Sunday, November 20, 2022

Pandora's box of diseases makes one a fool himself!


Still a concern is the global warming issues of disease, heat, no food / water bring up too many unknowns that would effect all of us! Brings up the point how fast we can react to the threats also to something like a fast danger is not so well known. So this is the risky life we live in now and that should me the main concern for survival. Not to neglect yourself or others or to be following the fools to their death, makes one a fool himself!

~~~~Drought disrupts Mississippi River shipping corridor. About 500 million tons of agriculture and other vital products are shipped down the Mississippi River every year. There are now multiple choke points along this so-called "superhighway" where barges are stranded, waiting for higher river levels or the completion of emergency dredging operations.

~~~~Blocking events bat away oncoming low-pressure systems that would bring the prospect of clouds and rain. They are particularly synonymous with heatwaves and drought in summer and bitterly cold conditions in winter.

~~~~Frozen permafrost soil is the perfect place for bacteria to remain alive for very long periods of time, perhaps as long as a million years. That means melting ice could potentially open a Pandora's box of diseases."

~~~~Monoclonal antibodies were once the star of COVID-19 outpatient treatments. Since they first became available in 2020 – even before the first vaccines – more than 3.5 million infusions of the factory-grown proteins have been given to patients in the U.S. to help reduce risk of hospitalization.

But one by one, different monoclonal treatments have lost their efficacy against new variants of the coronavirus. The rise of Paxlovid antiviral pills earlier this year, further dented their appeal.

Now, a new wave of omicron subvariants that are the best yet at evading the immune system's current defenses have taken over in the U.S. They're expected to knock out bebtelovimab, the last monoclonal antibody treatment standing against the coronavirus. Soon, it'll join bamlanivimab, casirivimab, sotrovimab and others in the graveyard of monoclonals that once targeted past COVID strains until they were outflanked by variants that evaded their protection.

~~~~Higher temperatures, water scarcity, droughts, floods, and greater CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere affect staple crops around the world. Corn and wheat production has declined in recent years due to extreme weather events, plant diseases, and a global water crisis.