Sunday, September 20, 2015

Gamma wave or Alpha wave

This is one of those quantum entanglement points of life, a singularity type story.
Gamma or Alpha? Both would be needed. In love, I am a desperate man!
I am in love with a Married Alpha woman! I hope they are thinking about it.
Who is, who to who. Just want to be fair, supportive and I do quite need her.
If it doesn't work, it doesn't work the point is to try.
But is it that I'm in the Gamma wave too much? She got me singing!

*Nothing bad just two neurons that need to oscillate synchronously.
And to point there is more to life than we know and it's time to grow!

~~~~~Gamma brainwaves are the fastest of brain waves (high frequency, like a flute),
and relate to simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas.
It passes information rapidly, and as the most subtle of the brainwave frequencies,
the mind has to be quiet to access it. Gamma was traditionally dismissed as
'spare brain noise' until researchers discovered it was highly active when in states
of universal love, altruism, and the ‘higher virtues’. Gamma rhythms modulate perception
and consciousness, disappearing under anesthesia. Gamma is also above the frequency
of neuronal firing, so how it is generated remains a mystery.
The presence of Gamma relates to expanded consciousness and spiritual emergence.

~~~~~The idea that distinct regions in the brain were being stimulated simultaneously
was suggested by the finding in 1988 that two neurons oscillate synchronously
(though they are not directly connected) when a single external object stimulates their
respective receptive fields. Subsequent experiments by many others demonstrated this
phenomenon in a wide range of visual cognition. In particular, Francis Crick and
Christ of Koch in 1990 argued that there is a significant relation between the binding
problem and the problem of visual consciousness and, as a result, that synchronous 40 Hz
oscillations may be causally implicated in visual awareness as well as in visual binding.
Later the same authors expressed skepticism over the idea that 40 Hz oscillations are a
sufficient condition for visual awareness.
*Note Though they are not directly connected. A Quantum entanglement a singularity?

Experiments on Tibetan Buddhist monks have shown a correlation between
transcendental mental states and gamma waves. A suggested explanation is based
on the fact that the gamma is intrinsically localized. Neuroscientist Sean O'Nuallain
suggests that this very existence of synchronized gamma indicates that something
akin to a singularity or, to be more prosaic, a conscious experience is occurring.
This work adduces experimental and simulated data to show that what meditation
masters have in common is the ability to put the brain into a state in which it is
maximally sensitive.

As hinted above, gamma waves have been observed in Tibetan Buddhist monks.
A 2004 study took eight long-term Tibetan Buddhist practitioners of meditation and,
using electrodes, monitored the patterns of electrical activity produced by their brains as
they meditated. The researchers compared the brain activity of the monks to a group of
novice meditators (the study had these subjects meditate an hour a day for one week
prior to empirical observation). In a normal meditative state, both groups were shown to
have similar brain activity. However, when the monks were told to generate an objective
feeling of compassion during meditation, their brain activity began to fire in a rhythmic,
coherent manner, suggesting neuronal structures were firing in harmony.

This was observed at a frequency of 25–40 Hz, the rhythm of gamma waves.
These gamma-band oscillations in the monk’s brain signals were the largest seen in humans
(apart from those in states such as seizures).
Conversely, these gamma-band oscillations were scant in novice meditators.
Though, a number of rhythmic signals did appear to strengthen in beginner meditators
with further experience in the exercise, implying that the aptitude for one to produce
gamma-band rhythm is trainable.

Such evidence and research in gamma-band oscillations may explain the heightened
sense of consciousness, bliss, and intellectual acuity subsequent to meditation.
Notably, meditation is known to have a number of health benefits: stress reduction,
mood elevation, and increased life expectancy of the mind and its cognitive functions.
The current Dalai Lama meditates for four hours each morning, and he says that it is
hard work. He elaborates that if neuroscience can construct a way in which he can reap
the psychological and biological rewards of meditation without going through the
practice each morning, he would be apt to adopt the innovation.