Monday, March 31, 2014

Bone marrow transplant and engineered immune cells HIV hope

~~~~HIV returns in two patients after bone marrow transplant
HIV has returned in two patients who doctors hoped had been cured of the virus
following bone marrow transplants, the Boston researcher who treated them said Saturday.

The HIV virus became undetectable in both patients approximately eight months after
the transplant. The men remained on antiretroviral therapy until the spring of 2013.

"The return of detectable levels of HIV in our patients is disappointing, but scientifically
significant," Dr. Timothy Henrich, a researcher at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston,
said in a statement. "We have demonstrated HIV can be reduced to undetectable levels by
very sensitive research assays and the virus persists."

The virus became detectable in one patient in August 12 weeks after ceasing
antiretroviral therapy. In the other man, HIV became detectable this month,
32 weeks after antiretroviral therapy ceased.

"Through this research we have discovered the HIV reservoir is deeper and more
persistent than previously known and that our current standards of probing for HIV
may not be sufficient to inform us if long-term HIV remission is possible if
antiretroviral therapy is stopped," Henrich said. "We have also learned that there may
be an important long-lived HIV reservoir outside the blood compartment."

Dr. Daniel K. Kuritzkes, another researcher at Brigham and Women's Hospital, said
the cases demonstrate that the virus may persist even when there is
no evidence in the blood.

"We need to develop better and more sensitive tools to detect the virus as we continue
to pursue novel strategies for HIV eradication," he said. "Our results also show that
the immune system can play a major role in reducing the viral reservoir, but may not be
able to do the job alone. It is likely that a combination of drugs and immune
therapies that target the reservoir will be needed to establish long-term remission
of HIV infection."

In July, when the cases were first reported at the International AIDS Society Conference
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, experts stopped short of calling the two cured and said the
treatment is not a viable option for the majority of HIV patients.

After the patients ceased antiretroviral therapy, they were tested for HIV every seven to
10 days. Both resumed antiretroviral therapy after the virus was detected.
They are in good health and the virus is suppressing as expected.

Brigham and Women's Hospital researchers will continue to monitor the patients
and measure their HIV levels as part of a new study of the very early initiation of
antiretroviral therapy after HIV rebound.

The men, whose identities were withheld, had been on antiretroviral drug therapy
for years before being diagnosed with lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph nodes.

Both underwent intensive chemotherapy followed by bone marrow transplants to
treat the cancer. They remained on antiretroviral therapy.

Approximately four months after the transplant doctors were still able to detect
HIV in their blood, but six to nine months later, all traces of the virus were gone.

Some patients make it up to eight weeks before the virus returns, but the virus returns
eight to 10 weeks after therapy is stopped in the vast majority of patients,
Henrich said in July. Not so for these two men, however.

HIV discovery 'will change your life forever'

The two men were compared with Timothy Ray Brown, also known as the
"Berlin Patient." Brown is thought to be the first person ever "cured" of HIV/AIDS.

In 2007, Brown had a stem cell transplant to treat his leukemia. His doctor searched
for a donor with a rare genetic mutation called CCR5 delta32 that makes stem cells
naturally resistant to HIV infection.

Today, the virus is still undetectable in Brown's blood, and he is still considered to be
"functionally cured." A functional cure means the virus is controlled and will not be
transmitted to others.

The stem cell transplant procedure, however, is very dangerous because a patient's
immune system has to be wiped out in order to accept the transplant.

Using a stem cell transplant to treat HIV is not for most patients, and only 1% of
Caucasians mostly Northern Europeans and no African-Americans or Asians
have the CCR5 delta32 mutation, researchers say.

The transplant is still not a practical strategy for the majority of HIV patients,
and the risk of mortality is up to 20%, Henrich says.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
at the National Institutes of Health, agreed.

"This is not a practical approach for someone who does not need a stem cell transplant since
the transplant and its preparation and its subsequent need for chronic immunosuppression
is a risky procedure," Fauci said.

"If you have an underlying neoplasm (tumor) like these patients had, then the risk
outweighs the benefit," he said. "However, if you are doing well on ARVs and you merely
want to get off antiretroviral therapy, then the risk seems greater than the benefit."

HIV 'cure' in toddler offers 'global hope'

Even though the two patients showed a reduction of the virus in the blood, it could
still be in some tissue the brain or gastrointestinal tract, for instance, Henrich said.

Earlier this year, researchers said an HIV-positive baby in Mississippi was given high
doses of three antiretroviral drugs within 30 hours of her birth, with doctors hoping that
would control the virus.

Two years later, there is no sign of HIV in the child's blood, making her the first child
to be "functionally cured" of HIV.

The Foundation for AIDS Research, or amfAR, helped fund the study.

"These findings clearly provide important new information that might well alter the current
thinking about HIV and gene therapy," said amfAR CEO Kevin Robert Frost.

"While stem cell transplantation is not a viable option for people with HIV on a broad
scale because of its costs and complexity, these new cases could lead us to new approaches
to treating, and ultimately even eradicating, HIV."

"Dr. Henrich is charting new territory in HIV eradication research," said
Dr. Rowena Johnston, amfAR vice president and director of research.

"Whatever the outcome, we will have learned more about what it will take to
cure HIV. We believe amfAR's continued investments in HIV cure-based research
are beginning to show real results and will ultimately lead us to a cure in our lifetime."

~~~~New advance: Engineered immune cells seem to block HIV
Scientists claim they have safely introduced engineered immune cells in 12 people
with HIV that have the ability to resist the virus.

Researchers are lauding it as a step toward paving the way to curing the disease.
Typically, patients must stay on HIV treatments the rest of their lives.

"This reinforces our belief that modified T cells are the key that could eliminate the need
for lifelong (antiretroviral drug therapy) and potentially lead to functionally curative
approaches for HIV/AIDS," Dr. Carl H. June, Richard W. Vague Professor in
immunotherapy in the department of pathology and laboratory medicine at
Penn's Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia, said in a statement.

Researchers used so-called "zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) technology" what they referred
to as "molecular scissors" -- to modify T cells in the immune system to mimic the
CCR5-delta-32 mutation, a process called gene editing.

The CCR5-delta-32 mutation has been known to make people resistant to HIV,
but is only found in about 1 percent of Caucasians. Timothy Ray Brown, known as the
"Berlin Patient," had both HIV and leukemia, and was believed to be "cured" of AIDS
after he had blood stem cells containing the rare mutation transplanted in 2007.
He said in 2012 that he hadn't taken HIV medication since.

To create the mutation's effect, the researchers infused 10 billion SB-728-T cells into two
groups of patients between May 2009 and July 2012. Between 11 and 28 percent of
the T cells were modified with the ZFN technology. The gene editing limited the amount
of CCR5 proteins that existed on the cells' surface. Without those proteins on
the surface, HIV could not enter the T cells.

Within a week, all the patients saw a surge in their number of T cells due to the infusion.
T cell numbers began to decline over the next few weeks, one of the hallmarks of
HIV infection. Researchers observed that natural, unmodified levels of T cells declined,
but the modified T cell numbers did not go down as much, suggesting they may have
created HIV protection.

Six patients were taken off their antiretroviral drugs for up to 12 weeks starting
four weeks after the infusions, while the other six stayed on the treatment.

The amount of HIV dropped in four of the patients who stopped treatment,
one of whom had viral levels fall below the normal detection limits.
That patient was later discovered to be a part-carrier of the CCR5 genetic mutation.
The researchers said the subject could teach them more about the mutation
in future studies.

The virus did return eventually in all the patients, but the researchers saw that
the decline of the number of modified T cells was significantly less than the
unmodified cells. The study's primary objective was to look at the
infusions' safety.

~~~~The Evolving Genetics of HIV
People can be infected with many different bacteria and viruses but some people get
more sick from these bugs than others. Do our genes cause some of that difference?

The answer is yes--different versions of important genes change how easy it is for a
person to be infected. The study of these genes might lead to new drugs to block or
slow down an infection.

Since the 1980s many people have been afflicted with AIDS, caused by the virus
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). However, not everyone who is exposed to
the virus gets sick. Scientists have carefully studied people who seem resistant to
HIV infection. What's going on?

The answer comes from an understanding of how HIV interacts with our cells. HIV,
like all viruses, can't make new copies of itself without help. It needs to enter cells
and use their machinery to reproduce and spread throughout the body.

HIV can only enter certain cells. How does it find the right cells? By special proteins
called receptors.

Receptors sit on the outside of cells to receive messages and transmit them into
the cell. HIV grabs onto cells that have a receptor called CD4.

Cells with the CD4 receptor are an important part of the body's system for fighting
all diseases (our immune system). HIV gradually destroys these cells and cripples
the immune system.

It turns out that CD4 isn't enough. Another protein called CCR5 is needed as well.
CCR5, called a co-receptor because it works with CD4, is the door that
opens to allow HIV to enter the cell.

Many people who are resistant to HIV have a mutation in the CCR5 gene called
CCR5-delta32. The CCR5-delta32 mutation results in a smaller protein that isn't on the
outside of the cell anymore. Most forms of HIV cannot infect cells if there is no
CCR5 on the surface.

People with two copies of the CCR5 delta32 gene (inherited from both parents) are
virtually immune to HIV infection. This occurs in about 1% of Caucasian people.

One copy of CCR5-delta32 seems to give some protection against infection,
and makes the disease less severe if infection occurs. This is more common, it is
found in up to 20% of Caucasians.

Should everyone be tested for this mutation? Not necessarily.
It would be dangerous to assume you are completely safe from infection if you have the
CCR5-delta32 mutation.

It's not an airtight guarantee of never getting AIDS. Some unusual types of HIV
can use other proteins for entering cells. Rarely, there have been people who have
two mutant CCR5 genes who have died from AIDS.

Also, CCR5 is not the whole story of immunity to HIV infection. Some resistant people
have been found who have two perfectly normal copies of CCR5. So other genes
also contribute to slowing down HIV infection, and scientists are busy trying to
identify them.

The usefulness of this work is mainly in how it helps us understand how the virus works
and points to new possibilities for drugs to treat infection.

There is hope out there with much real research, it's a matter of time for a cure.
The research is needed but also the concern about "Genetic mutation" for the cure.
To me I see it as going into a fractal zoom of possible side effects.
But it's a road we would have to go down, with the understanding
to ask if it is ineffectual then one should not press on hoping for the
best down the road.

Does the risk outweighs the benefit?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cars that are fake anyway


One of the things I have noticed the most is how cars today really
don't respond much to "Redneck modifications" like they have in the past.
That modification you did to your 90's car would of gave you 20 horsepower.
But with today's cars no mater what you do it's like you only gain 5 horsepower.
With about the same horsepower stock for both cars old and new.
It's like the car today is made to keep you suppressed.

But the main point of this story is to point at that saying
"People that work don't know fishing!" That is more noted when you
look at the rich in the way the more you have the harder life is
and more money you spend. Or you make more and you spend more.

You see the light point to the question "when are you going to make living."

Or looking at the cost of everything as it is to you only to ask do I need it!

You get the view!

It was said once in the 90's that if Bill Gates was walking and seen a $100
bill, the time it takes him to bend over to pick it up he would of lost money!
The money he made was more than the $100 in the time frame to pick it up!
Really what kind of life is that?

Oh lord will you give me a Mercedes! Well when you look at it for what it is
I don't want one! If I see one or a BMW I would laugh at them.
Or ask they if they checked their oil lately!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I support the Oklahoma Education Funding Rally

School employees from across the state will rally at the State Capitol
on March 31 ( 2014 ) and we want you there. The event, sponsored by the
Oklahoma Education Coalition, will draw attention to the dire need for better
funding for public education.

When you look into the the school budget in Oklahoma you do see the need
to fund more.

And more to the fact of the failure to act sanely.
Many years ago the Republicans in the Oklahoma state capital put a
budget cut for education in the bills they wanted to pass.
The Democrats where not given any info about the cuts until
they had to vote on it. ( Sort of a Tea Party thing at the time. )

There is a need to stand up in Oklahoma for education!

~~~Superintendent Barresi comments on bill
to weaken third-grade reading law

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Janet Barresi made the following remarks
concerning House Bill 2625. Slated for a vote Monday in the state
Senate Education Committee, the measure would repeal automatic retention
of students who score Unsatisfactory on the third-grade reading test and who
don’t meet a good-cause exemption.

“To deny children the opportunity to learn how how [sic] to read is to deny them
an opportunity for success. Reading is the most fundamental aspect of an education.
It is unconscionable that anyone would think it’s too much to ask that a school teach
a child to read.

“Extensive research shows that moving children forward in school without the ability
to read proficiently sets them on a course of falling further and further behind.
It condemns them to frustration and failure. But there are also severe consequences
for the students who are able to read proficiently, as fourth- and fifth-grade teachers
must increasingly spend their time in remediation with the struggling readers.

“The Reading Sufficiency Act has been in existence for 17 years to identify and provide
intensive remediation for struggling readers as early as kindergarten. And yet after 17 years
and more than $80 million in funding, the percentage of Oklahoma students reading below
grade level has remained flat. We cannot allow this to continue.
We cannot continue sabotaging the promise of future generations.

“I urge Senate Education Committee members to continue to support high standards
by ensuring that our children can read. I would ask that they let the RSA work.
There already are good-cause exemptions to address an array of special circumstances.
Predictions of catastrophe are simply incorrect. When the State of Oklahoma mandated
end-of-instruction exams as a condition for high school graduation, critics made similar
predictions that the sky would fall. Instead, Oklahoma’s young people rose to the occasion,
with the passage rate at 99 percent.

“The good news is that RSA already is working. It is igniting attention and innovation in
reading instruction. We see school districts in Tulsa, Bartlesville, Putnam City and elsewhere
making impressive gains in reducing the numbers of children with reading difficulties.
It would be a mistake to start weakening the law just as it begins to show glimmers of its
anticipated positive impact.”

~~~Oklahoma Teachers' Group Gives Education Boss An 'F'
A group representing Oklahoma educators is giving State Superintendent Janet Barresi an
'F' grade for her administration's handling of the new A-F report cards for public schools.

The Oklahoma Education Association held a press conference Friday to deliver the
grade to the first-term Republican. OEA President Linda Hampton said the 35,000-member
association has "no confidence" in the grades.

Pushed by Republicans like Barresi who swept into office in 2010, the grading system was
supposed to make it easier for parents to see how their child's school was performing.

But the rollout over the last two years has been marred by delays and fierce resistance
from some superintendents to the formula that's used to determine the grades.
A recent change by lawmakers dramatically increased the number of failing schools.

~~~Republicans Just Don’t Know What Responsibility Means!!!
OKLAHOMA CITY – House Democrats contend a proposed $200 million income-tax
cut at a time of declining state revenue is “ridiculously irresponsible,”
Democratic Leader Scott Inman said Thursday. Opposition to House Bill 2508 was
bipartisan, with several Republicans joining House Democrats in voting against
the measure. The bill passed 57-34 Thursday and was sent to the Senate.

As amended, HB 2508 proposes both an individual and corporate income tax cut.
The measure would lower the top marginal individual income tax rate from 5.25 percent
to 5 percent beginning in tax year 2016, if the estimated revenue growth exceeds
the cost to pay for the 0.25 percent cut. If the estimated revenue growth does not
exceed the cost, then revenue growth would be compared each year until the
one-quarter percent reduction could be implemented.

The Oklahoma Tax Commission estimates that the individual tax cut would reduce
state tax revenues by $147 million in FY 2017, and that the corporate tax cut would
reduce state tax revenues by $53.2 million in FY 2017, for a total state revenue reduction
of $200 million. HB 2508 is “tied only to the income tax revenue collection stream,”
not to the overall General Revenue Fund stream, the author of HB 2508 said.

Inman said the personal income tax produced $2.338 billion in 2007 but $2.098 billion,
or $240 million less, last year. Similarly, the 7 percent gross production tax generated
$825 million in 2008, but after the levy was slashed to 1 percent it generated
$130 million in 2013, a drop of $696 million. Together, that amounts to
“almost $1 billion less” in state revenue, the Del City Democrat emphasized
which refutes the argument that continuously reducing taxes will always
produce more tax revenue.

“How do we increase our bonded indebtedness – such as the suggested $160 million
bond issue to fix the myriad problems at the State Capitol while cutting our
revenue stream?” asked Rep. Cory Williams, D-Stillwater.

If the income-tax cut measure the Legislature passed last year had not been ruled
unconstitutional in December by the Oklahoma Supreme Court, the state budget would
have an even bigger hole in it this year than the $188 million shortfall certified last month
by the State Board of Equalization, Inman said. And public education would be
$300 million short, adjusted for inflation.

The Oklahoma Policy Institute showed that the benefits from the tax cut plan proposed by
the Senate would go disproportionately to the wealthiest Oklahomans, Inman said: 41
percent of Oklahoma households would get no tax relief whatsoever; median households
would get $30 per year; and the top 1 percent of all taxpayers would get a $2,031 tax break.

Rep. James Lockhart said the median income-tax cut would be only $8 per month, or less
than he paid for breakfast at a fast-food restaurant recently. For all but the wealthiest
Oklahomans, the proposed income-tax cut would be “insignificant,”
the Heavener Democrat said. “Are we really helping those who need it the most?”
he asked. “No one has ever asked me to reduce their state income taxes,”
said Rep. Richard Morrissette, D-Oklahoma City.

The Legislature is already has $188 million less to spend this year than it had last year,
and is considering an income tax cut of $200 million, yet public school teachers haven’t
had a pay raise for seven years, Rep. Mike Brown, D-Tahlequah, reminded his
House colleagues. “With public education near the nation’s funding bottom, and law
enforcement and public safety officials at an all-time low, why would anyone brag about
a politically driven tax cut like this?” Rep. Ed Cannaday, D-Porum, wondered.

Rep. Joe Dorman, D-Rush Springs, said it’s shameful that convenience store clerks
earn higher wages than state correctional officers.

A House proponent of the tax cut said that per capita, Oklahoma leads
the nation in spending on transportation.

Dorman, though, said Oklahomans “are spending twice the national average for
vehicle tire replacement” because of crumbling highways and bridges.
And Brown pointed to the $10 million that Oklahoma taxpayers will have to
spend to fix the Lexington-Purcell bridge after a $1.2 million “repair”
project weakened the structure.

“We have not adequately funded education or public safety, or any number of
other elements of state government,” Inman said. For example,
“We have 7,000 Oklahomans with disabilities who are on a waiting
list for public services.”

The Legislature should “invest in core functions of government,” but instead,
“whenever we get income growth we cut more services or more taxes,” Inman said.
“It will take investment in core functions of government such as education to
make this state grow.”

~~~Severe education funding cuts threaten Oklahoma’s economic future
Oklahoma has made some of the deepest cuts to funding for local schools of any state in
the country. Over the last five years, the state has cut per-pupil education aid for primary
and secondary schools by 20 percent, or $706 per student, after adjusting for inflation.
Only Arizona and Alabama have cut funding more deeply over that time frame.
These funding cuts have serious consequences for educational quality and
for economic growth.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Haters Gonna Hate

In these days with the past view of the Tea Party and how Republicans where fighting
for the welfare of the rich people that are not that bad off when you look at the cars
they drive, to their Tea Party they went to. I noticed it and said much about it way back.
"The Repubicans going to a Tea Party in their $30,000 SUV to gripe over taxes that are
like a GEO METRO!"

Then you had many like Granny not knowing if she would get her check or not because
of being held hostage by the GOP extremists with their stupid demands they wanted
before they passed the spending bill.

Really there is much to hate, but really you should not be that person.
Don't hate the person hate the stupidity that person has.
Or more of the actions that person does, because it effects many people.

Yes Haters Gonna Hate, but let them know because you know they don't know it!
You are stupid and the hater to them! They live in a box they don't know what
it is like out there! Or they are in their bubble of stupid they keep around them!
"We don't look at those Liberal sites." "Don't trust the Liberal media!" ( xenophobia )

Just get out of the box, don't hold yourself back to make others happy. I have seen and did much. I mostly have something in my past that I can relate to something going on in the now and future. Like if you see the shit going to the fan, you will think I seen this before, take cover! That is thinking for yourself! Don't think of only now, it puts you in front of a fan with shit going to it. They will hate you and call you a know it all, but you should not be quiet to make them happy. Look where that thinking put all of us!

"Haters Gonna Hate is a catchphrase used to indicate a disregard for hostile remarks addressed towards the speaker. This expression has its roots in American hip hop, and spawned an image macro series featuring pictures of celebrities, animals and cartoon characters strutting or posing in a conceited manner."

~~~Researchers take on crucial question: Are haters gonna hate?
It is an age-old adage of Twitter, which apparently traces its roots back to a
3LW video from 2000: Haters gonna hate.

Now, scientists have taken it upon themselves to figure out whether this is true.
Do verified haters tend to hate everything else they stumble upon?
Yes, according to a new study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
People who tend to hate things they already know about are (surprise!) more
disposed to hate things they have not yet come in contact with.

To test out this theory, a team of psychologists asked study participants how they felt
about a number of mundane and unrelated subjects that included (but was not limited to)
architecture, health care, crossword puzzles, taxidermy and Japan.

They wanted to figure out if people tended to like or dislike things in general.
This was dubbed the individual's dispositional attitude or, more simply put,
checked for whether they were a hater who pretty much hates on everything that
comes across their path.

"If individuals differ in the general tendency to like versus dislike objects, an intriguing
possibility is that attitudes toward independent objects may actually be related,"
they write. "So someone’s attitude toward architecture may in fact tell us something
about their attitude toward health care because both attitudes would be biased by
a disposition to like or dislike stimuli."

The researchers did run one group through the hater test, as I like to think of it,
twice with a month in between trials, to ensure that it didn't just represent some people
having a bad day.

With the hater test verified and known haters identified, researchers asked their
participants to read about the "Monahan LPI-800 Compact 2/3-Cubic-Foot 700-Watt
Microwave Oven.” This not a real microwave but one dreamt up by researchers to
test how much people would hate it.

The haters, perhaps unsurprisingly, were much less enthused than those who had
more positive attitudes about camping, Japan and the like. This was also true in a question
about vaccines, where the likers were more likely to have a positive opinion about
getting vaccine shots then the haters.

"The present research demonstrated that some people tend to like things, whereas
others tend to dislike things," the researchers conclude, contending that
"A more thorough understanding of this tendency will lead to a more thorough
understanding of the psychology of attitudes."

Hate on, haters. It was what you were meant to do.

***Note "The likers were more likely to have a positive opinion about getting vaccine shots
then the haters." If there are no facts of being in a testbed of experimental Medicine like my town.

Overall let them know you have nothing but love!

Diabetes or crazy people

I have heard about this from many working places and from many people.
Like they had a boss that would be all crazy after lunch.
Or crazy acting workers. Many workers that had seen that stuff.
And they have mastered the action of being a "Egg shell walker."
As like knowing the boss or worker will be acting wired after lunch,
so they walk on egg shells to not flip out the coworker or boss.

Not taking anything they say serious, or they just go with the flow.
In view there is nothing you can do anyway.
Or the view nothing you do is good enough anyway so just go with it
and at least you know you did your best.

Then they find out it has to with their blood sugar being
too high or low. That why they can act like a crazy person.
It's not the boss or worker that gripes all daylong over
doorknobs, it's the sugar doing the talking!

The point of the story it's sort of cool in a way that
the workers don't have a clue whats going on and just
put it as, oh well it's just the workplace.

But also bad that the workers take it as "Work Place Hell"
a norm kind of thing.

Hell it could be worse. Think about having a wife that goes nuts
over the smallest stuff, because her blood sugar is 300!
Just ignore her crazy and have her check her blood sugar!

~~~~Diabetes Can Take a Toll on Your Emotions
Many people know diabetes -- both type 1 and type 2 can take
a serious toll on physical health. But these blood-sugar disorders
also can affect your emotions and, in turn, your emotions can wreak havoc
on your diabetes control.

Extremes in blood-sugar levels can cause significant mood changes,
and new research suggests that frequent changes in blood-sugar levels
(called glycemic variability) also can affect mood and quality of life
for those with diabetes.

Depression has long been linked to diabetes, especially type 2.
It's still not clear, however, whether depression somehow triggers diabetes
or if having diabetes leads to being depressed.

More recent research in people with type 1 diabetes has found that
long periods of high blood-sugar levels can trigger the production of a
hormone linked to the development of depression.

People with type 1 diabetes no longer can make their own insulin; people
with type 2 diabetes need insulin treatment because their bodies can no
longer produce it in sufficient quantities.

"Diabetes gives you so much to worry about that it's exhausting.
It can make you feel powerless," said Joe Solowiejczyk, a certified
diabetes educator and a manager of diabetes counseling and training
at the Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute in Milpitas, Calif.
"I think it's important to acknowledge that, from time to time, you're
going to have a meltdown. You're going to have days when you feel exasperated,
frustrated, sad, in denial and physically exhausted."

Solowiejczyk, who has type 1 diabetes himself, said these feelings become a problem
"when you're not able to get on with your life, and you're persistently not
taking care of your diabetes."

Not only does diabetes increase the risk of serious health complications,
but uncontrolled diabetes also may worsen depression, causing a vicious cycle.

In addition to an increased risk of depression, diabetes can affect mood even
from minute to minute. For example, someone who experiences low blood sugar
may suddenly become irritable, even combative, and may act as if they are drunk,
slurring their words.

Low blood-sugar levels (also known as hypoglycemia) occur when someone has taken
too much insulin or hasn't eaten enough food. Exercise, alcohol and many other
factors can lower blood-sugar levels unpredictably.

The problem, Solowiejczyk said, is "that the brain operates totally on glucose.
When you don't have enough glucose, things start breaking down and your cognitive
function doesn't work that well. This is a physiological, not an emotional, response."

Dr. Vivian Fonseca, president of medicine and science for the
American Diabetes Association, said, "Hypoglycemia reactions are very understandable.
There are also some fluctuations that are not quite in the hypoglycemia range that
may affect anxiety levels."

High blood-sugar levels (hyperglycemia) also can lead to mood changes.
"Hyperglycemia can affect your ability to concentrate and can make you feel grouchy,"
Solowiejczyk said. "Any change in the blood sugar outside of the normal ranges makes
you feel weird and uncomfortable."

A small study in the April issue of the journal Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics
found that frequent fluctuations in blood-sugar levels in women with type 2 diabetes
were associated with a lower quality of life and negative moods.

Fonseca said, however, it's important for these findings to be replicated in
a larger population.

Although diabetes and blood-sugar levels can affect emotions, emotions also can
affect patients' blood-sugar levels and diabetes control.

In another study in the same journal issue, researchers tested blood-sugar levels in
non-diabetic bungee jumpers, and found that the stress of the jump caused their
blood-sugar levels to rise significantly. Not surprisingly, their stress hormones
also were higher due to the body's normal fight-or-flight response.
When this happens, the liver releases glucose to make energy available to the
body's cells, according to the American Diabetes Association.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Alien underground bases and the spirit of you!

There has been much talk about secret Military / Alien bases underground.
As in Dulce Base, New Mexico.

That in fact strangely could be true. In Tulsa there is a urban legend
that the Tulsa Oklahoma promenade mall has a secret government office
in the basement. It's fact to me being that we found a secure office when
me and my friend went to use the bathroom before 
we took off from the mall. 

At the time the bathrooms where downstairs close to the front entrance.
There was a downstairs kind of place as you came in the mall from the
main entrances. They are now covered by a hover-around type of rental 
place or a courtesy desk, or a map kind of the mall thing where 
the downstairs is now. I noticed it's like that at most malls makes me wonder.

Me and my friend went to the bathroom down stairs and when I we came out
some guy came out of a door that was locked, I ran and caught the door
before it closed. We went in there and looked around. We seen a office with
glass windows. I noticed what was a DELTA group logo on the windows I think.
DELTA group (from the National Recon Group) is responsible for security of
all Alien-connected projects. The DELTA symbol is a 
Black Triangle on a Red Background.

Or it might of been a NSA logo, I don't remember! This was the 90's the NSA 
was just not really known at that time. I remembered it was something strange.

So with that me and my friend ran out of there. But a few years later we drove to
the top of the parking lot of the mall and found a big satellite dish pointing to
the FBI building. So me and my friend started to talk real loud in it. 
"So how ya doing? This is a secret government base right. 
Who shot Kennedy? etc..."
We where up there for 10 minutes when a security guard drove by us and
gave us a look, so we took off. Well why the mean look over talking to a dish?
Something was up so we went.

But still it was fact something was there. More over during 911 that was the only
mall that closed, and I knew why! So there are secret places!

Alien or not! They still hide and from my point, humans are really stronger
than the Aliens. There are stories that say so. 
I see it as in being made in the image of god, as having god in us!

I tend to see the story like the myth of the Celestial Cow as pointing to more
as true in many parts. Stories from history all have a point of truth to them.
Like the basis of the story line in the Stargate movie.

"All forms of life were believed to have been created by Ra, who called each of
them into existence by speaking their secret names. Alternatively humans were
created from Ra's tears and sweat, hence the Egyptians call themselves the 
"Cattle of Ra." In the myth of the Celestial Cow it is recounted how mankind
plotted against Ra and how he sent his eye as the goddess Sekhmet to 
punish them. When she became bloodthirsty she was pacified by 
mixing beer with red dye."

It is like the Aliens have power over us. But there are stories that tell otherwise.
Like Jeanie's story:

I'm not sure how I saw them. If it was you know tuning in and seeing them on what level.
My room looks dark and I always sleep with my light on. I've done that since I was a child.

So when I'm realizing they're with me the energy feels different. It was totally 
unnerving to me to recognize that they really were visiting with me and I could
see there was a smaller Grey on my right hand side and a slightly taller one 
on my left and I remember telepathing to the Grey, 'Please stop doing that, 
I don't want you to touch me.' I asked him three times.

It didn't stop so I'm not sure if it was my astral arm that came out and
I reached over and I grasped his long skinny bony fingers with my 
left hand and said, 'I asked you not to touch me, please do not touch me.'

And then I noticed the Greys on each side of my bed looked at each other
and I thought, 'Ah shoot, they're gonna knock me out
with that white light again.'

The bottom line is our spirit is greater than the aliens in all control!
We are made in the image of god, we have god in us!
Remember that and if something bad comes to you know that you are better!
Why else would all of this hiding in a underground base and the time and effort
to make such a hidden place. It's just smoke and mirrors against the spirit of you!

Also I need to say god is inside of you and that death is not the end anyway.
Like in how in nature energy does not die. It changes form wood burning
makes heat then goes into carbon to other forms of energy.
There is no such thing as death! Good points I seen in the Gnostic!

(3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,'
then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,'
then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you,
and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will
become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father.
But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty."
(18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end?
For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his
place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."
(1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not
experience death."

Dulce Base, New Mexico Functions: Alien interface, Research of mind related functions.
Levels: 1-7 Known
  • Level 1 - garage for STREET MAINTENANCE.
  • Level 3 - everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a jump suit uniform. The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D. card each day. change in over three pounds requires a physical exam and X-ray.
  • Level 4 - Human research in the Occult areas - Auras - mental telepathy - hypnosis - astral traveling - etc. The technology is apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the Bioplasmic Body (of Man). In other works they can remove the ’soul’ of the human and turn it into a vessel to be used by another entity, in order to allow it to work and operate in the physical realm.. They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleep ’Delta Waves,’ induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via a Brain- Computer link. They can introduce data and programmed reactions into your Mind
  • Level 5 - Alien housing is on level 5. "...The room circular for the (electro- magnetic) generator is nearly 200 feet diameter and covers the fifth and sixth levels (extreme west south wing). There (are) five entrances (plus an escape trap door on the sixth floor) on each floor. Each portal has double door. The security is severe. Armed guards patrol constantly, and in addition to weight sensitive areas there (are) hand print and eye print stations. Here, is the device that powers the transfer of atoms.
  • Level 6 - Level 6 is privately called ’Nightmare Hall’. It holds the genetic labs. Experiments done on fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original, forms. There are multi- armed and multi-legged humans and several cages (and vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures up to 7-feet tall. Aliens have taught the humans a lot about genetics, things both useful and dangerous.
  • Level 7 - Humans in cages here, usually drugged or dazed, sometimes crying out for help. LEVEL #7 is the worst. Row after row of 1,000’s of humans & human-mixture remains in cold storage. Here too are embryos of humanoids in various stages of development. Also, many human children’s’ remains in storage vats. Who are (were) these people?"
  • Below Level 7 - Unknown other levels unexplored by humans. Aliens here. Exits into a vast underground cavern series, unexplored by humans, but suspected to be a huge alien culture area.

Rambling on I need to note on the part:

"The technology is apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate
the Bioplasmic Body (of Man). In other works they can remove the ’soul’ 
of the human and turn it into a vessel to be used by another entity, 
in order to allow it to work and operate in the physical realm."

Keep in mind if you know your spirit is stronger than that, more likely
won't happen. But if you are stupid then stupid things happen in the dark!

Also to point at a "Quantum entanglement: is a physical phenomenon that
occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways
such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently
instead, a quantum state may be given for the system as a whole."
Relating to souls being entwined. Or in term the ring of life where many people
are connected through space and time. Like a soul mate, or the red string of fate.
But not in love, but more of just connected in some past time or event in the future.
Being that a soul is more non linear than anything when you think about it.
Looking into the Quantum theory light.

So really I must say to manipulate the Bioplasmic Body with a entanglement
is really not there! Also anyway there are also preachers that still do exorcisms.
In the light of things that would get the entity out!

Other than all of that. Take it like a movie and get your ass out of there!


Please note Info. Dead Man's trigger:

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Propaganda in the Soviet Union - Ukraine invasion

From just my point of view on the Soviet Union with the threat
of invasion of the Ukraine, to the fact will Russia really do it?
In the light of Russia's past on propaganda and to ask, really is
Russia that stable to hold it's ground there. It cost money to take over
a country then to stabilize it!

These days one just does not take over another country!
You need to look at it like how the USA was in Iraq and Pakistan
for such a long time how much it cost us!

Now look at Ukraine with the cost it would have to be in the same
principle as the cost to the USA to keep Iraq etc stable. In the long run!
Russia is just not up for that! Russia in the Ukraine won't be all flowers
there will be hardships making a big cost for Russia by being there!

So for me I just see the old Propaganda machine is up and running again.

According to Robert Conquest, "All in all, unprecedented terror must seem
necessary to ideologically motivated attempts to transform society massively and
speedily, against its natural possibilities. The accompanying falsifications took place,
and on a barely credible scale, in every sphere. Real facts, real statistics,
disappeared into the realm of fantasy.
History, including the History of the Communist Party, or rather especially the
history of the Communist Party, was rewritten. Unpersons disappeared from
the official record. A new past, as well as new present, was imposed on the
captive minds of the Soviet population, as was, of course, admitted when
truth emerged in the late 1980s".

So for me I don't really see a invasion as truth! But I don't know!
If they are for real about going in I would see the cost of holding it, too much
for Russia, being the American $ will tend to stop going that way!
And that would be Russia's Iraq in cost! It won't last long if it happened!

All of this could be a shake up for the people of Russia, sort of like
to get people away from the American dollar - stocks related.
So they could be more reliant on their country.

I don't know really! It's just madness. Is Russia in that bad shape that
the Ukraine's resources can save Russia? Do they need more tax payers?
Is Russia out of oil, bone dry to the point they have to invade?
Yes it's stupid, but I wonder why it has to be stupid!
What real reason is Russia wanting to do this?
Being it really wont do much good!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Higher income fixes the economy - Henry Ford

For the most part I have been pushing for better pay for people.
As things are now with a food stamp cut and inflation going up.
It's clear there has to be a wage increase. Small towns sales are going
down as the many poor in town just has no money and have less help.

The poor should pull everyone down with them, with the light of such
inequality. Wealth not making it to the workers from the few that has
enough money. Commonly this usually ends in a natural selection
on the side of the rich, being towns will go broke do to lack of sales.
Ending in better pay as a means to get better sales.

Over all that is a good way to get your pay up being inequality is so high.
There is much greed out there and for me I see the lack of sales needed
to grow to better sales as the wages goes up.
Really you can make it but can they afford it with their pay as it is?

~~~DEAR AMERICAN COMPANIES: Here's How To Fix The Economy
The story you hear frequently about why Henry Ford made this decision was that he
wanted to allow his workers to be able to afford to buy his cars.
The wage increase certainly made the cars (and many other products) more affordable
for Ford employees, but the historical consensus is that Ford actually made this decision
for a different reason: To reduce employee turnover--and, in so doing, reduce recruiting
and replacement cost.

Regardless, it worked. Thousands of people immediately lined up to get jobs at Ford.
Employee turnover plummeted, and recruiting and training costs dropped.
The new wages allowed Ford employees to live middle-class lives, instead of being poor.
And it presumably made Ford, Ford's senior executives, and Ford's shareholders even
more proud of what they had created. In short, instead of viewing "shareholders"
and "customers" as the only two corporate constituencies that matter.

Ford introduced the idea that great companies should also serve a third
constituency: Employees. And because one company's employees are another
company's customers, Ford's decision helped spread the country's wealth to
more citizens and expand the purchasing power of the country as a whole.
And, in so doing, it helped the overall economy.

Henry Ford's story is highly relevant today.


Because we are facing a very similar economic problem as the country did in the
early 20th century. A glut of labor was allowing companies to pay a pittance for a day's
work, leaving most of their dedicated employees destitute. Business owners and executives
(the equivalent of today's 1%) did fine, but most rank-and-file workers did not.
And this lack of spending power in the middle class crimped overall economic growth.

If we want to fix today's ailing U.S. economy, we need many of our large
corporations to do what Henry Ford voluntarily did:

Share more of their vast wealth with their rank-and-file employees.

If the companies don't eventually see the benefit of doing this and do it voluntarily,
the government (an extension of the people) will likely the mandate that they do it either
through taxation or by radically increasing the national minimum wage.

And given that government solutions are often terrible solutions, it would be best for
everyone if we persuaded corporations to do this voluntarily.
So what follows is an initial effort to do that.


1. The health of any business or economy depends on the health of its customers,
and most American customers (consumers) are strapped or broke.
Consumers account for about 70% of the spending in our economy, and the other 30%
is tied to consumer spending (when consumers are broke, businesses don't spend because
there's no one to sell to.)

2. Most American consumers are strapped or broke because most of the income gains
in the past 30 years have gone to the top 10% (and especially the top 1%).

3. This increasing inequality has many causes, including globalization
(cheaper labor overseas), a decline in the minimum wage, the decline
of private-sector unions, changes in the tax code
(tax cuts for the highest earners), and other factors.
But the bottom line is: Average hourly earnings in America (adjusted for inflation)
have not increased in ~50 years.
(Total compensation, which includes health insurance, vacation time,
and other benefits has increased, but workers can't spend those things).

4. At the same time, earnings for the highest-income Americans have gone
through the roof.

5. Importantly, the problem here is NOT the weak health or profitability of
American companies (which was a problem in the early 1980s).
American companies are earning more as a percent of the economy than
they ever have.

6. One of the reasons American companies are earning so much money is that they're
paying very little to their rank-and-file employees. This is also why average earnings
 have been stagnant for 50 years and most American consumers are broke.
Wages as a percent of the economy are at an all-time low.

7. Meanwhile, a lot of Americans don't even have jobs, so they're not earning
anything. The employment-to-population ratio is lower that at
any time in the past 30 years.

Put all this together, and the problem in the economy becomes clear:

    * Too few jobs
    * Too little pay

HOW TO FIX THE ECONOMY? Think Like Henry Ford

Some people argue that the way to fix the economy is to give tax cuts to the highest
earning Americans the "job creators" so that they can invest in new companies
and create jobs.

Well, we'd all like to pay fewer taxes, but unfortunately, the "tax cuts for the rich"
approach almost certainly won't work. Here are a few reasons why:

The richest Americans and companies already have plenty of cash.
The reason these rich Americans and companies aren't investing and "creating jobs"
is that most American consumers (customers) are broke.
Rich Americans actually don't "create jobs" the whole economy creates jobs.
We've been trying the "tax cuts for the rich" approach for three decades, and it is
making the inequality problem worse, not better.

And... Read on: