In 1987 our Church youth group went to Colorado, Horn Peak.
This was in a bad time for me, my dad was sick at the time
and there was nothing I could do, he was ok but recovering.
This was hard for a 17 year old at the time!
I went to the trip with a lot on my mind.
We got there and did our youth group stuff. I met a strange
woman that said she worked at Los Alamo New Mexico.
She hung around me a lot. I tried to look her up in college but no luck!
This still bugs me today. I'm a interesting person to talk to!
We finality hiked up the peak a 13450 ft hike and climb.
And I almost fell down the peak as I free hand climbed on the
side of the trail on the top. The rock I had a hold of came out
of the mountain. Believe it or not the wind blew me back in
of the mountain. Believe it or not the wind blew me back in
balance where I could grab another rock.
These are one of the strange times in my life where I tend
to be saved from disaster.
So to me I don't take life serious. When I love, I love regardless.
I am open because life is short! Keep in mind when I was a kid I got
hit by a car doing 45 mph+ on a moped doing 0 making a left turn.
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I am still here today! When I say I love you, I do!
So about the Relating part? In 1987 as many kids did back then
I had a Duran, Duran haircut. So as the song goes "We fight for love!"
And isn't that what it's about, regardless! "Something just like this!"