Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Energy drinks may increase heart issues - Caffeinism

Many out there might know about excessive caffeine effecting the heart and so anything with high amounts of caffeine does the same. Energy drinks! So to note be aware, look at what you are drinking! Is the caffeine too high, sugar, salt, vitamins etc.  Read the label and think about it!

~~~~~"The toxicity of Vitamin-B12 is folic acid-related anemia if low, numbness or tingling in right arm or right side of face, anxieties, panic-anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, hyperthyroid, optic nerve atrophy. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products, but has been obtained through insect / feces-contaminated grains, fruits, or vegetables. The RDA of Vitamin-B12 is 4 to 6 mcg."

~~~~~Caffeine Toxicity. When ingested in excessive amounts for extended periods, caffeine produces a specific toxidrome (caffeinism), which consists primarily of the following features:

Central nervous system (CNS) – Headache, lightheadedness, anxiety, agitation, tremulousness, perioral and extremity tingling, confusion, psychosis, seizures
Cardiovascular – Palpitations or racing heart rate, chest pain
Gastrointestinal (GI) – Nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bowel incontinence, anorexia

CNS findings on physical examination include the following:
Anxiety, agitation
Altered mental status
Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat findings
Pupils that are dilated but reactive to light
The thyroid should be examined because thyrotoxicosis may mimic caffeine toxicity.

Cardiovascular findings on physical examination include the following:
Widened pulse pressure
Sinus tachycardia, dysrhythmias

GI findings on physical examination include the following:
Abdominal cramping
Hyperactive bowel sounds

~~~~~Energy drinks may increase heart malfunction, high blood pressure risk.
Taking in energy drinks too quickly may disturb electrical activity in the body, potentially bringing on irregular heart rhythms and high blood pressure, a new study says.

Consuming a 32-ounce energy drink can create heart abnormalities and raise blood pressure compared to drinking a non-energy beverage, according to a small study published in the June edition of the Journal of the American Heart Association.