Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Walmart Is Deploying Thousands Of Robots To Take Over For Human Workers - US Rural Favelas

The times are changing and so because of that the Government needs to support people thorough the changes. It is starting at Walmart and will grow it is happening and there is action that is needed! America is not just going to leave the many displaced homeless! America would follow the path of poverty as Brazil! Rural areas would turn into a Squatters community out of no choice! And so the issues of people living that way is a human rights violation to have so many living badly without the states and Governments educating their people and supporting them through the changes!

A little bit of adaption would be needed you need to go with the changes. Job skills are needed more than a four year college stuck there while the labor environment changes around you! I hope the workplaces will spend money to retrain their workers and vocational schools will pick up for the changes!

~~~~~A general welfare clause is a section that appeared in many constitutions, as well as in some charters and statutes, which provides that the governing body empowered by the document may enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people, sometimes worded as the public welfare. In some countries, this has been used as a basis for legislation promoting the health, safety, morals, and well-being of the people governed thereunder." 

~~~~~The occupation near Sao Paulo has little electricity. Some shelters are no more than pieces of plastic on the ground and above. Others have wood walls and floors.

Adriana Marcolino is a DIEESE researcher.

She said Brazil is not investing enough in social policies, including the minimum wage. She said more such occupations may be established, as a result. She called the squatters “the face of Brazil’s poorest citizens.”

~~~~~NCCI projects that relative to 2014, by 2024, U.S. manufacturing will lose 1.6 million workers, with automation replacing 6.9% of manufacturing jobs in addition to expected employment losses due to other factors. The same study also reports that information, agriculture, and retail sectors will employ 200,000 fewer workers. Workers in small, rural areas will also be more affected by automation than those in urban areas."

~~~~~According to the research, the U.S. middle class has the most to fear. Workers with skills that can be easily replicated by technology are in trouble. Lawyers, bankers, accountants, doctors, truck and cab drivers, fast food workers and many other professionals will be affected. Compensation for many people will plummet, as they will be pitted against by robots and AI."

McKinsey notes that “governments will have to develop and provide extensive job retraining to help displaced workers, as well as providing more generous income supplements. Beyond retraining, a range of policies can help, including unemployment insurance, public assistance in finding work, and portable benefits that follow workers between jobs as well as possible solutions to supplement incomes, such as more comprehensive minimum wage policies, universal basic income, or wage gains tied to productivity.” Millions of people will be forced onto government welfare programs. It is disingenuous to claim that hardworking people with 20-plus years of specialized experience and earning a good living can easily pivot to a different career and continue to earn a decent salary.  

It's understandable that Walmart must find new ways, such as deploying robots, to compete with the onslaught from Amazon. Somehow, as a nation, we need to ensure that Silicon Valley billionaires won't get richer and companies leaner by eviscerating the employees. If you follow this trend to its natural conclusion, who will buy all the products and services if we’re all out of work?

~~~~~According to the research, the U.S. middle class has the most to fear. Workers with skills that can be easily replicated by technology are in trouble. Lawyers, bankers, accountants, doctors, truck and cab drivers, fast food workers and many other professionals will be affected. Compensation for many people will plummet, as they will be pitted against by robots and AI.

McKinsey notes that “governments will have to develop and provide extensive job retraining to help displaced workers, as well as providing more generous income supplements. Beyond retraining, a range of policies can help, including unemployment insurance, public assistance in finding work, and portable benefits that follow workers between jobs as well as possible solutions to supplement incomes, such as more comprehensive minimum wage policies, universal basic income, or wage gains tied to productivity.” Millions of people will be forced onto government welfare programs. It is disingenuous to claim that hardworking people with 20-plus years of specialized experience and earning a good living can easily pivot to a different career and continue to earn a decent salary.  

It's understandable that Walmart must find new ways, such as deploying robots, to compete with the onslaught from Amazon. Somehow, as a nation, we need to ensure that Silicon Valley billionaires won't get richer and companies leaner by eviscerating the employees. If you follow this trend to its natural conclusion, who will buy all the products and services if we’re all out of work?