Sunday, July 28, 2019

Food stamp rule change

Well you more likely heard the complaints at work about making enough money to not qualify for food stamps and not enough money to make it so they don't living low making others live low also. If the parents live bad then so do the kids. Less food stamps is more people have to spend on food in that they have to cut back on something to compensate for the cost ending in less sales!

Anyway you see it cutting on peoples food stamps is cutting on business owners in a lack of sales as you spend what you earn and if you earn less you spend less. Food stamps gets passed on to business owners so cutting food stamps is cutting money to them. The poor will just get cheap stuff cutting back their spending!

I still say why not just raise the minimum wage so there is no tax burden with people that can afford to buy food making not much need for food stamps in the first place? The condition here is people are too broke to shop at Walmart or to shop on line! It's something bad then to cut the food stamps makes it bad for others!

~~~~~Food stamp rule change would strip 3M Americans of SNAP benefits
The Trump administration has announced plans to close a loophole that allows Americans with higher incomes get access to food stamps.

The proposed rule change would strip 3 million Americans of the benefits by hard-capping the minimum income level.