Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The issues today, casualty in dating. Economically Unattractive a trailer park on fire!

In the 80's there was a time in high school when the girls where all mostly having their periods at the same time and the boys ended up going for the middle school girls. Where the high school rounded up all the boys that had young girlfriends to have a talk at the round table about finding girls our own age. Because the middle school prom was "Sad, sad prom!" We took most of the girls the middle school boys had none! That explains the generation of kids that where in college I seen come in obsessed with sex and etc! Lot's of issues going on!

But the point is the kids these days makes a bad tomorrow and it needs to be changed! Economically unattractive? Well Going to live with someone in a trailer park on fire in Missouri might have a low cost of living but doesn't mean they would like to live there! Low SES, low retirement, less buying power of the wages etc. The need to go up! https://www.human.cornell.edu/pam/spotlights/economically-unattractive