Sunday, March 24, 2019

Illiteracy on Society, Never could get there, Sorry your income is too low!

Illiteracy is income related! As it's said small towns are small for a reason. Make nothing have nothing, means they have nothing otherwise if they made enough money but chose to buy nothing making the town small then that is a sign of depression they need medicine. Illiteracy is income related because they couldn't afford an education so there is just not enough foundation for it. Small towns have less money, less resources to do better. Well how are you to afford to go to college on low pay there is not enough grants to give to all the low income people. Like how not everyone overseas can get a refrigerator. It's about the pay! 

In life like the banks underwriter saying "Sorry your income is too low!" in a way to keep the town at their level as small towns are mostly poor, so is the town small! The wages needs to go up then comes the education there is just too much income inequality! Education cost like it does to have good credit you have to buy something. And you can't buy something if you have nothing and many around you has nothing also. a bigger-hurts-everyone-even-the-rich

All of the bad is a result of low wages. Low foundation from low pay. Children waged adults live like a child not like a adult so kept down by the wages. So raise the wages so the people can afford to get a education to compete with the change in the knowledge economy!

Not doing so just makes the many low. Like my college instructor liked to say. "Raised in a corn field your mind is only mushed as the corn field you live in." Meaning a lack of environmental stimulus or pulled out of school to help on the farm. If you are in a pool of Illiterate people? Wouldn't it imply that something like dyslexia that could relate to it would be caused by a lack of income by the mass amount of them in town because it wouldn't be a virus passed around. "Dyslexia - How was the brain able to learn speech/language patterns but not visual patterns(reading)?" Just saying because low is low!

My college instructor also said "Education is like the water that covers the poop in the toilet the less you have the more the poop comes out of the toilet." The result of low education showing the need for better education in that is pay to pay for it otherwise they don't have it and is why small towns are more deficient than a bigger city with bigger pay and more resources. If the small town can't take care of it's people then the wages should go up so they can afford to get brought up. If they are not brought up then they won't be able to compete in the knowledge economy and will be bulldozed by the bigger cities as small towns are not able to complete with bigger cities with more resources! Anyway...

Note the knowledge economy is also a farce!

~~~~~Consequences of illiteracy
The consequences of illiteracy are many and harmful in several respects. As well as affecting illiterate individuals themselves in their daily lives and often jeopardizing their future, this scourge has a significant effect on society, both socially and economically.

~~~~~The Lifelong Impact of Illiteracy
Literacy deeply and persistently impacts access to education, economic development, and life outcomes. Even in our modern world, the numbers are startling. Millions around the world and in our own country remain functionally illiterate, reading below the basic level.

~~~~~12 Effects of Illiteracy on Society
When people cannot read or write, it has negative effects on them as well as the society in which they live. According to the World Statistics Institute, approximately 30 percent of the world’s population is illiterate. Studies suggest that illiteracy rates are rising steadily each year.

"Studies suggest that illiteracy rates are rising steadily each year."
Well yes America is declining! The reading levels of our Presidents is declining. Voting in less and less literate people to be president, to be low like them so they make sense to the illiteracy of the voters? Why else is the decline? What do they have? Who ever dies with the most stuff wins! So if you make nothing you have nothing and down we all go never getting there because of not being allowed to. Is the income inequality driving this? Less income is less education as they can't afford it. There needs to be a change to go higher to get there!

~~~~~Reading Levels
One way to compare speeches is to assess their reading levels using the Flesch-Kincaid grade level test. The Flesch-Kincaid readability tests are designed to indicate how difficult a passage is to understand.