Sunday, April 28, 2019

VA doctors prescribing unnecessary antibiotics - Many Doctors in training, not surprised!

There has been issues with the VA for a long time. Also health care in small towns. If you didn't know, in the VA and small towns there are many Doctors in training! Just because you have a education doesn't make you smart. Like a license for a car having one does not mean you know how to drive. Your education starts after college. And so comes the issues of doctors in training. Being a system in training you will have the bad here and there! 

Always remember you are responsible about your own health care as you only have one or many lives. Be aware of your needs! Going to a Doctor is better than nothing but be a part of your own health care!

~~~~~VA doctors prescribing unnecessary antibiotics, study finds
Antibiotic overuse is a major problem throughout the world. Now a new study finds four in 10 outpatients were inappropriately prescribed antibiotics at a major U.S. Veterans Affairs health system.

That rate is higher than in previous studies on outpatient antibiotic use. Improper use of the drugs is associated with increased illness, cost and the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

"Our study targeted the most commonly overused antibiotics and the associated conditions in order to enable an approach focused on these factors in the outpatient setting," said study author Alexis White.

Over-prescription of antibiotics was most common in patients with urinary tract infections, bronchitis, skin infections and sinusitis, according to the analysis of data from researchers with the Veterans Affairs Western New York Healthcare System in Buffalo.

~~~~~Training doctors for small-town Texas
“In some parts of West Texas, there may be only one physician, and he’s 80 miles away,” said Ann Smith, academic program coordinator. “This program is a way to address the physician shortage by training doctors who will return to West Texas to practice medicine.”