Saturday, July 29, 2017
People call me Crazy, The power of love and the Male Concubine
There is times in life where you found it. The galaxy has more to it
than we all know and if you are too stupid to know it... I don't know what to say!
I recognize things that have value, fit, comparable, compatible, complete
each other. Love is on a different plane and love has no boundaries!
And that is the point love!
The power of love? That Powerful, Universal, Governing Force is Love!
Me? I am polyamorous having feelings for a married lady / red string of fate,
love. It is embedded like a screw in the floor a galaxy pointing type of thing.
As it is not being selfish to love an other as the point is the other not yourself!
So I accept it as being with her is where we all should be able to start
a new day together. Noting she loses nothing but gains better grounding,
making all on a better ground!
In the bible days there where many concubine.
"CONCUBINE, marital companion of inferior status to a wife."
Give women are no longer property as they where in the bible days.
Women as I see it can have concubine also and for me thats ok.
I would like to be as I am polyamorous, loving with no boundaries,
a male concubine to the wife is ok!
"CONCUBINE, marital companion of inferior status to a husband!"
Religion is really not what it seems and it's changing to
be more in fit with reality.
"People call you crazy?" Well lets talk about that! With the love and support
the galaxy putting you there without being there, there would be no there pointing
to the significant others in your life. Without your male concubine to shine the way!
Crazy? No!
Consensual nonmonogamy and the long road together.
In life to be in a polyamorous relationship you know that takes
effort and that effort is a setting for a long term relationship in that it
should. Building trust in the wife and her husband and for you the
trust of them points to the long run.
It's about love! Sitting down and looking at the pain you might of
had in your relationships you might of thought about it why have
pain, why not talk, work it out. There is that point in life to let out
your pain and grow up about who you are.
This is nothing new love has no boundaries and needed like
the sun to life. We all need love to grow!
In that is respect for Carrie Jenkins for asking the difficult questions,
reflecting in her own life. Needed to point to people to grow up!
~~~~~Maybe Monogamy Isn’t the Only Way to Love
In the prologue to her new book, What Love Is and What It Could Be, philosopher Carrie Jenkins is walking through Vancouver, from her boyfriend’s apartment to the home she has with her husband. She wonders at how the romantic love she experiences firsthand is so different than the model presented by popular culture and academic theory alike. “If indeed romantic love must be monogamous, then I am making some kind of mistake when I say, ‘I’m in love with you’ — meaning romantically — to both my partners,” she writes. “I am not lying, because I am genuinely trying to be as honest as I can. But if romantic love requires monogamy, then despite my best intentions, what I’m saying at those moments is not, strictly speaking, true.”
Her book examines the long, sometimes awkward legacy of philosophers’ thinking on romantic love, and compares that with a new subfield in close-relationships research — consensual nonmonogamy, or CNM. While singers and thinkers alike have been riffing on a “one and only” for decades, she argues that space is being made in the cultural conversation to “question the universal norm of monogamous love, just as we previously created space to question the universal norm of hetero love.” These norms are more fluid than they appear: In Jenkins’s lifetime alone, same-sex and cross-ethnicity relationships have become common.
When I asked Jenkins to describe how it feels to have both a husband and a boyfriend — she rejects the “primary relationship” moniker altogether — she said that it’s like having more loving relationships in your life, like a close family member or friend. She and her boyfriend, whom she’s been with for about five years, used to work in the same building; he was teaching creative writing on the floor above her philosophy department, though they didn’t meet until they matched on OkCupid. While both men have met each other, they’re not close; Jenkins describes the relationship as having a “V shape,” rather than a triangle. Both helped in the development of the book: husband refining philosophical arguments; boyfriend editing the writing, and helping her to sound like a normal person, rather than an academic.
Still, CNM faces lots of stigma; even the study of it is stigmatized. Yet in the limited yet rich vein of research out there, the evidence suggests that it’s a style that, in some populations, leads to greater relationship satisfaction than monogamy. In any case, the researchers tell me, the insights into what makes more-than-two relationships work can be applied to any given dyad, given the communicative finesse required when three or more hearts are involved.
In a forthcoming Perspectives in Psychological Science paper, Terri Conley, a University of Michigan psychologist who’s driven the field, defines CNM as “a relational arrangement in which partners agree that it is acceptable to have more than one sexual and/or romantic relationship at the same time.” That’s distinguished from the “polygamy” practiced by some religious groups, where it’s not always clear whether wives can opt out of the relationship.
I was surprised to discover how common it is: A 2016 study of two nationally representative samples of single Americans — of 3,905 and 4,813 respondents, respectively — found in each case that about one in five people had practiced it during their lifetime. A 2016 YouGov poll found that 31 percent of women and 38 percent of men thought their ideal relationship would be CNM in some way. Other research indicates that around 4 to 5 percent of Americans in relationships are in some sort of CNM, be it swinging, where partners have sex with people outside their relationship at parties and the like; an open relationship, where it’s cool to have sex with other people but not grow emotionally attached to them; or polyamory, where both partners approve of having close emotional, romantic, and sexual relationships outside of the couple itself. People are curious, too: From 2006 to 2015, Google searches for polyamory and open relationships went up. Other data points to how sticking to the boundaries of monogamy doesn’t come easily to lots of people: A 2007 survey of 70,000 Americans found that one in five had cheated on their current partner.
Jenkins says that as a tenured philosophy professor at the University of British Columbia, she’s in a unique, privileged position to openly talk about being in a nonmonogamous marriage. She’d been interested in being in more than one relationship ever since she can remember, but it used to seem like some sort of impossible dream situation — she didn’t realize it could be an option in her real life until she was about 30. (She’s now 37.)
Jenkins met her husband, Jonathan, who’s also a philosopher, back in 2009, at a philosophy workshop that he organized at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland; they later got married in the same hall the conference took place. They took one another’s last names as middle names.
Now married for almost eight years, they talked about polyamory early on, though defining the relationship that way came later. As philosophers are wont to do, they soon wrote a bit of a manifesto about their arrangement. They observed that even if their wedding guests were woke in any number of ways — not batting an eyelid if a colleague was gay or bi, eschewing heteronormative assumptions, and the like — there’s still the shared assumption that a nonmonogamous relationship is less sexually safe and less committed than a regular ol’ monogamous one. “[E]ven our very liberal pocket of our relatively liberal society is massively — and, to us, surprisingly— mononormative,” they write. “Acquaintances, friends, and colleagues are constantly assuming that our relationship, and indeed every relationship that they think of as ‘serious’, is a sexually monogamous one.”
To Jenkins, the biggest struggle with polyamory isn’t from managing multiple relationships — though Google Calendar is a crucial tool — but rather the strong, sometimes violently negative reactions that she gets, especially online. When I spoke with her by phone, she was struck by a comment to a YouTube interview of hers, where a pseudonymous user invited “everyone” to read her column in the Chronicle of Higher Education about having multiple loves.
“THIS WOMAN IS A DISGUSTING ANIMAL,” the troll wrote. “Every bit as twisted and queer as the Mormons with their multiple lives [sic]. This femme-pig is the spectral opposite of Trump; a far far left-wing freak that desires to completely overthrow Western Christian Civilization.” Jenkins walked me through a deep reading of the bile: Bundling in politics — the “left-wing freak” bit — with the monogamy norms signals to her that there’s a judgment of what it means to be a good person in here, since politics is about living correctly, collectively. Plus “if you’re an animal, you’re out of the range of humanity,” she says. She’s also gets a lot of “get herpes and die, slut” suggestions, she says, which speaks to the hypersexualization of CNM. Nonmonogamy leads to lots of sex, the presumption goes, and with that STIs, and it proceeds from there. The way news articles covering CNM tend to be illustrated with images of three or four people in a bath or bed doesn’t help, either.
“The way we normally think about romantic love, we don’t imagine that it’s entirely about sex,” she says. “For a lot of people sex is a part of it; if we’re just having a hookup or a friend with benefits, we don’t call that romantic love. When it comes to polyamorous relationships, if you’re in love with more than one person, the same applies — to fall in love with someone is not the same as to sleep with them. We’re clear with that distinction in monogamous relationships, but in CNM that distinction between love and sex gets collapsed.”
In that forthcoming Perspectives in Psychological Science paper, Conley finds that 103 participants recruited online thought that researchers who wrote positive things about polyamorous people were more biased — in line with recent data indicating that when laypeople read about research that conflicts with their social identity, they’re more likely to think the scientists doing the work are biased.
Researchers who have studied stigma around CNM have found lots. In a 2012 paper, Conley and her colleagues found that monogamous relationships were better rated on every metric by different sets of the population, including nonmonogamous people. When 132 participants recruited online read relationship vignettes that were identical except for one being monogamous and the other not, the CNM was seen as riskier sexually, more lonely, less acceptable, and having a lower relationship quality. People in CNM were also seen as worse with non-relational things, like making sure to walk their dog or paying their taxes on time. Amy Moors, a co-author on the paper, says it had some of the biggest effect sizes she’s seen in her research. Elisabeth Sheff, a leading polyamory researcher who left academia for lack of grant funding, now frequently serves as an expert witness in custody battles; she says that often a grandmother or a former spouse will find out that a co-parent has multiple relationships, be scandalized, and demand to take the kids — even though her longitudinal research, reported in The Polyamorists Next Door: Inside Multiple-Partner Relationships and Families, indicates that kids who grow up in polyamorous families aren’t any more screwed up than average American children.
That same paper finds that there were no differences in relationship functioning between monogamous and nonmonogamous couples. People in CNM had lower jealousy and higher trust and higher sexual satisfaction with their partner. Polyamorists were more satisfied than people in open relationships, perhaps because it’s hard to block of feelings for people you sleep with frequently. Polyamorous people were a special case, with higher satisfaction, commitment, trust, and passionate love than monogamous individuals, and higher sexual satisfaction. CNM people also had higher sexual satisfaction with their secondary partners than their primary partners, though that difference fell away when controlling for relationship time, with primary relationships averaging three times the length of secondary relationships.
“Overall, the standard for human responses for relationships is habituation,” Conley says. “That involves a loss of sexual attraction, and we can tell that from stats from therapy. And to the extent that a couple is frustrated sexually, it spills over to other parts of life.”
The Type of People Who Are the Best Fit for Nonmonogamous Relationships
Angelina’s Divorce Shows How ‘Failed Marriages’ Are Failing Us
There are other explanations for high satisfaction scores for polyamorous people, she adds. It could be that they’re just acting out a social desirability bias, given that they’re participating in a study about CNM and want the lifestyle to look good; it could also be that people who enter into polyamory have self-selected themselves into a hypercommunicative population — all the poly self-help books emphasize the need to explicitly talk things out. “People interested in polyamory are more relationship-y than the average person,” she says. “They like thinking about relationships, talking about relationships. That’s great in monogamy, but needed in polyamory.”
All this suggests the kind of people that are the right fit for CNM. Beyond being relationship-y, a Portuguese study out this year found that people with a high sociosexuality, or disposal to casual sex, had less relationship satisfaction when in a monogamous relationship, but those effects disappeared if they were in CNM. Still, they were just as committed to their relationships — signaling that exclusivity and commitment may not be one and the same. Harvard sexologist Justin Lehmiller has found that people who are more erotophilic — i.e., that love sex — will be a better fit for CNM; same with if they’re sensation-seeking.
Amy Moors, the Purdue psychologist, has found that people with higher avoidant attachment — where you’re just not that into intimacy — have positive feelings about and a willingness to engage in polyamory, but they were less likely to actually partake of it. While a correlational study, Moors explained that from a subjective perspective, it makes sense: “When you have avoidant attachment, you like a lot of emotional distance, physical distance, time by yourself,” Moors says, which is not a fit for the relationship-y remands of a poly lifestyle. Also, there’s reason to believe that folks who have relational anxiety, and are thus sensitive to separation, might be prone to the jealousy that’s known to flare up in CNM, though it’s not like that doesn’t happen in monogamy, too.
What motivated Jenkins to write What Love Is, she says, was a gap — or silence — in the philosophical literature, that polyamory was rarely discussed or even acknowledged as a possibility. “Noticing these philosophical silences and denials, while simultaneously being made aware of how society at large viewed me for being a polyamorous woman, made me realize there was something important here that I needed to do,” she says. “To do it meant bringing my personal life and my philosophical work into a conversation with one another. The familiar slogan says that the personal is political, but the personal is philosophical, too.”
Two key themes emerge from reading the book: that love is dual-layered, with social scripts overlaying evolutionary, physiological impulses. And that the “romantic mystique,” like the feminine one before it, assumes that love is mysterious and elusive and corrupted from examination — a sentiment that protects the status quo. But with investigation, and conversation, the mechanics of love reveal themselves, and norms can change socially, and be tailored locally. Like Jenkins, you can custom-fit your relationships to your life — if you dare to talk about them.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Porn helps culture, Low Sex, Low Dopamine, Need to Know!
In these days I just don't know what is going on. There seems to be a planed pushed
attack on the Internet. Like a point of a Bilderberg Group meeting. Might be?!
There seems to be a push to control the Internet. Net neutrality lost.
The Dark Web is being shut down. But new ones will pop up all the time.
The Dark Web needs to grow up, yes they only did it to themselves...
The uneducated ones on there doing the stupid. The Dark Web needs to be more
useful to everyone! Anyway...
There is a push in the UK to stop porn! "Porn warps culture. I hope credit-card checks
nudge adults out of the habit."
Well Porn does not warp culture! It's the main human motivation of who we all are.
Humans and Animals are made with hormones and they are the ruling factor of
how we act! So trying to stop porn is on the level of being uneducated.
Like kids not having that talk, or sex education. Kids going to adults getting married,
having sex. Does the male know that it takes most females a longer time to have a
orgasm. Where the male gets done in five Minutes and lets the wife bake as he
goes to sleep! Even plants have fun!
So you get the point of the point of Porn helping for what it is.
Give I do think Porn needs to push on more like education on a woman's
Bio needs for the viewers! In that kids that will seek out their own answers
should get a heads up from Porn, it's not about you, it's about others!
It's their bodies and they should know others also in function.
What is dopamine to who, you?
Not having sex, relates to having low Dopamine. Living a life of zombie with
your body in action is stupid! Or like a Absexual trait only in their mind!
"folks who get off complaining about sex and trying to censor porn."
On on the same basis of "Sadomasochist Republicans" on the point they
vote against their best interest. Republicans don't like the poor other than
getting votes from them. Yet they go along with the food stamp cuts etc.
Driving a tore up car from the 90's poor as hell with a Republican
bumper sticker on it. Why do you drive poor again?
The confederate flag on their tore up truck and home.
Why don't you see a confederate flag on a three story house or
Mercedes? They are not slaves! So the others must be talking about
themselves they are the slaves! Wage Slave!
Stop confusing the conservatards. No! Conservatism should not exist!
We can not make it if we are against our own people.
The one brings down the many. Low pay = consumer based pricing.
Less food stamps less food bought and less food stamp money for businesses!
No mandate for health insurance making others pay for the uninsured,
making others pay for it! So why not get rid of the mandate to have car insurance!
If people have to pay for the healthcare uninsured why not car uninsured?
All deflates... Why are they on the same level of Absexual, they like to suffer.
Why would they like better pay they might be able to buy something,
they don't want that? They want to drive a bad car they like it!
Absexual, they like it! They are both in the same fighting their own nature!
Living a life of Absexual and, or a Sadomasochist with a bad car,
is the same with humans that are sexual beings ran by hormones
is just stupid to fight your own nature, nature wins!
~~~~~“My school friend had to show me how to use a condom by rolling it down the stick shift of her car; it’s a miracle I knew how to use one,” Maine tells me in London, where she now lives. In her autobiographical short film Yes, God, Yes, the film-maker provides a snappy, hilarious and frank portrayal of a teenage girl discovering masturbation and sexuality in an unnamed Midwestern Catholic community in the late 90s, when the internet suddenly arrived in people’s homes, presenting a mystifying world of possibility.
In little more than 10 minutes, this film gets at the hypocrisy present not only in Catholicism, but in all religions and adult life in general; the idea that most people don’t practice what they preach. “Realizing adults are not infallible is always a turning point,” says Maine. It’s one she handles with care – and just the right amount of cringing.
"The idea that most people don’t practice what they preach." comes to mind
of your hormones and the need for Dopamine in our bodies!
There is a lot of mental illness in acting stupid, fighting your own body,
needs! The point of like is really the Dopamine, a drug cocaine that
we all need or we become ill!
~~~~~Hormone Imbalance, Not Bipolar Disorder
~~~~~Poor Neurotransmitter Activity Linked to Mental Illnesses
~~~~~Have You Stopped Enjoying Life? Could Be Low Dopamine
~~~~~Poverty harms brain?
But most importantly here is what a stress was considered by the authors.
Give her a glass of water. Is it worth it, let me work it!
I said get her a glass of water!
Fuck the chicken coop and make a Tiny House (Woman cave) together
This story is about bonding together, as you can't have one without the others!
A woman I love from work gave me a plant when she left.
I still have it. I took it home like her love. God I'm love sick!
But the point is to love, let the love grow. You add light water,
you do something!!! Love takes that effort, you talk and you grow!
Love is like the point of the marriage vows. "For better, for worse"
The point to make better! If you love her you don't make more work
for her! You are to make her life better.
Not the "I love you so much here is a chicken coop to take care of."
Not that you have papers to file, reports to do, doing that
voodoo, that you do, so well! Go feed the chickens!
Really that did happen to the lady I love. Her husband made a chicken
coop. When she told me I told her "I'm sorry!" I knew she needs a
Tiny Gypsy House, a woman cave for a place of her own!
That is in a woman's nature anyway and should of been recognized
by her husband she has needs! That is like not watering the plant!!
There is that point to ask what really is the wife's needs!
And work it out! Being open, the wife having a other.
Like water and sun to a plant! How is she to grow without?
It's true and noted as "Fuck the chicken coop and make a
Tiny House (Woman cave) together." Such a good time for
all to talk, work things out, build the tiny house together.
In psychology terms it's said, "Show her the tiny gypsy house."
Show her the effort for her!
~~~~~Polyamory often involves a chain of interconnected, long-term relationships—but it can come in other flavors, like a committed open marriage between two “primaries” who take on “secondary” partners when they feel like it; or something more like a group marriage. The lingo—and there’s a lot of it—goes like this: a three-person relationship is a “triad,” a four-person is a “quad,” and a five-some is a “W,” for the five points on the letter. And while many of the older folks in the poly community dabbled in “swing clubs” at some point in their personal battle against monogamy, poly is not swinging, which is more about a night of random party-sex. Poly is not, as some people think, an all-you-can-eat sex buffet—or it can be a sex buffet, if the sex comes with hours and hours of sensitive discussions and eventually introducing your new sex partner to your boyfriend over muffins at Starbucks.
But note it does not have to be sex! That is a matter of agreement.
Me I am ok just supporting, dating, making better.
It's better than going off that cliff of insanity!
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Carol Queen and Relating
co worker I fell for. People at work knew my interest for her and her situation.
for a while. But I didn't know why! We didn't do that but it was funny
that the co workers would of thought of that, like a yep, yep kind of thing!
I was seen as pussy wiped by her. Not really! She was married so I did not
own her, so she owned me! It was a rules of engagement kind of thing!
Also we where working a banquet with Dr Ruth as the speaker.
At the time she was talking to older couples on bonding practice.
She was talking about anal sex. We both where in the room working
and I was really in love with her that day. As Dr Ruth was talking
I was adoring my Angie Dickinson lookalike. I noticed something big
was on her mind as she was standing there and I was standing there
also, looking at her. Dr Ruth noticed our interaction and she sort of paused
during her speech. That sort of snapped my Angie Dickinson out of it
and she noticed I was looking at her lovingly, now aware what is going on,
wondering about my intent to what Dr Ruth was talking about
my Angie Dickinson shook her head, NO! And I think I shrugged my
shoulders in a DAMN manner!
We where having sex once when all of a sudden she rolled me over
and got on top of me in the missionary position but with her as the man
and me as the woman. I liked this a lot! And was worried, who was this guy
I never seen him before. Relating to a unknown personality out of her.
But such is life! These days? Life is too short to not be open!
From your past you learn and know you
"You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket!"
So you get out there and do it because love is worth it!
Hormone Imbalance, Poor Neurotransmitter Activity Linked to Mental Illnesses
Poor Neurotransmitter activity?
My sociology instructor in college, either from a binge
or bugged about social changes at the time liked to say.
"Your mind is only mushed as the corn field you live in."
For the time my instructor was talking about the lack of
environmental stimulus, relating to living out in the backwoods.
Simple life, simple minded. Retardation by deprivation?
Is it a non educated environment where no education is valued,
and gets passed on to family members. Somewhat true.
It's also that they could never afford their education in the first place.
Being it's like building credit to poor people. It takes money to
have credit as you have to buy something.
Deprivation does push mental illness. In part lacking life
experience's to relate a issue in life with. They have nothing to
relate it to so accordingly there is a panic and all that follows.
Training the brain to be psychotic?
It's like that attitude like the saying "The wife starts a yelling,
I go a fishing." Letting the wife go to her own devices training
her brain to be psychotic! True and the point is to ask why!
Why? So it can be changed!!!!
Life's stupidity, deprivation, and all that is bad effects.
Poor Neurotransmitter activity from something that is in and out
of people's hands.
To help with no money to keep your mind busy is no problem.
Just do something! It does not have to cost a lot!
There are things you can do the point is try!
Poor Neurotransmitter activity from something that is in and out of people's hands.
~~~~~Poor Neurotransmitter Activity Linked to Mental Illnesses
Understanding the way neurotransmitters function in the brain could lead to better treatments for mental disorders. Normally, nerve impulses move along the brain through axons , long cellular structures – until they land at a presynaptic membrane. These membranes house the neurotransmitters that will be sent out into free spaces, or synaptic clefts, so that they can be collected by receptors of another neuron. The neuron that collects the neurotransmitter then internalizes it and the nerve impulse can keep moving forward with the message.
If serotonin or norepinephrine movement is interrupted, depression or anxiety disorders can result, as these hormones (also called neurotransmitters) regulate things like mood, appetite and concentration. For patients with depression, the neurotransmitters may return to their original location (the presynaptic membrane) instead of sending the right message produced by the serotonin to a neuron. Medications for depression can help stop these hormones from returning to their original location, a process called reuptake. The result is that broken signals are repaired; there is more serotonin activity; and reduced symptoms for depression.
Dopamine is another neurotransmitter linked to mental illness, such as schizophrenia, characterized in part by emotional disturbances, but certain medications can help reduce the symptoms. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is also believed to be a result of interrupted passages of dopamine or norepinephrine. Tiredness, high levels of stress and poor motivation are also linked to low dopamine.
Additional mental illnesses, such as personality disorders and social disorders, are believed to be caused by the interrupted transfer of neurotransmitter messages. In patients with drug or alcohol addictions, the gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, receptor may be affected. This neurotransmitter slows the speed of nerve impulses and causes muscles to relax.
Interestingly, people with vitamin deficiencies may be more likely to experience disrupted, lacking or ineffective neurotransmitters. Amino acids are the building blocks of neurotransmitter production, but amino acids can’t be generated without first taking in a broad range of vitamins and minerals. Diets that are too low in protein may also contribute to impaired neurotransmitter function. A combination of good nutrition, prescription medications or antidepressants, exercise and psychotherapy are recommended to increase neurotransmitter production and encourage a smooth flow of these critical chemicals in the brain.
~~~~~Hormone Imbalance, Not Bipolar Disorder
I now have a sufficient database to report that a significant subset of BP patients are not BP at all but have gonadal hormone problems. Correct identification and treatment of these imbalances stabilize the patients and refute the purported BP (although I do not know how to get the incorrect diagnoses out of insurance records and undo the damage to these peoples lives). This occurs in men and women.
Ladies first: There are two subgroups here; really, really bad PMS and really, really bad PMS in conjunction with Stein-Leventhal Syndrome (PCOS-PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome).
Most of these women are diagnosed at relatively early ages, but after menarche. Indeed they have florid mood swings, affective dysregulation, depression, impulsivity, suicidal gestures...the whole gamut. True psychotic symptoms are rare. And yes, they come to me on one of the cocktails du jour. Many do meet criteria for ADHD and PLMD (Periodic Limb Movement Disorder) but these have always been subordinate to the horrible, Rapid Cycling BP.
Careful history, often with input from parents, partners or spouses reveals--here’s the surprise--that the patient’s cycling correlates closely with her menstrual cycle. In fact, that’s when her BP is harder to control. My impression then becomes, Hmm...
I won’t go into a discussion of hormone cycling, enzymes and neurotransmitters now, but will put some references at the end. In short, after careful evaluation and consideration I detoxify these women from their toxic cocktails. It is difficult and often frightening. But once SSRIs and and dopamine blocking agents are gone, the super-sensitization of the dopamine pathways have cooled-off a tailored titration onto a pulse pattern of Wellbutrin controls the PMS and BP disappears. Imagine that!
No, every woman diagnosed with BP who has PMS does not fit this paradigm, just many of them. Something to consider.
The women with PCOS and BP often haven’t been diagnosed with PCOS yet. Some have. PCOS is characterized by irregular, painful menses, elevated testosterones, masculinization, hirsutism, weight gain and many other features in varying degree. Insulin resistance and Diabetes Mellitus is common. In the patients they may have significant internal hormone fluctuations without the manifestations of a period--menses. Thus it is necessary to get long and careful histories, keep calendars, get hormone assays at “different” times and then decide about treatment. By the bye, most medications for BP cause weight gain and some directly increase blood glucose and all of this is quite bad for a patient with PCOS.
In selected cases the BP meds are withdrawn. The metabolic issues must be addressed; control and suppress androgens to normal female levels, control blood glucose and insulin. Then address the PMS. AS noted above this usually can be accomplished with Wellbutrin, but is some cases wherein the fluctuations are so erratic and unpredictable that a pulse pattern cannot be established effectively Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) are used because it is the surge in MAO that occurs abruptly when a woman’s estrogen drops (and the MAO is the enzyme that degrades all biogenic amines--dopamine, serotonin, noradrenalin, et. al.) and induces the miserable moodiness and symptoms of PMS mistakenly called BP in these cases.
Now the men: this has been more subtle and took longer to clarify. Men have estrogen just as women have testosterone. Testosterone is metabolized into estrogen! I posited years ago that a subset of men are exceedingly rapid metabolizers of testosterone into estrogen (and also some may over-produce it intrinsically). A recent article in the “New England Journal of Medicine” confirmed my supposition.
Anyhow, I figured this one out backwards. After seeing a series of men with putative BP, on all of the usual drugs, I discerned a pattern of diminished libido, sexual dysfunction, subtle feminization and often new and strange sexual thoughts and fantasies. This was always called a medication side effect. However evaluation of hormone levels revealed relative to absolute hypogonadism. I do not attribute the finding to the psychiatric drugs because I have also seen several men who presented with first depressive episodes and no prior treatment with the same features. And their estrogens were usually high normal or abnormal.
But let’s stick with the BP. Finally off psych meds and on testosterone replacement some interesting things happened. Their moodiness, irritability, insomnia, and other symptoms resolved as they were re-masculinized and estrogen levels fell. Some of the time.
A sub-group that has been most fascinating are the super fast metabolizers. When give transdermal testosterone daily the were feminized by immediate conversion to estrogen. This was not considered a good result by the men and their wives. Use of injectable long-acting, slow-release testosterone worked, but not in the traditional 200 mg in the tush every two weeks. After a sufficient duration of treatment (in testosterone replacement therapy blood levels can rise swiftly in a few weeks but clinical response can take three months or more) they began to cycle again, often worse. This has been called ‘roid rage’ from excessive testosterone but in fact the trouble occurred as the testosterone wore off and the estrogen rose dramatically. A sort of male PMS. At first we addressed this by increasing frequency of injection, usually with a lower dose (100 mg or each time). The result would be an individualized but predicable cycle; 3-6 good days followed by the crash. Yet testosterone levels were pretty even. The estrogen levels were cycling down after an injection and skyrocketed with the crash! Eureka.
~~~~~Poverty harms brain?
The General conclusion, which can be done here, looks like this: from the neurobiological point of view, poverty is not a lifelong stigma, inherited from ancestors, with whom nothing can be done and which we can only hope for some kind of a successful mutation. But while poverty can ruin the life not only in terms of material well-being, but also literally changing the brain and therefore the psyche. In other words, to obtain a healthy society, need to care not about that, that was not rich, and about how to not be poor.
~~~~~Have You Stopped Enjoying Life? Could Be Low Dopamine
Some people feel so bad they want to die, but don’t follow through because they actually lack motivation. There is no pleasure. That must sound doesn’t it, but it holds true for many. Why bother with anything, nothing brings you pleasure… this kind of depression is related to dopamine imbalances. Does it sound like you?
You’ve been trained to equate depression with serotonin deficiency, not dopamine, but in fact people with serotonin-related depression don’t usually wish to die. They feel blue, they have no motivation, sometimes poor self esteem, but they don’t want to really die. They are commonly put on drugs such as Prozac, a very good one if you’re aiming to raise serotonin temporarily. But
Prozac might backfire, I’ll tell you why in a minute. It has to do with fluoride and iodine. My point right now is depression is NOT a Prozac deficiency (or Celexa, or Cymbalta, or Lexapro, or any of them). They may be helpful, and you may rely on them but the point here is depression results from something other than a medication deficiency. There’s an important distinction I want to make, one that could potentially save your life, or someone you love.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Something special
If you love life, love it's worth the effort to talk openly!
To accept what makes you who you are, to be fully there.
Let out that inner gypsy because you have a safety net
for your best interest because you would be their best interest
because if it's love it is!
Well you have to be open. Time is wasting, wasting not saying it!
Life is short enough! Work something out! Talk...
To have that conversation is gold! Otherwise is just a panic to deal with it.
Letting you know that you are something special!
If you have that feeling, say it, stop the regret!
~~~~~Accepting people does not itself mean agreeing with them, approving of them, waiving your own rights, or downplaying their impact upon you. You can still take appropriate actions to protect or support yourself or others. Or you can simply let people be. Either way, you accept the reality of the other person. You may not like it, you may not prefer it, you may feel sad or angry about it, but at a deeper level, you are at peace with it. That alone is a blessing. And sometimes, your shift to acceptance can help things get better.
Pick someone who is important to you. (You can do this practice with multiple people.) In your mind, out loud, or in writing, say things like these and see how you feel: "I accept you completely. Countless causes, large and small, have led you to think, speak, and act the way you do. You are who you are. I let it be. You are a fact and I accept the facts in my life. You and I are part of a larger whole that is what it is, and I accept it, too."
If you like, be more specific, naming aspects of this person that particularly bother you, such as: "I accept that you . . . snore . . . leave your clothes on the floor . . . are still angry with me . . . have little natural interest in sex . . . are fighting me tooth-and-nail in this divorce . . . don't really understand me . . . are not a good teacher for my child . . . break the law . . . hurt people on a large scale . . . " (And remember that you can still disagree with, make requests of, or stand up to other people - while accepting them fully.)
See if you can tolerate what comes up for you when you soften into acceptance. Often we avoid accepting other people as a way to avoid the feelings we'd have if we opened wide to everything they are and everything they're not.
Consider how you have gotten tangled up with this other person, struggling to change them. When I do this myself, I become aware of my own rightness, positionality, judgments, pushiness, irritability, narrow views, hurts, longings, grievances, or remorse. See if you can let go of some, even all of these entanglements. Open to the easing, relief, and peace that can come when you do.
Also consider how much you like it when you feel that another person accepts you completely. It's a beautiful gift - and we can give it ourselves to others when we accept them. Imagine how it might improve your relationship with someone if that person felt you accepted him or her fully. Acceptance is a gift that gives back.
Trip Hop
~~~~~What IS trip-hop?
While it would not be correct to assume that all triphop lyrics focus on anything in particular, a good deal of groups express sentiments on love, the loss of love, relationships in general, life in general, city life, escapism, etc. Not all, but a good deal of groups also approach these topics from a somber or regretful standpoint. This isn't to say that all triphop is for heartbroken souls who want to stay couped up in a studio apartment, chainsmoking and drinking all night because they are now damaged. There is triphop which deals with the good things in life as well: good times in life, worthy experiences, the pleasure of a certain herb, etc... but just about every triphop album out there will have at least a song or two that will focus on the downfalls of love. It seems to be quite a universal theme within this music. Hopefully this is starting to shape up into something that can actually be grasped.
Income a crucial role in determining a child's prospects
more prisons, but not asking why are they doing the crime?
and that is a sign of low wages. Relating as many people
so we went to bed 11 am and woke up around 10 pm.
So her kids where on the loose as we where sleeping.
as my ex girlfriends son and the babysitter...
as they did that a lot not being able to afford babysitters.
I asked and found out!
~~~~~Who are America’s Poor Children?
Fourteen million American children live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level, which is $22,050 a year for a family of four. 1 The number of children living in poverty increased by 21 percent between 2000 and 2008. There are 2.5 million more children living in poverty today than in 2000.
Not only are these numbers troubling, the official poverty measure tells only part of the story. Research consistently shows that, on average, families need an income of about twice the federal poverty level to make ends meet. 2 3 Children living in families with incomes below this level – for 2009, $44,100 for a family of four – are referred to as low income. Forty-one percent of the nation’s children – more than 29 million in 2008 – live in low-income families.
Nonetheless, eligibility for many public benefits is based on the official poverty measure. This fact sheet – the first in a series focusing on economic and material hardship – details some of the characteristics of American children who are considered poor by the official standard.
~~~~~Negative childhood experiences have serious education consequences, experts say
One expert calls negative early childhood experiences the most important public health issue of our time.
Amanda Sheffield Morris, speaking last week in Oklahoma City, said bad experiences set the stage for academic struggles in school and possible substance abuse during the adolescent years.
Morris, foundation chair in child development at Oklahoma State University, was a breakout session speaker during the Oklahoma Early Childhood Coalition Summit, organized by the Potts Family Foundation. Also addressing the issue was Lana Beasley, associate professor of human development and family science at OSU.
Examples of an adverse childhood experience, or ACE, are abuse, neglect and witnessing domestic abuse or substance abuse by a parent. Divorce, parental incarceration and poverty are other factors the speakers said can hamper the life of children as they enter school.
"Oklahoma has one of the highest ACE rates in the nation," Morris said. Quoting Kaiser Foundation studies, she said 45.5 percent of Oklahoma children are "at risk," with three or more ACE's. She said Oklahoma has one of the highest divorce rates, and 11 percent of children have witnessed domestic violence.
The good news, Beasley said, is that something can be done to offset the problems caused by adverse childhood experiences.
"Good quality early childhood education can make a difference," she said.
Beasley cited work done on the Perry Preschool Project. The program, started in 1962 in Michigan, was offered to more than 100 disadvantaged children, and follow-up studies have been done over the past 50 years.
What was discovered, she said, is that project participants grew up to have fewer children out of wedlock, earned higher incomes and were less likely to receive government assistance.
"Communities and organizations have to come together to minimize ACE's," Morris said. Intervention and prevention at an early age pay dividends, she said.
Beasley said the return on investment ranges anywhere from 7 to 13 percent.
During a question-and-answer session, one participant wondered if money now spent on corrections could be diverted to early childhood education.
Both speakers said investments early in a child's life are cheaper solutions than incarceration later in life. They also encouraged mental health support for parents to prevent physical abuse as well as substance abuse, and advocated safe and affordable housing as well as investment in education.
"Our legislation and policies must focus on child safety," Beasley said. Beasley said her work with at-risk families has at times left her heartbroken as she hears from parents who are afraid to send their children to school with violent students. Some say they must drive to parks across town, because their neighborhood parks are not safe.
Morris said society needs to reshape its thinking toward students who struggle in school with academic and behavioral issues.
"Instead of asking them 'what is wrong with you,' we need to ask
'what happened to you?'" - (*Note 48)
Income inequality is a factor if the foundation is low everything follows it.
I believe in the Common Core being you can't fix the kids test score unless
you know what is lacking.
I do not believe in high stakes testing in that you would only be
punishing the kids and holding the Teachers accountable to the towns income!
Case in point, "The 20 ‘Worst’ Public Schools in America"
"1. East St. Louis Lincoln Middle School"
Recurring Numbers and 48
My recurring number is, 48! I was driving home from Oklahoma City, and I
seen the sign that said it was 48 miles to Tulsa and it was 8:48.48 pm when I looked
at my watch. Many times I have looked at my watch and it was like 7:48 then the
next time I looked it was 8:48 on the minute. Had a friend at work that when I added
his phone number 4+5+... etc. It came to be 48! My initials put to numbers A,1 etc
is 4.8.! I will be 48 this year!
Also there was a lady at work in the 90's I loved she was born in 1948
and she was 48 when I fell for her! And at work that year my paycheck
kept popping up with the 48 number! Like my pay was $486.48 or my
social security tax had the 48 somewhere on it.
The 48 was bad that year all at once!
These days? It still pops up like in a webpage I might be looking at it will have the
48 number somewhere on it. On a website I use, my 48 number is on the https
on my address on the site. I had nothing to do with it. These things pop up!
So to me I see it as a marker. If I search on Youtube or any search for something
and the address has a 48 on it I will look at it!
I wanted to do this story but felt like it would freak people out but as it seems
the recurring number seems to be popping up again.
My old lady went to the store and bought a few things and paid separately,
cash and card. They where the same amount for different things.
And I have been seeing my 48 number pop up lately! So...
I did the story! I hope it is telling me for the best! I need the best!
"Angel Number 48 indicates that the ‘angels of abundance’ surround you and
are with you as you experience positive life changes.
They ask that you release any fears about your finances and trust that your
needs will be met."
I always ran like that about my finances! I might be broke but as always I ended
up making it. Something worked out, a bill would be less than I thought or
I would find a $20. So I do believe in that! Even found a $20 in my
jacket pocket I left in there to surprise myself the next time it got cold out
and I put my jacket on!
But the point is believe, love, and know there is hope. And there is a light
that points, warns you to look out a change is hitting you!
Hoping for the best change! I was driving with my EX wife once and we
bounces with my Cherokee girlfriend... Threat! Ouch!
Angel Number 48 is a message from your angels that a cycle or phase will soon be coming to an end, with rewards coming from hard work well done. Do not fear lack or loss as these endings and conclusions will lead to auspicious new beginnings and opportunities, and your success and achievement will bring blessings and rewards of many kinds into your life.
Angel Number 48 indicates that the ‘angels of abundance’ surround you and are with you as you experience positive life changes. They ask that you release any fears about your finances and trust that your needs will be met.
Angel Number 48 is a message that the hard work and determination you have put towards living your life according to your personal truths has fully aligned you with your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and with this you will reap abundance and plenty to maintain and sustain you as you continue along your path. Trust that the angels are supporting, encouraging and guiding you.
The prophecies of 48 Jewish prophets and 7 prophetesses were recorded in the
Tanakh for posterity. According to the Mishnah, Torah wisdom is acquired via 48
ways (Pirkei Avoth 6:6) Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, sat under a
bodhi tree for 48 days attempting to understand the nature of reality and Universe.
Buddhism was the result.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Love Is Letting Go Of Fear
I always say I love with no boundaries. Life can be short!
In 1985 I got hit by a car doing 45 mph on my moped doing 0 mph!
What is life about? Too short to have false fears holding you back!
"Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the
main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning
of wisdom."
"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
Neither love without knowledge, nor knowledge without love
can produce a good life.” - Bertrand Russell
~~~~~How to Let Go of Fear and Return to Love
What is LOVE?
Whenever I ask myself this question, the answer that comes to mind is always the same:
“Love is who we are, it’s what we are all made of.”
But what does this mean?
It means that we are all made of love, made with love and made to love and whenever we are anything other than love we are not truly being ourselves. We move away from our true nature. And as a result, we start to build a false identity for ourselves, pretending to be something we are not and taking our sense of worth from outside of us and no longer from within ourselves.
That’s how the struggle begins. That’s how most of us start settling for way less than we are worth, constantly using the past as an excuse of why we can’t move forward in life, crafting sad, lonely, unhappy and mediocre lives.
Why do you think there’s so much violence in the world, people who live in poverty, couples who stay in unhealthy and toxic relationships, men and women do work that has no value and no meaning for them? Why do you think so many people live in fear, expecting the worst to always happen, talking more about their pains and sorrows than they talk about their joys and blessings? Because we have moved away from who we truly are, we have moved away from LOVE. And when you move away from love, you start to feel scared, disconnected, lost and lonely and life becomes a struggle.
“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” ~ John Lennon
You are made of love, made with love and made to love and whenever love is not present within your heart, you will feel disconnected from the world around you and you will feel as though something is missing from your life. And that something, that missing piece will be YOU – your awareness about who you truly are and what you are really capable of being, doing and having. The missing piece will be LOVE.
The return to LOVE
“It is good to feel lost… because it proves you have a navigational sense of where “Home” is. You know that a place that feels like being found exists. And maybe your current location isn’t that place but, Hallelujah, that unsettled, uneasy feeling of lost-ness just brought you closer to it.” ~ Erika Harris
No matter how long you have been wondering around, feeling lost, disoriented and confused, looking outside of you for all the things that you thought were missing from within you, if you want to get back to yourself if you want to return to LOVE, you can. For love always was and always will be, lovingly waiting for you.
Love never left you and will never do.
“I know you’re tired but come, this is the way.” ~ Rumi
So how do you let go of the past and return to LOVE? How do you go from living in fear to living in LOVE; from feeling lost to being found; from feeling scared, drained, exhausted and unhappy to feeling happy alive, refreshed and rejuvenated?
You return to LOVE by first setting an intention to do so. By making a promise to yourself to spend the rest of your life fully loving, nurturing and honoring who you are.
You return to LOVE by unlearning all that you have learned about yourself, about life and about LOVE and by living life from a place of infinite choices and possibilities – the present moment, no longer from a place of fear and limitations – the past.
You return to LOVE by forgiving everything and everyone, including yourself and by sending love to all those who might have hurt and harmed you at one point or another.
You return to LOVE by making peace with your darkness, your shadows, fears, and insecurities and by filling your heart with love, light, and trust. Trust in yourself, trust in love and trust in life itself.
You return to LOVE by accepting and embracing yourself just as you are right at this moment and by pouring unconditional love upon yourself, upon all that you do and all that you are.
You return to LOVE by realizing that in this moment you are ENOUGH.
You return to LOVE by taking the time to know yourself, to spoil yourself and to love yourself.
You return to LOVE, to yourself and your true nature by spending time outside in nature observing, admiring and contemplating at the beauty of life itself.
You return to LOVE by nurturing kind and loving thoughts about yourself and about the world around you. And by constantly thinking, talking and acting upon that which you want to experience and attract in your life.
You return to LOVE by becoming aware that you are ONE with all that is, ONE with the people you love but also those you dislike; ONE with the riches that you want to have in your life but also with the poverty that is present in the world; ONE with those who are kind but also with those who are unkind; ONE with the trees, the plants, the stars, the Moon and ONE with life itself.
You return to LOVE by surrendering to what is and by trusting that maybe everything in life is happening exactly the way it should be happening. And that maybe we all have some very valuable lessons to learn from both the good and bad experiences and people that come our way.
You return to LOVE by expressing your love, gratitude, and appreciation for everything that comes your way, every thought, every person, every interaction and by seeking to use them all to become a better not bitter person.
You return to LOVE by understanding that you are LOVE and that there is nothing about you lacking, there never was nor will there ever be.
You return to LOVE by understanding that you don’t have to do more of anything and you don’t have to acquire more stuff, have more friends and make more money in order for you to feel whole, worthy and complete.
You return to LOVE not by getting more, having more and doing more but by being more – being happy, content, peaceful, graceful, grateful and so on. That’s how you return to LOVE. That’s how you return to your beautiful and loving Self.
Low Pay, Low Water Use, Contaminants
that just sits there not being used because many can't afford to use water.
Their water bill is $50+ before they use any!
If there are many people walking with no cars not being able to
walk to the airport it's 50 miles to the airport so they can't build their frequent
flyer miles... They don't even have a car so do they use much water?
Disabled in society by their low wages effecting everything around them.
And the point of needing to fix it. If you walk with no car and can't
afford to use water being a $50 water bill, the pay needs to go up!
~~~~~Flint Ignored A Memo On How To Make Water Cheaper.
Now FLINT, MICHIGAN — Stephanie and Joseph Morales are upstanding members of the Unitarian Universalist church and the parents of nine young children. But they haven’t paid their water bills for nearly two years.
The Flint residents, whose children range from ages three to 17, stopped drinking their tap water pretty much immediately after the city switched the source from Detroit to the Flint River in April 2014, causing widespread contamination from lead and other chemicals. The taste was off, and there was a day when they drew a bath and all the water came out brown. “We noticed right away,” Joseph said.
That prompted them to start buying and using bottled water to drink and cook with. But it was a costly undertaking — they started shelling out somewhere between $50 and $100 a month to get enough for their family. “We tried making sure that we got it on sale whenever we could,” Stephanie said.
That extra cost came on top of the steep bills they were already paying for the tap water they couldn’t use — somewhere in the $120 to $140 range a month. So they stopped responding to the bills last summer. “I found it ridiculous to pay,” Joseph said. “I’m trying to find the money to buy bottled water… so you know what, I’m not going to pay my water bill. If they want to come and shut it off, okay, we’ll just deal with it.”Its Residents Are Paying The Price.
The Morales’s bills are about in line with an analysis from 2014 finding that residents pay $140 a month on average, far higher than other surrounding areas and about eight times higher than the national average.
Those rates were already a burden for many residents, leading many low-income families — Flint’s poverty rate is above 40 percent — to stop paying altogether and prompting lawsuits over shutoff notices. But now that people know the water was unsafe to drink going back potentially as far as spring of 2014, they’re wondering why they should have to keep paying such exorbitant bills for water they can’t even use.
That problem — nonpayment of water bills — will only serve to starve the city of the revenue it could very much use to help cover the enormous cost of ripping out the city’s entire water system, which many believe has been irreparably compromised, and replacing it with new pipes.
Water is bad and added to the bad if there is just no use!
There is a big issue with low pay to low water use, stagnating water.
Why is that? There are drought stricken places that use less water.
And how power plants are cooled now, they use less water.
The point is less water is being used from not being able to.
The low water use is shown more to be poor by the poor, showing how
poor we all really are! Take away the water use from businesses shows
the real use from the people. Poor people!