Thursday, July 5, 2018

WalmartRamen BIO / Who is:

Who am I? I am a Think tank for the rights of others.
Well because of my road in my life all relating to all a real form of 
deeper learning. And being a INFJ it is just normal for me to scan all
around me to see the obvious from the redundant circle of life, a trap.
Just be more alert to what effects what or who. Cause and effect!

When I was in school I got bugged about my teacher so I went to the principal 
to gripe that the teacher was not teaching me enough. I liked her but I needed more
than I was getting and it bugged me. I questioned my education and so that 
was a normal thing for me to do being it was my education not hers or others. 
I am not them, I am me and I need to know. Question everything!

Relating to the times of school and to put a light on things I guess.
I have to mention that when I was a kid my "Object Permanence" happened
far sooner than expected. I am advanced in that cognitive stage when I was a kid.
I remember playing ball and slightly seeing the ball go under a couch.
I knew it was out of sight so it was gone to me but also knew it went under there.
My first paradox in life!

So I put my hand under the couch not sure if my hand would disappear and I felt
something and I pulled it out and when I looked at it. It was my ball and at that
moment it set off a something like a seizure. I remember shaking bad, like my 
neurons had a massive connection wire up at that moment, like a PC reboot. 
Boom, boom norm, just like that. 

I also have Multiple intelligence's, Deep learning.
I am a  A Visual Thinker. I have photographic memory or sort of being
able to retrieve it from my memory at will and examine it in detail.

I have Mental rotation ability / Visual Spatial Intelligence.
My dad was a oil engineer so as with drafting maps you have that
ability or you don't, I do! So seeing my dad showing a few of his maps
I was able to see it.

I am INFJ mixed in a few parts with INTJ but I am more in INFJ! 
It's not surprising for me. Still funny that it fits my nature.
" INFJs are the rarest type, and make up about 1–3% of the 
general population."

Back when I was 7+ I think, a homeless guy gave me something like LSD
or something. Well I tripped out and saw the Machine Elves.
They attacked me with knowledge and I mean attacked! I was taking the
knowledge in when they started to question and hold back when they
stopped and asked me if I could take this it's a life time of knowledge / advanced.
I was upset that they stopped and wanting to know why they stopped being
concerned about my well being when they attacked me with knowledge
in the first place. We went on. Keep in mind I was 7+ I think, so to me I see the 
point Terence McKenna was talking about. So to me I see it as having a better OS!

And from where I have been I just burn catnip now I have been there 
already at 7+ and from my past loves of my High School girlfriend being 
a EX teenage prostitute pimped not of her will! A hair dresser that barfed
on the first date taking me to a gay bar because she felt safe there after 
testifying against a biker gang that made her sleep with a frozen pig I think!
A college girlfriend who saw her last boyfriend blanking her mom in
the blank and saw it like a plunger going back and forth. Blacked out
and walked all the way to the middle school to get her younger sister
only to wake up in a fetal position in her sisters gym not knowing how 
she got there! On and on... Do I need LSD? No not really!

I am a lover of life and I know it's worth it! That is the point of all!

“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the  waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.”
– Terence McKenna

I have a past life memory as a fish!
A Pikaia from the Cambrian Period and more? Well yes I do!
I also point of my past life memory relating to Cuttlefish behavior.
because relating my personality trait of plasticity! I change to needs and
I'm entertaining in a challenge. Might be the same as the Cuttlefish
relating to my past life into today?

I seen a guy put gas on himself and get burned up in his car on a bridge.
Seen a kid get killed by a donkey I was to young to know was death was.

And because of all that is in my life, I have earned it to be like I am.
Keep that in mind, I got hit by a car doing 45 mph with me on a moped 
and made it! So I may not take things people think as serious, seriously!
It's not serious to me! Life is too short really to be serious!
Protected destiny? Destiny yes a have a few I tend to meet people before 
I meet them. I put it as a red string of fate, soulmates, meaningful things!
I seen many strange things in my life so I believe it.

I have a few famous family members in my life. One was NASA pioneer
on APOLLO 1 fire working on cabin pressure. Yes the team he was on had 
a accident but back then they didn't know it was a all new thing to do back then!

Burred in my family is also a famous musician that was on cocaine in the 80's.
A one that was partly responsible for the New York City blackout of 1977.
A loose nut! Who knew! Even my mom wiped out a corporation in the 50's.
She was their only bookkeeper and she misplaced a dot, so came tax day
and the place had way overspent! 

I met DIO, my friend had a relative that was in the band DIO.
Me and my friend where riding our bikes at ORU tulsa and DIO was
playing in Oklahoma at the time. His relative was looking for him and
his mom said we where at ORU riding bikes.
So he took his white limo to ORU and found us!

They put our bikes in the back of the limo and we got a ride with the band
back home. Yes I met Ronny James Dio he was not happy about having a
white limo because the black ones where all used up for funerals white was
all they had. "The prince of darkness does not drive up in a white limo!"
He was kind of not happy he was in a white limo and being at ORU!
"Is this ok?" Funny!

He asked me about my famous family member and he kind of insulted him / me
on the fact of the cocaine use he had at the time.
"Too bad... If one of my band mates used the drug they would be fired.",
"Where is he anyway?" (No one knew at the time!)

So about me? I am my own. I have the background to think as a tank.
There is too much to say just read!

~~~~~Research / Data and Information is all found at:

