Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Shes a woman hear her roar

There is a point to life to recognize something meaningful in your life.
And the point for all to understand times are still changing regardless.
As lovers of life we all love needing each other as life goes on together 
we all are not doomed!

“A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed. We are one planet. One of the great revelations of the age of space exploration is the image of the earth finite and lonely, somehow vulnerable, bearing the entire human species through the oceans of space and time.” Carl Sagan

So in these times people need to think of their placement in life.
For the woman to put on the pants on in the family taking over to save herself,
is needed and should be respected as it is a evolutionary action...
Even though the Cavewoman seems to be that way from the beginning!
But for today it's evolutionary and needed! Life would be better off that way!
No woman is an island but it would be better if she took over the ship!

~~~~~Great Moments in Science Writing: The Alpha Cavewoman Fiasco

A study has found evidence of ‘alpha cavewomen’ roaming the plains and calling the shots while the menfolk slobbed at home.
The discovery could put paid to the belief that cavemen were the aggressive, violent go-getters in the relationship between the sexes.
It also raises the intriguing possibility that Fred Flintstone, the eternally henpecked half of the cartoon partnership with Wilma, might actually have mirrored life on Earth all those centuries ago.
Yes, “all those centuries ago”—certainly the preferred way of describing events dating back roughly two million years.
What impresses me is that essentially none of the “facts” presented in those three paragraphs is supported in any way by the source material—the new report “Strontium isotope evidence for landscape use by early hominins” in Nature (02 June 2011) by Sandi R. Copeland, Matt Sponheimer and their colleagues. Ewen Calloway provides a far less loopy story on the discovery for Nature News, and anthropologist Margaret J. Schoeninger offers commentary. Read either of those for a more informative discussion.
In brief, the scientists were looking for information about how widely those ancient ancestors of humanity called australopithecines wandered in the course of their lives. To that end, they looked at the relative amounts of two strontium isotopes in the teeth of two groups of fossil remains from caves in South Africa. Those strontium ratios were characteristic of the differing soils in the two areas, and of the differing types of vegetation that grew in them; the australopithecines in each locality would have ingested that strontium and tucked it into their tooth enamel when they were young.
What the studies revealed was that at each location, the teeth from bigger specimens (presumably the males) tended to have local strontium signatures whereas the teeth from smaller specimens (presumably the females) had isotopes from elsewhere. The researchers’ conclusion, as they wrote in the abstract to their article, was that “females were more likely than males to disperse from their natal groups. This is similar to the dispersal pattern found in chimpanzees, bonobos and many human groups, but dissimilar from that of most gorillas and other primates.” In other words, the sexes may have had very distinct foraging habits that led to the females resettling in new communities while the males generally stayed put.