Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Coming clean please! Transitioning from cheating to a polyamorous relationship

Secret affairs in a world of unstable is not such a good thing. It can be like hitting a piñata on fire that is full of gasoline with a baseball bat! The lets do this wins mostly so like in history there is a fire but more overdone these days than it should! It's just best to come open in the first place! So it happened, it's best to be open about our natures. Polyamory as it's not fair to expect your wife to be your one and only prostitute to serve only him that is not our nature so it's best to accept her nature. Compersion!

~~~~"The worship of monogamous marriages and lifelong fidelity in both Western and Eastern societies is fundamentally incompatible with human nature." https://www.zenflowchart.com/blog/summary-of-sex-at-dawn-christopher-ryan

~~~~"Now that you’re com­ing clean, you’d bet­ter do so com­plete­ly. I mean 100% truth, absolute­ly, no holds barred, no lit­tle omis­sions, no “spin­ning” any­thing. Tell the raw truth about who, where, when, what hap­pened, how long, etc. Don’t even think about leav­ing out past indis­cre­tions. Don’t fool your­self that they don’t need to know all of that or that you’re “pro­tect­ing them.” We’re talk­ing about rad­i­cal hon­esty in its truest sense. If you haven’t yet read Brad Blan­ton’s book on the sub­ject you should do so imme­di­ate­ly. Take it to heart. Do the exer­cis­es. Devour it, digest it, and make it a part of you."

"Real­ize that while you are look­ing at what you want and don’t want in your rela­tion­ships, you’re like­ly to find your­self ques­tion­ing a lot of things you may have tak­en for grant­ed in your life. Every­thing from how you will live to just what sex means to you and to what con­sti­tutes a rela­tion­ship is up for rede­f­i­n­i­tion now. Some peo­ple find that their reli­gious beliefs are not sup­port­ive of polyamory and end up seek­ing a new spir­i­tu­al path." https://technomom.com/love/coming-clean