Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why are the wages so low can't afford to get job skills replaced by robots!

As you should know anytime there is technology there will be jobs for that technology so that makes the jobs that don't exist yet. In a time of future automation that is going to displace many low end workers that hardly make nothing to afford to get the job skills they need! Wasting their time in a world of time poverty disabled from society doing more with less getting less done faster put in a position where they cam't succeed making it look like they are not able to get their job done from future job interviewers point of view!

Isn't it time to raise the minimum wage the future is coming it's not a time to stand there in denial being ran over by the future. Or to say like is a car race and it's hard to get to the finish line if you walk without a car. Or ran out of gas you have two weeks till payday!
It's time to raise the minimum wage!