Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Vlad the Impaler Masturbating and Hitlers one Testical

In college my friends where History majors so they knew about this
and in my Psychology classes it also was somewhat talked about,
partly for entertainment but knowledge!

As the sayings goes, "The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge." 
Bertrand Russell.

Many may not of known but Hitler had one testicle!
In December 2015, it was reported that doctor's notes from Landsberg Prison
recorded that Hitler had "right-sided cryptorchidism".


But many knew and the info was on file in many governments
in Hitlers time.

Vlad the Impaler masturbating? Well yes there are many references
from Vlad's surroundings about his bad deeds.

"In some cases, the pole was rounded, not sharp, to avoid damaging internal
organs and thereby prolong the suffering of the victim. The pole was then raised
vertically to display the victim's torment - it could take hours or days for the
impaled person to die."

Also is said from the point is that Vlad was said to have erection problems
and it was said that he was able to get off by the face of death.
Noted by the story that Vlad liked to have people impaled or tied on the roof
during a lighting storm. He masturbated as as they got hit!

Many stories can be seen as exaggeration to push out fear to secure the nation.
But he was bad so most is seen as true just relating to fact!

"In total, Vlad is estimated to have killed about 80,000 people through various means.
This includes some 20,000 people who were impaled and put on display outside the city
of Targoviste: The sight was so repulsive that the invading Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II,
after seeing the scale of Vlad's carnage and the thousands of decaying bodies being
picked apart by crows, turned back and retreated to Constantinople."

So what is the point of all of this? It relates to why they are like they are.
In Psychology you would know about the inferiority complex!

"An inferiority complex is a lack of self-worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings
of not measuring up to standards. It is often subconscious, and is thought to drive
afflicted individuals to overcompensate, resulting either in spectacular achievement
or extreme asocial behavior. In modern literature, the preferred terminology is
"lack of covert self-esteem".For many, it is developed through a combination of
genetic personality characteristics and personal experiences."

And as I remember one of the talks about it was is that if a therapist went
back in time and knowing all of this, would he be able to work with them for
a change stopping all behavior before all happened or curved it after.
Possible but who would be willing to go!

Those are the interesting questions asked in college and to the point of making
other points from the other point.

Much knowledge is gained from useless knowledge!