. Making like back then rural locals making children's wages. "If the adults make the children wages then what are their children? Less than children!" A college professor I had said that in class in the 90's still true today. Living with less of this or that ends up with people that can't afford their education with less water covering the iceberg so a lot of bad things are expected.

That is why small towns have nothing because they make nothing staying the same for years and it really it takes too long for them to burnout of it. Natures correction, let nature take it's course, burn and grow points of view. That is a needed when like many Trump supporters run around as they put their fingers in their ears and don't listen a common redneck thing people do that puts them in harms way when nature takes it's course. 

Nature doesn't care otherwise why did they put themselves in harms way, harm happens. Ends with others thinking they like to suffer otherwise they wouldn't of voted against themselves. But when there are so many of them out there are you to live like they are? They expect you of suffer like they do. In that is a social decline like the saying, "No evolution there." Like no evolution there is no social change, is no social mobility, you are living like your parents, correction for inflation lower then your parents. It is not a wise thing to be in.

So normally one gets away from harms way. A trailer park is on fire might have a low cost of living doesn't mean people would like to live there. Ends up with rural towns ghost towns as many people move to bigger cities to live better. If there was no need to live better because they are living better there would be no need to move out away from the inequality that are causing the issues. 

The income inequality is to high and people are too low from it! Just normal to ask how can you live better if you are living badly!

Not about about the President it's about the Vice President and others.

This is a reminder it's not about the President it's about the people they have around them. About the vice president and decisions made also by others in office. Best to vote for the achiever, you know Biden didn't have a Stormy Daniels with tariffs helping the prices getting high like they like it that way!

The government is more than one President others run it also in making things happen. You should vote for your best interest not to give the keys to your house to neurotic people!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Trans: Leave room for DE-transitioning.

For dealing with a trans issue the correct treatment should be applied to a mental / development related issue. See a Doctor for a physical problem and a Psychologist for behavior mental related problem to deal with the issue until maturity when they are able to decide on who they are.

For children it should follow statutory law as in statutory rape the age of consent. Consent because they are not mentally developed yet so to protect the child from a adult that would take advantage of the child. "In many jurisdictions, the age of consent is interpreted to mean mental or functional age. As a result, victims can be of any chronological age if their mental age makes them unable to consent to a sexual act."

"In the United States of America there is no federal law regulating the practice of tattooing. However, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have statutory laws requiring a person receiving a tattoo be at least 18 years old. This is partially based on the legal principle that a minor cannot enter into a legal contract or otherwise render informed consent for a procedure."

"The brain finishes developing and maturing in the mid-to-late 20s. The part of the brain behind the forehead, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last parts to mature. This area is responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing, and making good decisions." Vs any risk of bad decision making skills.

Dealing with the issue by harsh treatments for a problem that is in their head not a physical problem is catering to a fantasy when medicating the problem is the problem where more time should be spent therapy to help them till adulthood without damage or regret from something they did when they where younger in a position of not knowing.

For the Trans kids more knowledge is needed on their own development to know they don't know as it causes problems in behavior. Sex ED needs to comeback for kids to know themselves other to alienate society and workplaces as the view is that they see the trans issue as illness not a physical problem with the cost of someone who pretending to be something they are not. If they can't trust themselves then how are they to be trusted in the workplace. Along with alienating the consumers that bring in money in the workplace. Forced to hide the Trans worker dictating the lower pay they will get. Poverty and bad things related with less retirement over a choice of a fantasy in a world of nature doesn't care about it why did you put yourself in harms way viewpoints! 

It's best to be real and leave room for the detransition when the light comes on! Best to not start in the first place as a kid! It's more than just one person!

~~~Significant progress has been made over the last 25 years in understanding the brain’s regional morphology and function during adolescence. It is now realized that several major morphological and functional changes occur in the human brain during adolescence.1 Molecular imaging and functional genomics studies have indicated that the brain remains in an active state of development during adolescence.1 In particular, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have discovered that myelinogenesis continues and the neurocircuitry remains structurally and functionally vulnerable to significant increases in sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) during puberty which, along with environmental input, influences sex, eating, and sleeping habits. Particularly significant changes occur in the limbic system, which may impact self-control, decision making, emotions, and risk-taking behaviors. The brain also experiences a surge of myelin synthesis in the frontal lobe, which is implicated in cognitive processes during adolescence.

Friday, April 12, 2024

I require the knowledge I have acquired

Me I see my past relationships and life as a part of my life as being accredited. I require the knowledge I have acquired than to live in the now never seen it coming. The point of deeper learning on how you relate past knowledge to today, what relates, I need to know!

Things happen for no reason mind set disabled for people to take advantage of me! Your past is your job reference or your education it makes you who you are, your mentality, personality your dictionary behind you to help you see the poop hitting the fan than to stand there wondering how it got on you you didn't remember to duck and cover you didn't read the dictionary behind you. 

Living in the now minute by minute gives you anxiety as you can't relate to the now issues you have no reference. Also the now changes minute by minute fizzes away in the moment. The future is not stable need to be stable by knowing things. Your past is called learning. What have you learned? “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” Also know in your past or whos past pathed the way!

Good or bad wherever you go, there you are. Because you are. It's better than not, so live because life is short likened to me being in my 70's in the future walking on a burning planet. Live while you can reincarnate later! Life never ends! Things like that!

"If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever." (Dalai Lama)

"All things are free-flowing, untrammeled, what bondage is there, what entanglement? You create your own difficulty and ease therein. The mind source pervades the ten directions with one continuity; those of the most excellent faculties understand naturally." (Tzu-hu)

Amor fati is a Latin phrase that may be translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary.

Note to learn from Amor fati not to be in view as a way to have people take advantage of you because you don't know what's going on around you Horse blinds? Was a way to give the viewpoint of the dark ages a peasant to ignore things around them so they can focus on the task at hand making the king money and to not have a social evolution or to know because it would make a revolution. A form of control thus you want them to not know! A peasant thing!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Minimum wage petition in Oklahoma

Minimum wage petition in Oklahoma because nothing helps more than broke people! Causing bankruptcies to business not willing to lower the prices to match the poverty wages of the town anything is better than nothing. Having people not able to afford their education and all things bad so it's best to go up not down!

"Raising the minimum wage even over a span of five years would kill jobs, especially in smaller businesses in rural parts of the state." Like how it killed all of us the last times it went up we all must of died and got reincarnated!

Rural? They need to get brought up we all don't go down to their level! Why are they not brought up yet? Well a trailer park on fire has a low cost of living doesn't mean you would want to live there. Living low puts one in harms way into natural selection. If you are suffering you are not being successful nor many around you it's like being in quicksand making all-around bad employees and badly living people!,More%20people%20and%20businesses%20in%20Oklahoma%20are%20filing%20for%20bankruptcy,businesses%20may%20file%20for%20bankruptcy

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Trans - Teen Brain: Behavior, Problem Solving, and Decision Making.

Children are not adults! It is hard for children to face adult issues not being able to understand them really! Fear conditioning is not a good environment for making decisions about life changes with. Parents need not to carter to their child's fantasy they should really go to a Psychologist to help their child thru the hard time in their life till they get developed!

Noted in "Statutory rape is defined by statute as an act of sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent." Can't consent they are not able adults would take advantage of a child running on guided more by the emotional and reactive amygdala! To protect a child from a predator! Who is the predator the child is facing who is trying to take advantage of the child playing along with something of a fantasy? What is the age of consent for a child to do damage to their own body? Why even?

"Pictures of the brain in action show that adolescents' brains work differently than adults when they make decisions or solve problems. Their actions are guided more by the emotional and reactive amygdala and less by the thoughtful, logical frontal cortex. Research has also shown that exposure to drugs and alcohol during the teen years can change or delay these developments."

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Nova or an endings begining!

I had a dream once coming out of a store looking up at the night sky and I saw a light get brighter in the sky. Flash to seeing a president and the vice and some people where talking about it's getting bigger after they nuked it. Sending a nuke to take out something that was coming at us, in view the issue was something like a comet coming toward us. Dream like a warning not to nuke it that would make it come at us!

"While a supernova is the explosive death of a massive star, a nova refers to the sudden, brief explosion from a collapsed star known as a white dwarf." - "Once the nova peaks in brightness, it will be as if a new star has appeared one that’s visible for a few days without any equipment and a little over a week with binoculars before it dims and disappears from sight for another 80 years or so."

Nothing bad here, another nova in the sky to look at. The point of like a natural selection over all the time in galaxy everything had time to crash or burn to be inline with a working galaxy!

Or the old Gnostic saying, If you want to know about the ending, it's where the beginning is.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Stupid with stupid makes more stupid - You cant be creative if you are fearful

Just because they are stupid doesn't mean you are to be stupid with them. There tends to be a need like a check people do sometimes looking around see how well adjusted others are than not. As in when I was in school if I had a issue I would ask the other kids and ask if this was a concern of theirs and I would write down if the ayes or neys have it. If no one is concerned then it's only a concern of mine I would let it go to get well adjusted in a positive environment.

You know nothing helps more than a labor force full of fear mongered people that never made enough money for a education with generations of family members rolling in quicksand. Hard to get out of that and so is why small towns are small they can't have anything. Can't be creative sitting there looking at the future with no future.

Mostly they need their A$$ kicked by society, to shake the nuts from the tree, forced social mobility a naturalistic point of view like in time faster than seeing a broken down 80's Ford on the side of the road with the hood up burned up force to get a better car that doesn't leave oil everywhere. Make the air smell better don't have to walk around it all the time. The way life should be! I don't have the luxury of buying a domestic car that I would have to fix all the time frigidity, frigidity with the hood up. I have to get to my destination on time I buy reliable cars it's a investment in yourself. But always lease domestic cars so you don't get stuck with the cost of repairs! Point there is a correction in time a burn and grow like thing. Even the most fear mongered people burn up in time, they will have to do better for themselves as most of the others pass them by!

***One of the saddest things about our current state of affairs is how much time is expended on imaginary fears largely manufactured by manipulative media, MAGA-poisoned pols, and the always dependable religious nuts and conspiracy mongers. These rants and performative stunts have long passed the point of novelty or entertainment. 

They've also become so pervasive that smart leaders can no longer ignore them. Because when people are confused or lose confidence in their leaders and institutions, they become driven by their fears instead of their hopes. And in startups especially, it's all about hopes and dreams for the world, not fears of and for it.

This increasingly dire situation -- where team members in firms of all sizes are losing faith -- would be plenty painful if these garbage conversations, infantile behaviors, and trashings of the rule of law were confined to D.C. Republicans making fools of themselves certainly isn't the worst thing that could happen in a Congress now led by fools, fascists, frauds, and football coaches. It's actually something of a relief that this crew couldn't pass a bill that had any prospect of becoming law. Nor could they fashion a budget that made even the slightest sense if their lives -- instead of their notoriety, incomes, and fundraising -- depended on it.

But when the nonstop noise begins to impact our own employees' attitudes and our businesses' prospects, it's another matter entirely. When you walk around and see more of your people worrying than working, arguing about nonsense instead of advancing the company, and focusing on a foreboding future, it's time for you to step in, like it or not, because there's nothing more frightening than scared people.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

College and workforce changes!

"For decades, not having a college degree has often been a barrier for workers seeking a higher-level, better-paying job. But more employers are now saying they’re willing to hire them." But those that don't have the college degree where the first ones to get laid off. College is also seen as being accredited as in knowing better what they are doing than not. It's better to have college as it makes higher income than just a high school. Even there was issues about your college degree is only worth the paper it's printed on. Less resources for education lower spending etc. 

But post COVID-19 all plagues come with a rebound up and down sort of a chaos theory light. Looks like a job skill shakeup till normality in time. Things will get better it's a rebound!

"Why the change of heart? There are several factors. But lurking over all of them is a demographic reality: The falling US birth rate will produce fewer workers in the years ahead to replace the number of workers retiring."

"Additionally, employers are increasingly aware that the skills needed to do many jobs don’t necessarily require a four-year degree, and that competent workers can be trained in needed skills as they arise."

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Stormy Daniels on the state of things!

Because: Donald Trump’s Manhattan state court hush-money criminal case involving the adult film star Stormy Daniels and the Playboy model Karen McDougal will proceed to trial on 25 March.

Stormy Daniels on the state of things! 

Friday, March 1, 2024

The white rural rage, like a slow moving hornets nest!

It's not they are lazy just that they could never afford an education so going into generations of family members they don't have much. The terms 40 watt city, dark ages, big city bright lights is the point of enlightenment or the lack of!

People in rural towns seem to like their suffering too much it holds back the whole town! Can't go forward as conservatives are against their own people. Get rid of Obamacare, abortion rights etc. degrading to a time people lived badly. No social mobility, living like their parents with inflation lower then their parents. Conservative no innovation. 

People living badly is a labor force issue and a towns issue as they vote against themselves. Always normal in rural locals what do they have, obviously they are not succeeding? So less to have is less for everyone else! That needs to change why are these people not brought up? Yet are you to suffer with them? Their rage is like a slow moving hornets nest and is what you get!

Q: What is conservatism?

A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?

A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

Monday, February 26, 2024

How is the US economy doing? Thank You Brandon!

It's all good but your wages are not growing enough. Inflation is normal from the rebound of a plague! After death people like to be happy so up the spending! Not fair to low waged people. They need to get brought up! Trumps at 77 Biden at 81 much the same and who cares it's about who the vice is that matters if the president passes away! Age is not a issue action is more than age!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Low wage trap the old issue of a labor shortage

The old issue of a labor shortage. But more of a wage shortage for the ones in the bottom. Many moved up the ladder to better jobs leaving the lower really low as the bottom have to fill the labor force. "Drag a $100 bill through a trailer camp and there's no telling what you will find." - James Carville. What would be reasonably unhirable for that time are what places are looking at today to end a shortage in the workplace. The bottom dropped off! They where fired for a reason only to be looked at for a job without reason! Workplaces need to know what they are getting and make a effort for the better than to have workers in a trap!

~~~~This pattern of denial and neglect hurts workers in ways that have profound societal costs. No matter how hard or how long they work, many low-wage workers cannot climb out of poverty. We studied the fortunes of 181,891 workers who started low-wage jobs in 2012, and we found that five years later 60% of them remained stuck in such positions. People who had managed to escape those jobs had most often done so by quitting industries such as hospitality, food services, and retail, which are classic low-wage traps. Across industries, women were overrepresented in low-wage jobs and most likely to stay impoverished.

The pattern also inflicts all sorts of direct and indirect costs on companies, including lower retention and higher absenteeism, more overtime, a reliance on staffing agencies to provide temporary workers, constant recruitment and training of new employees, a lowering of morale, a loss of institutional and process knowledge, a decline in customer goodwill, a damaged reputation among job seekers, stagnant or lower rates of productivity and less revenue.

Monday, January 22, 2024

More photos are added to DuGBuGoffice!

More photos are added along with my cat from 1988. He world purr and meow at the same time. Respect to Prophet my cat!

Photos -

Prophet -

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Loving memory of my partner!

A loved one of mine has passed away from it. We been together too long but also know
it's a hard disease that is long running also. Life is short, live now!
Please donate to any good Alzheimer's fund! Please plant roses or clematis
in her name Ulery, those where her favorite!

A song she said was her song to me. "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing." And she ended up with Alzheimer's! Knowing if back then today she would see it being the sarcasm, joke like that she would do time to time.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Accepting the Wife’s Boyfriend!


A wife having a lover is really not a bad thing being the point is, it should clause calmness aimed long term. I hate short term relationships so my mindset is long term. Nothing worse than being a married woman's lover only for to snap out of her midlife crisis embarrassed about how she was acting telling you to go. Never happened to me would but more likely I would be holding onto her leg begging her to stay but the point is to accept each other for the better. 

A wife's lover is not about the sex. That would be her will not her husband or her lovers will coming naturally when that time comes if it does. The wife does not want another kid and cost these days. Unless she does then, me I would be willing for a love child, that's ok because life is short to not accept walking through the disarray of life unknown together to the light of a new day together!

~~~~One misconception about polyamory is that it’s just an excuse for promiscuity or infidelity. This assumption couldn’t be further from the truth; in fact, transparency and trust are cornerstones for maintaining healthy non-monogamous relationships. Another widespread myth is that people who choose this way of life are incapable of committing to one person or forming deep emotional connections with their partners. In reality, most polyamorous individuals maintain strong bonds with each partner while appreciating different aspects of their personalities and sharing unique experiences together.

Overcoming jealousy and insecurity can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to non-monogamous relationships. It’s important to recognize that these feelings are normal and valid, but they don’t have to control your relationship. One way to address jealousy is through open and honest communication with your partner(s). Expressing your concerns and fears can lead to understanding rather than resentment.

Another helpful strategy is identifying the root cause of your jealousy or insecurity. This may require some self-reflection and critical thinking, as oftentimes, our insecurities stem from past experiences or societal norms. By recognizing these underlying factors, you can begin to take steps toward addressing them head-on. For example, if you feel jealous of your wife’s boyfriend because you think he’s “better” in some way, remind yourself that comparisons are not productive or fair. Instead, focus on building trust and intimacy within your own relationship with her.

It’s also important to establish clear boundaries with all parties involved in the non-monogamous relationship. This ensures everyone is aware of what is acceptable behavior and what crosses a line for each individual involved. These boundaries should be revisited regularly as needs or preferences change over time. In navigating these complex dynamics, remember that vulnerability is key – allowing yourself to express emotions without fear of judgment fosters deeper connections with those around us.