Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Minimum wage petition in Oklahoma

Minimum wage petition in Oklahoma because nothing helps more than broke people! Causing bankruptcies to business not willing to lower the prices to match the poverty wages of the town anything is better than nothing. Having people not able to afford their education and all things bad so it's best to go up not down!

"Raising the minimum wage even over a span of five years would kill jobs, especially in smaller businesses in rural parts of the state." Like how it killed all of us the last times it went up we all must of died and got reincarnated!

Rural? They need to get brought up we all don't go down to their level! Why are they not brought up yet? Well a trailer park on fire has a low cost of living doesn't mean you would want to live there. Living low puts one in harms way into natural selection. If you are suffering you are not being successful nor many around you it's like being in quicksand making all-around bad employees and badly living people!,More%20people%20and%20businesses%20in%20Oklahoma%20are%20filing%20for%20bankruptcy,businesses%20may%20file%20for%20bankruptcy