Saturday, June 30, 2018
Terence McKenna Lizard Land and the Alien tuning fork
As should be the point of taking DMT to be better to get to a higher plane.
Not a lower plane, you need to go higher in life.
"The emanation is conceived, according to esoteric teachings, to have originated, at the dawn of the universe's manifestation, in The Supreme Being who sent out—from the unmanifested Absolute beyond comprehension—the dynamic force of creative energy, as sound-vibration ("the Word"), into the abyss of space. Alternatively, it states that this dynamic force is being sent forth, through the ages, framing all things that constitute and inhabit the universe."
And so is the point Terence McKenna is talking about. Finding your way back
to the same place you found. Relating to destiny, soulmates connecting, way
out in the universe. If it happens again and again then it's meant to be, as you
would normally not find or have that connection pointing over and over with
such odds about it! That is the point of there is nothing like it in the galaxy.
As like the odds of two nukes turning into whale and the bowl of petunias,
by the odds of probability. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
The Whale and the Bowl of Petunias.
Terence McKenna talked about his space heater making the buzzing noise
that set off his trip. This brings up the point of the Alien tuning fork part.
This points to a interest to me relating to what Terence McKenna said.
Interesting. This brings up the obvious about monks, shamans, medicine man
etc, a chant. A tuning fork to the universe!
Keep in mind about DMT's use. I do prefer that setting for it's use as
Psychedelic Treatment or have a tripping partner if trusted!
Are you ready for it? If there is issues you have just go to the
Psychedelic Treatment with a professional.