Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Abnormally being able to function in society

What is normal? It is said "You can see neurosis from below - as a sickness
as most psychiatrists see it. Or you can understand it as a compassionate man 
might: respecting the neurosis as a fumbling and inefficient effort toward 
good ends. - Abraham Maslow,

And so is the point a effort toward good ends. Well if people call you crazy
then so what. The point is to make good ends. Action, make it better.

Me? I am a romantic accepting people for who they are.
Theatrically saying, if I was with a woman that told me
she has sex with dogs my response is that does not change my 
feelings for her it just means we will be talking more about it to help.

Thinking as a therapist I would then talk about what is it about that, 
that turns them on about it. If you know what it is then the switch could be 
replaced with a less deviant one. If you know what the switch is then you would 
know how to get away from it. Or change the switch! 
Replace the dog with Furry fandom.
"No dog has anxiety on the morning after just three pairs and
happy afterwards! A new day!" WTF? Well in my mind I would think
about how to make things better. 

Obscenity? No! Keep in mind my girlfriend in high school was a ex teen prosatute
a victim of human trafficking. A hairdresser had a death threat from her testifying
in fed court. She barfed on the first date and took me to a gay bar. Barfed drunk and
nervous. Took me to a gay bar being no guys hit on women in gay bars.
She trust me, I gave her security in her life and that is very profound!
So is the point is to be good for and to make better long term.

So in my life with my loves and being a Psychology major in college I see myself
as a therapist. Not for only for good ends, but for new days!

So why did I get into Psychology when I was in college?
My past girlfriend saw her boyfriend have sex with her mom in a bad place,
and blacked out. She came back in a fetal position at her sisters middle school
not knowing how she got there!

~~~~~Normality Is a Paved Road: The Tumultuous Life of Vincent van Gogh
“Normality,” Vincent van Gogh once said, “is a paved road. It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.” There could not be a better defining quote for the nature of this Dutch painter’s life, as normality, if it came at all, never stayed for long. He was a man of many sides, all of which combined into a life of twists, turns, and sadness. Though van Gogh was somewhat of a tortured soul, the life he lived and the roles he played created the artist we revere today.

~~~~~Is There Such A Thing As A 'Good Psychopath'?
Oxymoronic, isn't it, the idea of a "good psychopath"?

But in their just published book, The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success, Andy McNab and Kevin Dutton argue that relying on some psychopathic traits can lead to a more successful life.

Andy is a British Special Air Service veteran and novelist; Kevin is an Oxford University psychologist. Kevin studies psychopaths. Andy says he is a psychopath.

Their checklist of psychopathic traits includes: charisma, charm, coolness under pressure, fearlessness, focus, impulsivity, lack of conscience, mental toughness, reduced empathy and ruthlessness.

"None of these characteristics are inherently bad in themselves," Kevin says. "When they become dysfunctional is when they are deployed inflexibly in the wrong contexts."

On the other hand, functional psychopaths according to the book are able to modulate their feelings to be more productive in business, in politics and in life.

***Noted, the point to good ends, to make life better with less harm brings up the 
point of the other end of bad ends. So is the light to do better and getting away from 
the daunting nature of a repeating history of a high functioning sociopath going into 
the grave in time! Floppily,  Floppily, Fud into the grave. What is the point of 
spinning around, around like a school of fish in a glitch. Bait balls to the wall and 
we all know how that ends not in good ends!

There are sociopaths in our midst. Some of them are high-functioning sociopaths. High-functioning or not, all lack empathy. All are antisocial; they ignore the rules and laws of society so they can live by their own norms. Cold, callus, and calculating, they stop at nothing to get what they want, and they are impervious to consequences and punishment. They all have the same clinical diagnosis: antisocial personality disorder.

Despite these commonalities, not every sociopath is created equal. As with everything else in life, there are individual differences. Some sociopaths are more effective at being who they are than are others. Those exceptionally skilled are often dubbed high-functioning sociopaths.

~~~~~Mental Health Stigma: Society, Individuals, and the Profession
Mental health conditions are pervasive around the world. In addition, the burden of these conditions is expected to grow over the next 20 years (Mathers & Loncar, 2006). Unfortunately, few individuals receive the psychiatric treatment they need, as individuals often do not seek services and frequently do not remain in care once they begin. The WHO (2001) has suggested that stigma is one of the largest barriers to treatment engagement, even though treatment has shown to be effective, even in low income countries (Patel, et al, 2007). While stigma remains evident in society, within individuals themselves, and among health professionals, the ethical problem of health professional stigma places an additional barrier on clients who seek needed mental health services.

Don’t let the title scare you away, it’s a mouthful, and yes, yes I am crazy. Normality in society has become this unachievable baseline. I believe that everyone experiences some form of abnormal psychological thought processes at one stage or another in their life. Apparently being abnormal was to demonstrate a significant deviation from accepted behaviour, emotion or thought patterns. The concept of normality is based on a sense of ‘wellbeing’, how is this a completely achievable state of being? No one is completely well all their life, our state of mind always shifting depending on the circumstance.

Does having bipolar disorder make me abnormal? In my opinion no, I perceive it as my ‘normal’ state of mind, I function on a day-to-day basis quite well, better than most actually, I receive high grades at university, work full time and participate actively in social circles, yet my ‘disorder’ by societies standards would make me ‘abnormal’. The perception of normal is dependent on societal standards of the time which vary by person, time, place, culture, and situation. Normality is self-perceived and regulated by each individual, the individuality of normalcy makes everyone abnormal.

OK, my actual point was to look at the fact that society doesn’t automatically correlate geniuses who have a mental illness with being abnormal, as long as their creative works eclipse their madness. This double-standard contradicts society’s perception of normality. In some instances these highly dysfunctional yet creative types aren’t given negative stigmas, the population preferring to believe that ‘anyone’ can be that creative without a mental illness or an abnormal perspective. For me it has become infuriating that people are blissfully unaware that so many of the world’s creative types and leaders suffered or suffer from mental illness. How do so many people with a mental illness become the leaders of so many people? I’ve started to believe that maybe they needed that extra push or mentally different mindset to get where they are. The people I’m talking about are Marilyn Monroe, Florence Nightingale, Edgar Allan Poe, Joan of Arc, Jackson Pollock, Russell Brand, Frank Sinatra, Brittany spears, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Adolf Hitler, Chris Brown, Abraham Lincoln,  Beethoven, Michelangelo, Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchhill, Isaac Newton, Thomas Jefferson, Einstein, DaVinci and NapolĂ©on Bonaparte (to name a few).

 “When times are good and the ship of state only needs to sail straight, mentally healthy people function well as political leaders. But in times of crisis and tumult, those who are mentally abnormal, even ill, become the greatest leaders. We might call this the Inverse Law of Sanity”

These forward thinkers and creative types of people suffered from a form of mental illness, so how do we judge ‘normalcy’ in society when we follow the ‘abnormal’ people? It seems that society overlooks the connection that a lot of literature pertaining to history’s brilliant minds is disregarded in its relationship to potential psychoses.  Socrates believed that a mental illness gives an already talented individual an edge. Everyone is located at a point on the mental health spectrum, mental health seen as a continuum, there is an association between the higher end of the spectrum and the capacity for a person to have an original thought.

In Plato’sPhaedrus, Socrates’ second speech he asks “If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a good poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman”.

Edgar Allen Poe – “Men have called me mad, but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence… [and] whether all that is profound, does not spring from disease of thought”Aristotle – “Why is it that all men who are outstanding in philosophy, poetry or the arts are melancholic?”

Cesare Lombroso – Theorised that a man of genius was essentially a degenerate whose madness was a form of evolutionary compensation for excessive intellectual development.

Neil Cole (psychiatrist) – “the word associations, puns, flight of ideas, that are an intrinsic part of bipolar disorder in its manic phase, and the reflective thoughts, ruminations and the stripping of life away to the bare essentials that are experienced during the depressive phase, in my view, considerably enhance the artist’s armoury of ideas”. Believing that the ‘genius’ factor hinges on eccentricity.

“When a superior intellect and a psychopathic temperament coalesce – as in the endless permutations and combinations of the human faculty, they are bound to coalesce often enough – in the same individual, we have the best possible condition for the kind of effective genius”

Mental illnesses can be incredibly destructive; it has to be considered that without obsessive research habits, extreme moods and neurotic drives we wouldn’t have a lot of our scientific knowledge, art and literature. Although not all people with a mental illness are geniuses likewise not all geniuses have a mental illness.

~~~~~Mental Illness In Modern Society
The facts are harrowing—one of every four human beings will be diagnosed with a mental disorder in their lifetime. Half of these people will be younger than the age of 25 and 75 percent of these people will have a associate's degree or higher.

The newest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition) states that "a mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological or developmental processes underlying mental functioning."

However, for modern society, the topic of mental illness is somewhat of a scapegoat, just as much now as it was in the past. When I say in the past I mean many things. For example, homeless people would be placed in asylums in the early, modernized, days of America because it was mentally unstable to "choose" to live in poverty; a culture in Asia will throw people into an asylum for believing in any spiritual being. These people are ostracized because they deter from the societies cultural norms.

Yet today, people are pushed under the umbrella topic of mental disorders if they strike someone as different. If you decide to try something that is not culturally normal then you could be ostracized. Someone could say that you have a problem, clinically, when it comes to your mind. This is seen when someone who wears a lot of black clothing is said to be depressed simply because of their style, when in all reality they only like the color black.

People who sleep a lot during the day also are coined as depressed. Staying up late at night studying, watching a movie or TV, or even just staying awake does not mean that you have a psychological mood disorder.

Still, the words psychopath, delusional and insane get thrown around without any precaution; they get pinned on people who do not have a problem clinically just because they are deviating from the norms of the cultural society. They are ostracized by words.

Also, there are people who seem to believe that mental disorders do not actually exist. The fact of the matter is that psychological illnesses are just as real and just as prominent as physiological illnesses. People with schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, manic depression, Down's syndrome, autism and/or antisocial personality disorder are living proof that mental disorders exist and that they require the same, if not more, amount of care and treatment as physiological disorders. Each new revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is not for nothing -- it is there to help psychiatrists and psychologists diagnose and treat the mental illnesses that are so prominent today, just as there are medical journals and textbooks revised and edited every year to help doctors and surgeons diagnose and treat the physiological illnesses that are also so prominent.

What I am trying to say is that one should not "diagnose" someone with mental illnesses just because they come across as different. Do not use words like psychopath, sociopath, retarded (which is a word that I hate with a passion), delusional or schizo without taking time to learn about what those words mean and understanding that, everyday, there are people who suffer with the repercussions of these words. These illnesses are real and the people who suffer with them everyday are real.

So, before you use words to ostracize someone from your society, think about those words, think about the person who you are talking about, and think about the weight of those words. First of all, leave the person alone who seems different, let them live their life. Second, buy a dictionary and learn new words other than the aforementioned ones. Take some time to educate yourself on the backgrounds of these illnesses and what the words mean.

Learn kindness, then teach it.