Sunday, December 23, 2018

Joe Martinez. He says his creepy encounter saved his life.

As it's said drugs are to heal and so if you are not using them to to heal 
yourself then you have a monkey on your back. Or even worse a dog like
something on your back! Truly fucked up showing there is a spiritual side
and so you have the power to do good or else not good.

Something for people to think about!

~~~~~This Man Struggled With Addiction Until He Saw Something in 
This Photo That Scared Him Straight.

A few years back, Martinez, who was heavily involved with drugs at the time, accompanied his wife to his in-law's anniversary party. It was your typical family gathering, that is until Martinez saw himself in a photo that was taken that evening.

Hovering over his shoulder, was the image of a demon, or who Martinez believes could have been Satan himself.

After seeing this jarring picture, Martinez said he was literally scared straight—he quit using drugs—and to this day, he still carries the picture in his wallet to remind him of the man he used to be.

Martinez insists that he's shared the picture with many reputable paranormal investigators who claim the photo hasn't been tampered with.

Regardless of whether or not it's a weird shadow, or you know, the devil's fur baby, at least some good came of it for Martinez.